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What did you write about? (1 Viewer)


Aug 16, 2005
Back in Aus!
What was everyone's story about for the creative response?

Mine was crime fiction, about a guy who was following a girl he'd seen in a movie (hence the picture) and it sounded like he was going to attack her, but then he found the body of the woman she'd just killed, and phoned the police and such. It was okay, I think. :)

I like hearing about people's stories! Go on, spill!

celluloid love

New Member
Sep 4, 2004
here's mine. I got a 23/25 for it in the trials. I did postmodernism by the way.

also, bonus points for the people who pick out the Smashing Pumpkins reference. :p


The feeling between the participants of the text is mutual: both reader and author share some level of curiosity regarding the potential capabilities of the words that are to follow. I study pseudo-mathematics at the University Of Fairfield, Connecticut. Establishment of fact. Do not assume that fact is necessarily real: in this text, ‘fact’ is merely a component of the makeup of someone’s perspective. To Connor Matthews, I do not study pseudo-mathematics. I study symbols on pieces of paper that do not mean anything, individually or collectively.

Pseudo-mathematics involves three key rules: firstly and most importantly, that preconceptions regarding traditional mathematics must be disregarded. Secondly, space and time are not constant, and finally, not everything is plausible in communication through pen and paper.

We get all sorts of folks here. Stupid blondes that paid their way in, lonely housebound nerds who live with their parents, intellectual males of the highest order who want more out of science, and middle-aged women who are bored at home and study pseudo-maths as an escape from their mundane lives.

What sounds like an interesting group of people to some, sounds like the most predictable bunch of individuals imaginable to others.

“Wipe the slate clean” then. Fifty-two plus thirty-three still equals eighty-five. Those characters disappear before they even existed, and you missed it. “Who did that?”

“You’ve gotten yourself into a mess again, Connor. Standards do not apply here…but that does not mean there are no limits.”

“But sir – “

“There are no buts either, Connor. You must learn to understand that your educators want only the best for you.”

There is slight frustration from all participants at this point, and the fact that I have a terrible headache is not helping anyone. But I’ll answer the question that has been eating away at the both of us before I take a brief nap. There are not two physical beings named ‘Connor Matthews’ in this story. Then what is going on? Well…how many clichés have you counted so far? Here is another: ‘patience is a virtue’.

“I think pseudo-maths is bull, to be totally honest with you.”

“Why? Because it doesn’t have a structure? It has nothing that you can readily hold onto? That’s what I love about it…I get lost in it. It has no boundaries, no edges, no author and no distinct style…it’s just whatever the mathematician makes it out to be. And then there’s the idea that at the very centre of it is this unified…thing…it’s like some sort of holy origin, but it’s only there if you want it to be.”

“You sound like a preacher. You sound like you’ve just come back from an enlightening day at the Church. I think this course is getting to you.”

“I don’t care. It’s a great course. I don’t know. I’m into this sort of stuff.”

Mary is 12 years old. Her mother is twice her age and of Polynesian descent – why can’t it just be politically correct like normal maths? Someone could get offended by this sort of thing – in how many years will Mary be twice her mother’s age?

“Now pay attention. Concentrate on the question. Don’t let it be a brainless exercise.”

Carlos raises his hand. Carlos is 4 years younger than his mother.

“Seven - “

“Wrong. You didn’t think it through.”

Godspeed You! Black Emperor plays on the speakers as I leave the building. I recognise this song but I don’t have a reason why. There is a four-way division: Lift Yr. Skinny Fists, Like Antennas To Heaven... [00:00 - 06:15], Gathering Storm [06:15 - 17:25], "Welcome To Barco AM/PM..." [L.A.X.; 5/14/00] [17:25 - 18:40], Cancer Towers On Holy Road Hi-way [18:40 - 22:32].

A sample refers to a value or set of values at a point in time and/or space. The defining point of a sample is that it is a chosen value out of a continuous signal. The sample need not be discrete or digital (a common misunderstanding), but just like this sentence, the song is a series of fragments, blended together to make something new…a reconstruction of the past. Blink and you will miss it.

“Hell, move your eyes and it’s gone. It’s distorted. Everybody knows Chinese Whispers.”

I sit in my car, driving down the silent highway. A burnt orange sunset follows me home, with blemishes of pink amongst the clouds, as if to prove some sort of divine intervention has taken place. But the Church is a thing of the past. So my radio tells me. This is not just any radio, either: it’s a digital radio. Technically, I receive the signals before they’re even aired…somewhere along the line we lost our sense of time, and the time zones were abandoned in our collective absent-mindedness. The sky has turned a rich blue, like velvet, and the holiness of the whole spectacle seems to fade like a burnt-out flame. I reach the automatic garage door to my one-story suburban cottage, and five-hundred and seventy-two thousand mathematical equations occur simultaneously.

And what of translating foreign text books? It’s a political-institutional problem of the university linked to the values of traditional teaching…don’t you know anything?

We have digital radio, but no television. It appears that was just a phase. We now have this headset-type gear that attaches to our head and covers our eyes, without blinding us from everything else, through some clever contraption. Life imitates techno-babbling cyber-geeks who sit at home and usually come up with the best ideas anyway. The author of long-gone company Microsoft’s Windows is not who you think it is, after all.


“Yes Martin?”

“Well sir, I’m having a problem with this course.”

“Well it’s supposed to be difficult – that’s the idea. We’re showing you new ideas that you haven’t seen before. It will make sense soon enough.”

“No, it’s not that. You see, I received a letter from a Japanese friend yesterday. And it said…”

“What did it say, Martin?”

“Well it was a translation of one of the pseudo-maths books, into Japanese.”

“Do you want to talk to me after class about this? We have to move on.”

“In translation, it revealed holes. Certain meanings were lost because they have different connotations in Japanese. Some of the equations don’t even exist in other languages.”

“Do you have a point, Martin? I can discuss this with you, but not at the present moment.”

“Sir, it’s not universal anymore. It can’t work.”

"Martin, it's not supposed to be a method. It never was. It's a study of interest. That's the type of subject you study here."

“But it has to be looked at in context!”

“There is no context Martin! This is what you have failed to see the entire semester. The “context” as you call it is on-going…that is what pseudo-maths is all about.”

The boy shrunk into his chair and the teacher told him he would discuss the matter later. Fifty-two plus thirty-three does NOT equal eighty-five, and the division sign does not apply. The boy was crushed. He spent the rest of his days translating random symbols and equations. Approximately thirteen years later, the boy, who was now a man, took his own life, when he couldn’t take not fitting in anymore.

But I still drive in my car, with my digital radio turned up, because I don’t care. Your grandfather’s dead and I don’t care. School in South America has just been blown up by a bunch of crazy extremists. I don’t care. World War Three and I don’t care. Famous translator found dead, causes unknown, and I still…don’t care. My nice expensive car goes off the side of the road, and I’m happy. Thirty-three minus fifteen still equals eighteen, and that’s about how many seconds I have to go. Seventeen seconds. Seventeen seconds of compassion. Seventeen seconds of peace. Seventeen seconds to remember love is the energy behind which all is created. Seventeen seconds to remember all that is good. Seventeen seconds to forget all your hurt and pain. Seventeen seconds of faith. Seventeen seconds to trust you again. Seventeen seconds of radiance. Seventeen seconds to send a prayer up.

Seventeen seconds is all you really need.


copyright David Akerman 2005.


C U Next Tuesday.
Feb 7, 2004
Bleeding Red, White and Blue.
Im doing Crime Fiction and the girl in the picture was Cynthia from TRIH- the fire burning in the background was the burning down of Muldoon Manor and my story was about how the characters of the play were plotting to kill Tom Stoppard for breaking the ultimate rule by not allowing the "dead to stay dead". Then Eddie Mars (the mysterious guy) comes along and hes helping them to gun down Stoppard, then Cynthia refuses because she loves Stoppard ("...But I love Stoppard !") and runs off and all of a suddenly out of nowhere, Marlowe comes out of nowhere and theyre talking etc. Then they realise that Eddie Mars was originally killed as well...

I dnt know. If you dont do The Real Inspector Hound or Big Sleep, you wont get it. I think i screwed it by being so mentally insane today. Excuse my insaneness, i slept for 2hours last night. The best i can get is maybe...10? I wrote 14 pages, i should get something decent hopefully.
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Paranoid Android
Mar 14, 2005
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
That's a pretty impressive postmodern story there. I especially like the Godspeed You! Black Emperor reference :D

I did crime fiction. My story was set in the future and the detective was a computer. Eventually the computer develops human characteristics and exacts 'justice' on the human population ie. having a go at destroying civilisation.

It sounds pretty crap like that but it's a 25/25 according to my English teacher :D
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New Member
Sep 7, 2005
My story was about a girl on her wedding day who goes looking for her new husband when she cant find him and finds him dead in a store room with two guys around him claiming they killed him because he was the ringleader in a homosexual cult who had been raping and killing young boys...then she finds out they are lying and just wanted to frame him and so she burns them in the store room....then she wakes up in a mental institution, because she has that same recurring dream every night, and she stabs one of the doctors who was the same guy as one of them in her dream because in reality he was poisoning people in the hospital and her dreams were letting her know that he was an evil man

odd i know, but meh it came to me on the spot i didnt like the picture to work with
Mar 13, 2005
The Shire
i did individual and society and the picture didnt really lend itself to anything id pre-prepared but i made it fit....

the guy in the pciture was writing my generic creative story....
its set in C19th, winter in England, and a girl named Rose is taking a train ride with her governess who is teaching her to be a 'lady'.
I had the whole imagery of her being cooped up and restricted in the train carriage and wishing she could be outside and free (blah blah blah... autonomy and independence!).
She has an arranged marriage with a wealthy man and she isnt happy with it.... blah blah blah. She has a dream about being outside in the winter.... blah blah blah....
when she wakes up they have arrived and her mother is waiting for them. She mentions the marriage, Rose gets cut and she jumps back on the train as it pulls out of the station!
Wah-lah! She is free!
When the guy in the picture finishes his story he realises that it is against propriety in Victorian society so he throws it out and tries to write another one.....

So thats my story... a desperate attempt to include that feckin picture!


New Member
Oct 26, 2005
blue mountains
I did RFTG
Ronald McDonald renounces McDonalds and meets up with Suzuki to talk about stuff. Ronald McDonald becomes self seficient and starts up a farm. (old mcdonald had a farm)


Aug 23, 2004
Cundletown, NSW
reposted from rftg thread

my creative was possibly the saddest thing i've ever written...really...and thats not because of the quality of it...it was what i was writing...

this guy had been drinking and had quit his job and his wife wasn't happy so they had this big argument and he kept going on about the good life without money that he had planned for the family and how his wife just couldn't see it...she couldn't see that they didn't need money to be happy

she tried to hit him and he hit her then threw a vase at her and knocked her out...he dragged her to their room and as he was dragging her he was saying stuff like "you just didn't understand...you just couldn't see" then when he gets the gun and fires it, he keeps saying "we could have been happy"....

then once thats over he goes outside and his children have gotten up and they ask if mummy is ok...he says she is but she just has a headache (hiding the gun at this point) and that the bang they heard was him dropping something....when they finally go to bed he considers doing them over briefly as well but can't bring himself to do it...

he then goes to the kitchen and makes the kids lunches and packs their bags for school the next day and leaves a note for them saying "daddy had to leave early and mummy is resting so i got ur stuff ready for school"...

he then goes out to his shed (as per the picture) and writes the last page in a book he's been writing...he goes on about the life they could have had and apologises to the kids and tells them that "mummy and daddy both love you and we are sorry we couldn't give you the lives u deserved" and stuff like that.....he then realises that he will meet his wife after death and they will have the life he had hoped for after all

last thing is gunshot being heard and birds flying up into the ever blackening sky......

so as you can see its fairly bloody warped.....i've got no idea where it came from....all my planning notes said were

"argument with wife over money" and
"get him to be writing in the shed"

and there u have it......



Hungry. Feed me.
Jul 1, 2004
on the phone (or sleeping)
celluloid love: how did you link the stimulus picture in?

Edit: Wooooo, should have written about my storyline. It was just a lot of random musings and (seemingly) rhetorical questions of the dude in the messy room and there was a bit of intertextuality and allusions and crap thrown in to the bible and stuff, when i wrote something along the lines of "I am the creator. I am who I am." and yeah. Lots of irony and stuff, talked about signifiers and signified, also talked about meaning and stuff, tried to subvert the concept of time/tenses... Hope I did okay... It was pomo, in case you can't tell...
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Pumpkin Eater

New Member
Oct 28, 2005
Ah, I just shared this with some folks and got a positive reaction, so I thought I'd share the love.

For those who haven't done it, classic hard-boiled crime fiction is really sexist. So for my creative writing, I did an exaggerated misogynistic hard-boiled detective who refers to the female character by her 'pairs' - "I first met that pair of legs when they walked into my office attached to the hips of Alice York, a dame with a number of other nice pairs" - the whole way through. Anyway, the morning of English, I woke up in the wee hours, utterly destroyed by daylight savings (grr), but with a phrase in my head that I somehow knew I had to use in my creative:

I like my scotch the way I like my women - straight, and full of alcohol.

Didn't know if it was mine. Didn't know if I'd remembered it from somewhere or if it was divine inspiration, but I just now googled the words "straight and full of alcohol" and "I like my scotch the way I like my women." Looks like it's mine. Google didn't find anything with the first search, and the second search only turned up

I like my scotch the way I like my women: twelve years old, and with a little bit of coke.



New Member
Jun 16, 2005
yeah i was seriously doubting my sanity as i reread my creative piece, i was the woman sitting on the ground. a pschyokiller who killed men for the thrill of it, never left any clues as she force fed her victims the latex gloves she'de used to disembowle them as they gaged for their last breath but nearly got caught by a cop McMatherson. she finally tracked him down and drugged him and had strapped in the car, she set it on fire and watched him as he burnt alive (i described it like the blood and pus taking on a life of it's own as it boiled) and talked about the screams of her victims that haunted her dreams. then she put on his shoes and walked away from the crime, where the only clue was the dead mans footprints walking away from the scene and she laughed as she knew that his screams would echo in "tonights satisfied slumber"

and i swear i'm normal ay, it just came to me in there... wierd
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Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
x_meow_x said:
two guys around him claiming they killed him because he was the ringleader in a homosexual cult who had been raping and killing young boys...
*raises eyebrows*

juzzy said:
yeah i was seriously doubting my sanity as i reread my creative piece, i was the woman sitting on the ground. a pschyokiller who killed men for the thrill of it, never left any clues as she force fed her victims the latex gloves she'de used to disembowle them as they gaged for their last breath but nearly got caught by a cop McMatherson. she finally tracked him down and drugged him and had strapped in the car, she set it on fire and watched him as he burnt alive (i described it like the blood and puss taking on a life of it's own as it boiled) and talked about the screams of her victims that haunted her dreams. then she put on his shoes and walked away from the crime, where the only clue was the dead mans footprints walking away from the scene and she laughed as she knew that his screams would echo in "tonights satisfied slumber"

and i swear i'm normal ay, it just came to me in there... wierd
Good story. strangely cathartic...but i have a query about the underlined bits: wouldnt an autopsy find the gloves?

edit: i think it's P-U-S...?
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Fookin' Hell
Nov 24, 2004
At my desk
This is roughly what I wrote. (Speculation Fiction) I remember most of it:

She was knelt there in a white silk dress - beautiful and forlorn - staring into oblique nothingness. The fiery remains of a car lay behind her; it seemed to perturb her not as she stared at her oncoming providence. My heart broke to see such tragedy, but I knew I could do nothing to stop her fate. All I know is that those people that come for us now are controlling my fear and my life. As I sit hunched in this dank basement with an assortment of bewildered and terrified individuals, I cast my memories back to the old Kiatrin. I was happy then…happy.

Everything started to change when two old men had a disagreement which led to the rending asunder of life as we knew it. The diarchy of the Sovereign Lands was one that had for the longest time been prosperous and suited to benefit its people dynamically. Between the two kings there was balance. Alex and Arthur, both titles given at the advent of newly gained ascension to the throne. Named after two fabled kings, the two kings’ real names were never told to the public so it seemed like there had been no shift in leadership. The less unrest the better, it had worked for centuries why would there be any change?

Scientists had always claimed that space rocks that had fallen into our orbit were an ‘untapped’ source of knowledge. I did not really understand what that meant until recently. But it was these rocks which began the undoing of our society. “ANCIENT DOCUMENTS FOUND!” blared the chirpy and excitable TV News presenter as I remember. Never before had something like this been found. Believed to have been a large rock at first, the object that was discovered was actually some sort of capsule. Egg-like in appearance this was a vision everyone watched in awe as the scenes flash across the nation.

At this time I feel obliged to mention that in Kiatrin, faith was in no means an obligatory feature of society – not even a ‘moral’ dictum that people repeated with hollow meaning. Faith itself was unheard of in the way we lived – a technocracy in every way. Faith had never existed, that is – until now. These “ANCIENT DOCUMENTS” were in fact found in a time-capsule from the legendary planet of “Earth”. Earth was the story everyone had heard from their Grandfathers, the fabled planet that we escaped from due to over-population and rampant disease which forced us to colonise on another planet. Earth was also meant to be the source of ‘Alex and Arthur’ the names of our kings. A book known as “The Holy Bible” was released to the public due to the insistence of Alex. Based on the teachings of two men called John and Charles Wesley…a new feature in society had now been introduced, a concept called ‘Methodism’ – the advent of faith. This is where the chaos began.

Man is an arrogant creature, with exalted opinions of his own worth and value. He is thus blinded by his subjectivity and becomes angry at anyone who he perceives to be trying to tilt his pedestal. Within weeks, the ‘faith’ was gaining mass popularity – based on the virtues of love and peace, this was later to become the greatest irony. At first it was harmless with the planning and construction of various buildings they referred to as “churches”. People would go every “Sunday” and refuse to work. This was problematic as the Kiatrin work schedule was a very specific and efficient and was tailored in a way which saw work for ten days with a break of four days every ‘Tendy’ as we called it. The efficient ‘tendy’ work system that we had known from the very start of our society was being tested with the new ‘Methodists’ refusing to work on the 7th day of their tendy working week. Issues were soon resolved, but this almost seemed like an attack against the technocracy we had always known and loved.

“Alex claims Methodism as his new way of life!” The TV news boomed. This came as a shock to a lot of people, but as a pleasant surprise to many of the new Methodists. It was not long before we saw sweeping changes to the way in which we lived – open debates criticising and attacking our scientific ways were a new feature which gained the support of many of the ‘church-goers’. Arthur was steadfast in his views and openly and loyally supported the technocracy and claiming this ‘faith’ as a “…phase that would not last.” This was of course much to the disagreement of Alex. This started the first ever signs of tension between the two kings. Things like this had never been known before.

Working in my laboratory one evening I was slowly analysing a chemical compound for a new research project…when all of a sudden a loud CRASH blasted the door off of its hinges. I was naturally very alarmed and did not know the meaning or nature behind this event. I looked out of the door into what should have been the rest of the facility…there was nothing left except the morbid flames of destruction. I learned later that this was an attack organised by a newly established group called “The Crusaders” who fought against science and the ideals of the technocracy. This was only a mild beginning…

Slowly these ‘Methodists’ began to make profound accusations and observations about Kiatrin. They say that our planet in many ways resembled the ‘Earth’ that we had heard so much about through anecdote. Strange as these accusations may be, I had read the Bible and the opening chapter of ‘Genesis’ and the world described that was built by the scientist ‘God’, was remarkably similar to our own. But I was steadfast to being indifferent and impartial to the obvious divisions of beliefs there now were in society. Those who live by a religious dogma will never renounce their faith due to the security and trust they have in it. In our case, the Methodists and the Crusaders were gaining power and support – they were taking over. Not forcefully at first, but soon anger and violence would worm its way into things.

Claiming words from some kind of ‘Old Testament’ the Methodists felt it their duty to fight wars for religion. This was aimed at us… “Arthur executed for his crimes against Methodism!” I heard this whilst I was behind my now barred windows at home. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked back on the society I once knew…now I think of how chaotic it has become. The peace and harmony the Bible preached was ironically ignored by the Methodists as they fought their “Holy War” against the technocracy. We could not fight back – we had no need for weapons - the only ones we had were explosives for testing. The Crusaders were quick to steal all of those in raid after raid of scientific complexes. The technocracy was now in dissolution…and as I sat there on my wall…on neither side of this foolish war. I could not help but to wonder when my wall would crumble…and I with it.

Enraged and almost insane on the ‘drug’ of their faith, the Methodists were particularly brutal because of their belief that the technocracy had been abusing and denying them the perfect world their ‘God’ had created for them. Funny how in their crusades, the crusaders could not or would not remember the virtues that the book preached as they continued with their Holy War. Innocent men, women and children were killed, raped and tortured, and then the bodies defiled or tossed and burned. A group of about ten people and I were forced to murder a group of them as they came at us with fire in their eyes. It was then I saw her, in her white silk dress – a flower against the meretricious darkness of chaos. We ran and found the bank; it had a vault and a secure basement. On our arrival we found that it had been robbed and broken and that the basement would only serve as a temporary bastion against our approaching fate.

So as I sit here in this dank basement, I look back on the happier times of my life, when society had not been skewed by the advent of the “phase” that obviously did not go away. A tear slides down my face as I remember her - the flower...the woman I could only slip past like a vandal...leaving her to certain death. The wall on which upon I sat has now crumbled – I have not yet hit the ground, but I know that in a few moments time…it will all be over and I will be a forgotten name amongst the rubble of our tortured society.


Feb 20, 2005
hey mine was very weird
i did crime fiction and hardboiled genre and i was the detective
started off sayin how i have no job at the moment becuz a case remains etched in my brain.. and i describe his last case as protecting a womans husband on their wedding day but he fails and "the lady in white" plagues him and every1 knows he stuffed up so hes life is spiralling down with no job,, so he wants a job fast nt only for the money but to erase the image of the "lady in white".
he then gets a knock on his office door and a femme fatale offers him a job..then i go thru my pre-prepared story about how the femme fatale is realy the killer.. then i end it off by sayin this crime was solved but the "lady in white" remains...

it sucked.


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
The_highwayman said:
*raises eyebrows*

Good story. strangely cathartic...but i have a query about the underlined bits: wouldnt an autopsy find the gloves?
hehehe how strange i thought of the exact same thing as i was walking out of the exam, oh well, poetic license ay?


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
my killer decpatiated the victims after raping, mutiliating and bleaching them. My protagonist (a thritysomething woman detective who is a heavy smoker which leads to an ironic twist at the end) was on his trail, theres lotsa story in between but basically in the end shes locked in this dark closet by the killer (thats how the story opens and then she fashes back to how she got there) and discovers the decapited head of his 14 other victims, plus the dead body of her partner, whos arms and legs had been severed off and layed beside her. The killer (who turns out to be her boss and mentor) comes to the door, she is scared sh!tless and picks up her severed leg as a weapon, then the closet door slowly opens.....

and thats how it ends. lol im SO twisted after this subject.


Aug 2, 2004
I wrote about the future where the society had reverted back to traditional values because they didn't believe in genetic technology anymore (i was sick of hearing about these sci fi things that cloned/bred humans!!) due to the failure of genetics and put something in there about some genetic experiment in the 23rd century killing masses of population in America and all other countries except England was the only one that survived etc.

The chick was the next heir to the throne who helped a convict escape punishment (the convict was also her lover) and they were forced to kill her EVIL EVIL TOTALITARIAN family just to survive. Then something big happened and they had to flee in spacecraft which ended up getting into a massive fight with another ship and both ships were destroyed, BUT before her ship could crash her wonderful convict transported her out of the ship and down onto safe ground where the resistence group found her and realised she should inherit the throne and turn the society back to normal, back to the way it was before her parents.

Pretty shit story but c'mon we really didn't have that much time did we?

My whole class had someone dying in that thing in the background - hehe!

I wrote heaps! I think like 2 and a half or 3 booklets or something?

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