Hey guys,
So one thing that's freaking me out right now is using data to support your argument. My half yearly requires us to write two essays, one one Australia's place in the global economy and the other on our economy of our choice. There are all these trends and stats that we need to memorise, but how do you select the examples that you can tailor to any short-answer/essay question and how do you actually use them? Where do you place them in your responses?
Thanks guys.
So one thing that's freaking me out right now is using data to support your argument. My half yearly requires us to write two essays, one one Australia's place in the global economy and the other on our economy of our choice. There are all these trends and stats that we need to memorise, but how do you select the examples that you can tailor to any short-answer/essay question and how do you actually use them? Where do you place them in your responses?
Thanks guys.