mon is a net junkieeeee
mon is a junkieee!! 1000+ posts already... how's ur boi ay?
haha do u ever see him around?
umm yeah, it's hard to land a job in the IT industry nowadays because the IT industry is saturated already... that means there are a lot of people looking for IT work, but less jobs are available nowadays...
a person i met at camp at the beginning of the year is starting another course this year after something like 8 years part-time in his IT course previously because it was really hard for him to find a job in IT.
i think that's the same with telecommunications if you want to major in that...
So yeah... keep asking around.
It's better to know what you want to do sooner rather than later. hehe if not, you'll probably end up doing a course that you really have no interest in (like other ppl i know) and end up trying to get a credit average, so u could internally-transfer courses within the uni.... if you do that, worse case scenario, you might end up dropping out of uni...
good luck though!