erawamai said:
Wasn't attacking you. The g8 law snob in the example was attacking your law faculty. Not you personally. In order to demonstrate my point I made g8 law snob say 'All the people I know from UOW law are bad law students'.
I do understand that.
I was poitning out that I could not go on to actually DEFEND anything (as u put) if you did not actually ATTACK me or anything I hold of importance. (whether it be UoW, it's law school or the people who study there).
erawamai said:
You went on to defend your law school/uni below. Which kinda proves my point about the imputation of traits to all when someone says something along the lines of 'well all the people I know from so and so are so and so'.
Your defence below.
It didn't prove anything of that nature at all. My statement you quoted was a 'sidenote' correction to the g8 snob. It further shows how a logical person like moi can pick out mistakes from a random's comment. It shows that similar examples, like Ms 12's statement CAN be logically put into CONTEXT and not interpreted in weird and wonderful ways.
erawamai said:
Learning about in personam attacks? Reading Moonlight's guide to agood argument. No one attacked you. Only the g8 law snob who said what he had to show in order to make a point. You went and defended your law school against what g8 law snob said even though he says that it only applies to 'all the people I know'.
No, I didn't read Moonlight's guide. I don't think I did anyway. It would be interesting to read though. I think they call it
argumentum da homniem or something. I forget.

Again, I understand no one attacked me.
erawamai said:
Ok. I assumed you were talking about UOW law because you say...
Make up your mind. Are you agreeing with me or going to correct me?
erawamai said:
I think is a decent assumption that you were defending uow law and not uow in general considering the G8 law snob referred to UOW law specifically not not UOW in general.
OKOK. I must agree. It was probably about UoW Law in specific. But I still hold that defending was never present.

(OKOK, present in your mind)
erawamai said:
bove constitutes defending. Again.
Meh, maybe it was a sad attempt at being funny. Next time I'll use emoticons adeqauetly.
Anyway, you sound like asqy.