I chose Newcastle for a multitude of reasons. Namely because we have the most comprehensive Faculty of Health in the country, as well as what is quite probably the most renound and industry respected Occupational Therapy program.
Additionally, I absolutely adore Newcastle as a place, and it is my local uni. I was willing to move, although now I think about it, I probably would have been miserable away from everyone and everything I have here.
Not only do I love Newcastle, but I also love the uni, the thought of being in some concrete jungle everyday totally freaks me out. As much as I whinge about the mosquitoes, I love the whole bushland setting, and the fact that everytime I drive through the sandstone (?) retaining wall things, with "The University of Newcastle" emblazoned all over them, it has a sense of home, it feels like its the right place for me to be.
Anyway, so ends my public love affair, I shall retreat to my shell and hide from all the anti Newcastle people now