What am I required to pay? (1 Viewer)


Dec 23, 2005
Hey guys, I am a first year student this year, I am wondering what else am I required to pay besides the student contribution fee.

Do I have to pay some sort of fee in order to use the Library Facilities?

Oh I am going to go create my student ID card tomorrow, I do it at the student centre right? and is there also a fee for this?

Basically all I want is a list of thing that I am required to pay as a first year student....

All I know so far is that I am required to pay a $500 contribution fee and to pay for all my text book, and that is $1000 so thats not bad.



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Mar 1, 2004
Jaron2005 said:
Hey guys, I am a first year student this year, I am wondering what else am I required to pay besides the student contribution fee.

Do I have to pay some sort of fee in order to use the Library Facilities?

Oh I am going to go create my student ID card tomorrow, I do it at the student centre right? and is there also a fee for this?

Basically all I want is a list of thing that I am required to pay as a first year student....

All I know so far is that I am required to pay a $500 contribution fee and to pay for all my text book, and that is $1000 so thats not bad.

the only library fees you pay for is printing, binding, photocopying, late fees on books you borrow.
You dont pay for your student card the first time you get one, just dont lose it cause i think it costs $25 for a new one. other than that no other fees really.


Oct 3, 2004
Jaron2005 said:
Hey guys, I am a first year student this year, I am wondering what else am I required to pay besides the student contribution fee.
You don't 'have' to pay anything. Theres no compulsory student unionism anymore so the invoice they sent you should have said "Amount Due: Nil". If you don't wish to pay the actual contributions will default and can be paid off as a tax on your income later in life. But if you are paying for it now then thats even better.

Jaron2005 said:
Oh I am going to go create my student ID card tomorrow, I do it at the student centre right? and is there also a fee for this?
You only need to pay for these if you lose it. The first one is free though.


Jaron2005 said:
Hey guys, I am a first year student this year, I am wondering what else am I required to pay besides the student contribution fee.

Do I have to pay some sort of fee in order to use the Library Facilities?

Oh I am going to go create my student ID card tomorrow, I do it at the student centre right? and is there also a fee for this?

Basically all I want is a list of thing that I am required to pay as a first year student....

All I know so far is that I am required to pay a $500 contribution fee and to pay for all my text book, and that is $1000 so thats not bad.

You don't need to pay to use the library facilities - you use your student id card and put money on it to use photocopying and printing but that's it - the library itself, borrowing books and the like, is free.

Student ID card is free the first time. If you lose it or ruin it, it's a $25 fee for a new one. If your wallet/bag is stolen etc and you have a police report number, it's free (I know from experience :p)

You aren't "required" to pay a $500 contribution free - that's up to you if you want to or not, it's not something that everyone does.

Text books vary in cost depending on your course/the unit. They can be $250+ each or as little as $20 so make sure you check before budgeting.

If you wish to join the student union, you will have a fee for that - the amount is not available as yet. It is likely that printing and photocopying facilities, food, gym use, etc will be slightly more expensive if you aren't a union member, but again, the amounts are unkonwn as yet.

If you want to join any clubs or societies, you'll have to pay for those too (although some are free). Most societies are $2-5 per year, although some who try to rort students were much more in the past.. they may have changed that by now though and again. will be affected by how the union will now run.

If you ever want to order an academic transcript for an interview or something like that, that's $20/25? can't remember which. You can't use a print out off platformweb of your results as an "academic record" so you'd need one of those if you ever are going for an interview and they want a copy of your record.

You may also need to do class presentations etc - so account into your budget the likelhood of having to do powerpoints and handouts because if you print overheads at uni they're $1.10 each, so if you have 20, that's already $20 for one presentatoin + handouts + any other things you may need.

If you are driving to uni, you'll need a parking permit. The standard one is $49 for a year, the otehrs are a rip off imo. If you don't buy one, you'll have to pay $4 a day. Don't be stupid like so many people in here who go on and on about how it's not worth it and you won't get fined - it is likely you WILL be fined - they go around the car parks and check and teh fine is more than the permit. It's not that expensive... if yo'ure at uni say, 3 days a week + exams, that's around 90 days so it works out at less than 50c a day so its better than paying per day.

That's about all i can think of atm apart from the obvious things like transport/petrol.

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