Originally posted by ND
How often and how big are the parties?
Depends on who you know. If you're friends with non-award people, they have parties "everyday" or so they say. Nah they prolly have em once a month at someone's house. All they do is drink, smoke and then light crackers etc.
Most people juz have parties coz of special occasions. I don't have to explain how that works...
The question's more of what party you wanna goto, not when's there's one on.
Originally posted by iambored
yeah what are uni parties like? i have heard they are more wild than highschool parties. and do people still have backyard parties? and how many people are invited, is open house?
Cmon...it's up to the host. There's no universal rule for what happens in a party.
Originally posted by dreaming...
do most of the students live around that area so that they just hang out around the Ryde area?
would you reccommend the social life at Mac as opposed to USYD or UNSW?
There's not really much to hang around in ryde area. I doubt most ppl live around ryde. Not for my course anyway.