If you moved to China, would you immediately say; "I'm proud to be Chinese" and renounce your Australian background?
You would only move to China if you had something against Australia, or if you had more of an interest in China than Australia (Business does not count). In either case, you wouldn't want to think of yourself of Australian when you could be what you want - Chinese.
People who move here WANT to be Australian, however they fail to assimilate to their surrounding, dominant culture? I thought they wanted to be Australian...
I mean, I know plenty of people who did assimilate, and they're doing fine in the community and they love their life / being australian.
You've also got my favorite... "We'll move to Australia because it's a better life, but we don't want you marrying any Australians or associating with them."
Well... the topic that could create... (By the way, that's quoted from a Chinese citizen who moved to Australia... it's hat he told his children. That, and "Australians are barbarians")
Do you really think culture is something you choose arbitrarily? Where are they meant to develop these "true blue" attributes?
Their surroundings.
They can pick it up at work, school, all that.
I don't mind keeping a bit of culture, it makes for some good restraunts, however I think that people should at least shower and learn English.
Without the benefit of time to adjust, how can you expect migrants to fit in automatically. Consider the differences between international Asian students, and local Asian students who were born here. The contrast is huge! If you know any 2nd gen Asian migrants, consider them as well... they are as Australian as everyone else and the only reason they don't announce themselves as Aussie is because people like you wouldn't accept their word (as they still aren't white)
As you've said, they've had more time to assimilate.
Of course, time's what they need, and some people don't have the time. But you've got the Australian-born Austalian-Lebonese boys who praise their heritage like it's all that matters to them, disregard Australia as their home, all when they haven't stepped foot in "their country". THAT's what I see as wrong.
You are an imbecile. You are no good to anyone, bogan.
You didn't do yourself much justice there.
What is Australian culture?
In fact, fuck Australian culture, even if you can define it.
Maybe elements of their culture are better anyway.
Our culture is not static anyway.
Why should they have to learn English. If they want to live in their own communities and speak their language what do you care. Lots of countries have different language communities within them and get along just fine. It is only because English speakers speak the world's most dominant language, that we have the arrogance to expect that everyone else should speak it.
You're wrong. Completely wrong.
Why should they speak English? Use your head and think for yourself, "Why should someone come to a English-speaking country and learn English..."
This is an English speaking country, if you're going to move to here, you shoud at least be able to speak the dominant language of the country. Not only does this break down communication barrier and make everyday life easier, it reduces the amount of misunderstandings that take place because people fail to learn English.
"Fuck Australian culture"?
You're a joke.
They belong here just as much as white-man.
As a note, I go to a multicultural school. We have students over here from other countries, and cannot tell them apart. They are quite settled into Australia culture, are living an excellent, care-free life and are doing great in their studies. They speak fluent English and I hang out with them whenever's possible.
On top of that, I have friends who are Mauritian (excuse the spelling if it's incorrect), Indian, Sudanese, Lebonese, Maltese, fuck, half the world... I love them all.
I'm not racist, I hate personal aspects of people regardless of their culture.