well i have an interest in my degree (engineering) for starters. although the idea was introduced to me by friends about mid year 12 ive thought about it and i honestly think it suits me pretty well. ive noticed that about half my conversations with a close friend turn out being "wouldnt it be cool if someone made this thing that does this....." or "i wonder if its possible to create a such and such which does such and such" and weve made a list of some some-what realistic inventions which may or may not make us multi millionaires, should we ever have the knowledge to create them.
the only other thing i had my eye on was digital media with a major in 3d animation, which i guess ill be keeping as a hobby now rather than a career choice. ive always been more of a science/maths than an arts kind of guy, so i cant really say im disappointed with getting my second preference. the first one felt like a little bit of a gamble anyways.
makes my parents happy that im doing engineering. they didnt really nag me or force me to do anything (besides actually getting into uni) but they seem to really love that i got into my engineering and now my mum is allowed to gossip to all our relatives about it.,,...some asian thing *shrugs
ive also just learnt that engineering is apparently much harder to get into in Thailand and is up there with the Medical/Law degrees, so my mum has now gained extra bragging power with her sister-in-law whos son (my cousin) made it into medicine. She is probably unaware of how easy it is, relatively, to get into engineering in Australia.
also i cannot deny that the extra moolah will come in handy

my parents have accumulated a fair bit of debt with the bank/relatives that me and my sister are now responsible for repaying.