This is my room normally, i like organised so i can't stand my notes being unfindable. I'm really bad with clothes though, they get chucked everywhere! however i did laundry today so there's not so much.
This is my room in it's current state.. i thought while im at it why not show you my room at different angles- not that its as interesting but whatever, take a looksie if u want.
i only use my desk during exam period, i usually use my lap top and do all my work on my bed
err please take note that i no longer wear that belt hanging, its just there becoz im too lazy to get rid of it
Thats my bookshelf, err when its neat it usually has really cute stuffed animals in all the lil wholes n its spose to look organised its not atm
This is an old pic from when i had my single bed (got my queen now

), this picture is boring but now you have all the different angles of my room lol
Okay! Now i need to start BBA207! Procastination period is over! RARRRR!