I finish Oct 28th, so I'll be having quite a long holiday.
- Prob get a job.. don't wanna but I need the $$$
- Hang out
- Sleep in everyday for the first month
- Exercise! Must lose all the fat I've gained as a result of "HSC stress eating"
I plan on taking up all the things I use to procrastinate study currently as a full time lifestyle, as well as additional things I don't have the time for.
- Guitar Playing
- Drum Playing
- Nintendo 64 playing ( > new generation consoles )
- Take up reading intellectual, philosophical and theological stuff
- Television watching
- Going places with friends
- Hopefully working to make monies
- Recording things on the computer with brothers software before he moves out.
- Cleaning my effing room which is covered in a thin layer of papers and textbooks.
Sentient life is about to spring forth from its depths.
- Getting fit possibly.
Thats about all I can think of. Aside from much youtube watching and continuing in my music pirating escapades.
Right after my last exam I'm going to gather my graduated troops and just sit on our arses DOING ABSOLUTLY NOTHING BROTHER!!! GAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAH *rocks back and forth*
And I can only imagine the relief of throwing away ALL MY WORK....ALL!!!
oki the HSC hasn't even started yet and i'm already going abit crazy~ hmm not a good idea.
But seriously I think I shall try squeeze in...
1. Learn how to drive
2. Go back to chinese
3. study for piano exams (god...more exams...but atleast it isn't as bad as highschool)
4. get my first aid to get a job
5. Get the job
6. volunteer somewhere, preferably art gallery
7. Read a hell of alot of books and NOT analyse them~! (same goes for movies)
The end is so close I can taste the freedom...though abit of my would still probably worry about the uai I'm going to get at the end...
BUTT what can we do?
Anyway, goodluck to all!
watch movies
hopefully work, if i get the job i went for the interview last week
sell textbooks to all the people waiting until i finish hsc
have fun for once this year
walk out of chemistry > go 2 maccas > go home and do something really crazy > burn all english stuff > start watching Bleach and Code Geass >get xbox360 and get XBL > own noobs > eat > sleep.
Working construction 5-6 days a week, 8-10hrs until christmas (getting up at 5am is a killer...).
Go out with mates.
Buy a 360 and tv and start detatching my retina.