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What school do you dislike? (2 Viewers)


New Member
Nov 14, 2002
well...let's just say that I am an old gal now...from the class of 2001!


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by *DIVA*
well...let's just say that I am an old gal now...from the class of 2001!
haha ok :) i guess i'm an old gal as well now.. how's uni goin? must be better than school.. a bit nervous since uais are out on friday :( did u guess MLC from the christian bros post? glad i won't be seeing them again!


New Member
Nov 14, 2002
well you won't believe this but...I am also awaiting my marks and UAI because I decided to do the HSC again!

Although my marks were average, I was not at all happy with my UAI...stupid me thought that the actual school would help a little bit and if it did...where? lol :p


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by *DIVA*
well you won't believe this but...I am also awaiting my marks and UAI because I decided to do the HSC again!

Although my marks were average, I was not at all happy with my UAI...stupid me thought that the actual school would help a little bit and if it did...where? lol :p
wow! i don't think i'd survive it second time round.. less competition than school?the hsc itself is a bit screwed.. it's weird cos thru out the yr, most ppl get all emotional before/after/during exams and also at other random times due to the stress and pressure.. and all it comes down to is one number...

well, fingers crossed.. hope we both get the uai we need.. :) what do u plan to study next yr? me -com/law or com/ecos


Jul 12, 2002
Yeah I couldn't do the HSC again and go back to school. Besides there are always other options to get into the course you want to do at Uni, rather than slogging it out at school again.


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by profernity
Our school is supposed to hate Newington College because they got funding from the government for sound-proofing their buildings while we didn't (both our schools are affected by flight paths). And they beat our chess team GRRR:D

Question: I come from the outer west, but go to Fort St High, a selective high in the Inner West. Does that make me a trendy or a westie? :D

But personally I don't really hate any schools...except the ones with the black blazers saying "in fide scientiam"...dunno which school that is but in summer they smell really bad. Not just BO, or Lynx, but BO *and* Lynx combined into a deadly concoction :mad1: Then imagine 30 of these 'men' packed into the old Cityrail shitboxes, and inhale. Yeuuggh.
that's Newington you're talking about. Well guys are guys, can't blame them for that ;). If I was a guy, I'd choose Newington over FS. It has a better rep. Is FS a single sex school?


Sep 6, 2002
Originally posted by chait

that's Newington you're talking about. Well guys are guys, can't blame them for that ;). If I was a guy, I'd choose Newington over FS. It has a better rep. Is FS a single sex school?
really? doesnt newington have the grey uniform with the dragon as the school emblem thingy?


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by schwang_thang

really? doesnt newington have the grey uniform with the dragon as the school emblem thingy?
yes. they have black blazers.. and that was their School motto (see above).


Dec 17, 2002
Dont really dislike a school. I dislike in general the minority of students who act all damn stuck up (no school names to protect the innocent :)

but in general i dont dislike a particular school.


New Member
Sep 6, 2002
Originally posted by chait

that's Newington you're talking about. Well guys are guys, can't blame them for that ;). If I was a guy, I'd choose Newington over FS. It has a better rep. Is FS a single sex school?
No it's co-ed...our principal likes to boast about our HSC results but like you said, many other non-selective schools have a better reputation than us. I think it's because we don't really have a uniform. Well we didn't until the new principal came in. Now all the juniors have to wear the dodgy Fort Street jackets hehe. I wore uniform all the time, but only as far as white blouse and blue skirt (dress skirt style, not pleated or 'triangular'). Now, how did I start talking about uniforms?

Actually I never knew that Newington specifically had a better reputation than us. I thought we had the better rep, but I guess that's the result of teachers talking our school up all the time.:D


Oct 16, 2002
hehe.. well.. I myself sat the selective school test to see what I'd get, but I never had the intention of going to one. i'm generalising when i say this, but, public schools appear to lack the discipline of private schools. if i were an employer, i would rather hire someone who is well groomed, not someone who wears half a uniform combined with whatever they feel like at the time.

i think there are more important things than just getting good HSC results. A good school would be able to achieve good results without being selective and also manage to have strong sporting, musical etc traditions. If a school is able to achieve all of this without only admitting the 'brighter' students, then that is a good school. selective schools wouldn't be able to boast about much if it weren't for the students (it's hard to tell what the standards of teaching are like, qualifications and committment of teachers etc).

just because the school might perform well in the HSC, it doesn't mean that the school itself has contributed anything significant to that success. if a student in a selective school student were placed at another school, they'd still perform relatively well, given their natural abilities. being a well rounded person is what attracts employers, as well as the School's reputation.

cheers :)


Oct 16, 2002
Originally posted by YEAR11
OMG guys get over you friggen statistics and shit.
I was in a Private School (friggen expensive one too-waste of money if you ask me) up until half way through year nine when both myself and my family got sick of the unrealistic values and expectations placed on students. It was a surreal world, giving not one ounce of preparation for the outside world. Don't get me wrong, I didn't get kicked out, I never did anything wrong and we were quite good friends with the principal, but my parents and I made a conscious decision to get out of there. I went to a Public School. It didn't have a 'bad' reputation, it didn't have any reputation for that matter it was just an ordinary local high school. Let me tell you it was soooooooo refreshing. The teachers no longer acted inaccessible and so far above you- they were people you could actually talk and who seemed like they cared. We weren't allowed to run wild as many of you 'privates' seem to think, we had rules too, but they were realistic rules that contributed to the learning environment (i.e. they didn't stress if one sock was pulled up higher than the other, how short/long a girl's hair was or what style she put it in, or whether a guy had facial hair- which might I add is a natural thing- its like saying girls can't have their monthly visitors whilst on school grounds.) We don't get expelled for wearing our hair in a particular way, because unlike Private Schools we don't have to rely on a superficial image to fill our classes.............
In relation to uniform and general standards, they're there for a good reason. This in effect preparation for the real world - how to groom and behave properly. I went to a private school, so I can understand your frustration. I'm happy in the end that the School has good standards. I really dislike it when I see so many trashy girls around and ppl who dress so sloppily. There are so many girls who have skirts which are so short that it wouldn't make a diff whether or not they were wearing them. My parents saw these ppl on the street when they drove me to and from school. they had absolutely no respect for those girls, and neither do I. they asked which school those girls were from, I said I didn't know cos they were weren't wearing enough of the uniform to tell. I can't see why ppl think they're look good when they actually look like sluts, or things that could've come from Kings X. That's how not having uniform standards can affect ppl's opinions about you and the school. these ppl might not just be parents, they could be employers.
It wouldn't be a good look either to allow ppl to have green hair (or dyed any other obvious colour) and extreme hair styles. Again, it shapes ppl's opinions about the School and its students.

These standards are one of the main reasons why MOST ppl send their kids to a pvt school.


Dec 17, 2002
Originally posted by chait
i'm generalising when i say this, but, public schools appear to lack the discipline of private schools.
Yeah i agree with you there (public school student, or rather ex school student hehe). I go (went) to a public school, had a good reputation around the area (not well known elsewhere, smaller school, 600 population). Their results killed those of all the schools around, and usually beat a few selective schools (manly - tho is that still selective? there was a while where they did pretty bad). The core subjects were strong, as were music etc, and sport, so I guess the school produced "rounded" students with good results - however the catch was - only if you wanted it. The one thing that makes me annoyed about public schools is the lack of disipline they are allowed to dish out. Principals are advised NOT to expell, which sucks. Expelling is always a last resort. I cant tell you how many people I'd expell even for minor things :) (maybe I am harsh lol). Teachers at public schools are powerless to do anything (I know many), tho at private schools they have a lot more power (again I know a few). So the result is you have say 30% of ur students "well rounded", good results etc - but the other 70% just bludge it, there isn't enough disipline to force them. Thus good results are achieved by those who want it and allowing the teachers to help, and not achieved by those who dont want it and dont want teacher help.

Tho about uniforms, out old principal thought that was a big thing.... he went uniform nazi for about a year, detention for anything.... but I guess it was good for the school.

Overall, from the point of view of a person who went to public schools, yet many friends of whom went to private schools, and knows teachers from both, I'd say that.... excluding the private schools who do exeptionally well, very bright students etc, public schools do well considering their very limited resources... and that you can do well, but you have to be the one to want to do it. At a private school, you are more forced to do well, at a public school, you need the will to do it.

Unfortunatly there isn't much public schools can do to get better, in terms of dicipline. Now that I am finished with school, I vote the cane comes back in :) And that principals can use it whenever they want to get those who dont tow the line

Umm back on topic.... yeah ok uniforms are important, if annoying :)


New Member
Dec 19, 2002
just out of curiosity, whats the general concensus of north sydney girls and boys?


Oct 10, 2002
North Shore
North Sydney girls are too smart...dam them. Nah but they have a really good school with technology and a very smart student base. North Sydney boys I don't know. Their not that good but I hear they will be getting public funding soon.


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Originally posted by chait

In relation to uniform and general standards, they're there for a good reason. This in effect preparation for the real world - how to groom and behave properly. I went to a private school, so I can understand your frustration. I'm happy in the end that the School has good standards. I really dislike it when I see so many trashy girls around and ppl who dress so sloppily. There are so many girls who have skirts which are so short that it wouldn't make a diff whether or not they were wearing them. My parents saw these ppl on the street when they drove me to and from school. they had absolutely no respect for those girls, and neither do I. they asked which school those girls were from, I said I didn't know cos they were weren't wearing enough of the uniform to tell. I can't see why ppl think they're look good when they actually look like sluts, or things that could've come from Kings X. That's how not having uniform standards can affect ppl's opinions about you and the school. these ppl might not just be parents, they could be employers.
It wouldn't be a good look either to allow ppl to have green hair (or dyed any other obvious colour) and extreme hair styles. Again, it shapes ppl's opinions about the School and its students.

These standards are one of the main reasons why MOST ppl send their kids to a pvt school.
well of course you are going to get schools where 3/4 of the population have green hair and might as well not be wearing skirts, but you are generalising public schools right there. Our school has a 'firm' uniform policy, if you aint wearing the uniform, you go to detention, but what Im saying is that they don't pick at the little things ie. is your hair tyed up if its past your shoulders, do you have more than 1 ear piercing, is one sock higher than the other? I agree that the way students dress affect the image of the school, but the green hair thing is an extreme, and often a sign of socio-economic conditions of the area. And another thing is the type of student someone is. SOme students need to be continually pushed by teachers that a much higher up on the 'ladder' whereas I prefer being allowed to go at my own pace and having teachers I can actually talk to. So once again, as has been drummed in, its definately up to the indivdual and where they are happy


blood brother
Oct 23, 2002
dunno if this is just my area but, whenever we went to district athletics carnivals all the other schools would be giving us the finger and dirty looks when they were on their buses for no apparent reason...what arseholes.....atleast have the balls to do more gutsy...like us mooning in retaliation!


Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by meercat
just out of curiosity, whats the general concensus of north sydney girls and boys?
NOrth sydney boys stole our best maths teacher ..grr..damn them, and it was first term yr 12 .

btw I go to fort street and contrary to public opinion its really not thaaat bad, ok the uniforms lax and we may not top the state but the ppl are still pretty smart its just some silly ppl that let the team down.


Oct 25, 2007

Punchbowl Boys

Worst fucking school in the country

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