haha it looks like FLR-IT got shot down
Originally posted by Da Monstar
all that matters is the course u do ....
that is also not true, for example (okay sorry it's a personal example cos i can't think of anything else) i want to be some sort of designer in the future but it doesn't really matter what sort of course i do, as long as it's vaguely related to design. what matters is how i apply my skills i have learnt from the course, to my design aesthetics
and yeah i agree with everything spruce moose said, fuck i'm so sick of people complaining about "oh i'm going to fail the hsc i'll have to go to uws" or something along the lines of that. wake up and smell the coffee, there are soooooo many paths you can take apart from direct uni.
like deferment, tafe, transferring, double degrees, mature-aged entry, interstate/overseas, work, cadetships, apprenticeships, work/industry placements, etc etc.
edit: hm i realise FLR-IT is probably aiming for like the big shots so as a disclaimer this isn't a personal attack on anyone i'm just saying.