Any good p.e studant will be able to tell you that red bull is crap, espescially if they're a sportsperson, avoid redbull, bluebull, V, mother and the rest like the plague!
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oh god, pe... I should be studyingAny good p.e studant will be able to tell you that red bull is crap, espescially if they're a sportsperson, avoid redbull, bluebull, V, mother and the rest like the plague!
Pfft. It has basically the same amount of caffeine as an instant cup of coffee. The supplements are only B vitamins, for energy release. Do you even know what your talking about?A coffee an hour or so before is all I have.
I'd imagine the amount of caffeine and other supplements in Redbull would be detrimental.
Yeah that good taste is you satisfying a slight addiction to caffeine. GOOD JOB does a lot of things in large quantities so stop generalising
the taste grows on you i didn't like it at first but after about 3 one it was pretty good