ok so 47 people looked at this and said nothing, possibly because they didnt have an answer or didnt want to answer
anyway i tried an intro for it and this is what i came up with (its a feature article, you had the choice or an essay)
Change, to alter, diversify, transform, covert or fluctuate. Growth, to develop, enlarge, extend, progress
or fluctuate. Neither are related in the way the title of this article suggests, except that a change is a
form of growth and growth is a form of change. Hence if the two can be interchanged and taken to mean
the same, or hold the same connotations, it is impossible for one to create the other, as one IS (or least
can be) the other.
thats as far as i got and then thought that perhaps i was wrong, i was dealing with a definition of change, does anyone have a definition for changing self?