I GOT MY FISHIES! (three Comets, if you're interested)

Now to show them off to you all
Coming home from the Aquarium in the passenger seat
On my desk
"Where the hell are we?!?!?!"
"Swim down! Swim down!" <--- nemo quote
Freedom on its way
*fish swim away from exit* "No! We like being claustrophobic!" (I questioned my fishies' intelligence level at this point)
"Guys I think I found a door!"
A closeup of two of my fish - the one with a white tip on their tail, and the other one with a white tail and fins
A closeup of the white tip and red fish (red fish is noticably bolder than the other two)
All my fishies!
I haven't come up with names for them yet (suggestions welcomed!), but am so happy I finally have them!