Ranger Stacie
hollaback girl
Hi all. I thought I'd enlighten everyone with my wisdom teeth saga since im stuck at homewith absolutely jack to do. If your getting it done maybe don't read it, although pretty sure I am the exception.
So I got all 4 wisdoms out in hospital last wednesday/ not yesterday last week.
The day of the surgery itself sucked arse. I didn't come out of anaesthetic very well and was kept in hospital for 2 nights. I giot a rash, I had no idea what was going on and I didn't meet the criteria for going home, which is to be awake and aware, to have something to eat and drink, and go to the toilet. When a nurse tried to get me to eat yoghurt, I threw it at her. I kept having one mouthful, then falling back asleep for several hours.
And they didn't put any gauze over the wounds? Which was a bit weird. Whenever my mouth filled up with blood, I other swallowed it or drooled!
4 days afterwoods, work starting calling me to see if I could do a short shift the following day, even though I had a medical certificate and had given several months notice. Because I oculdn't speak, my mum took the calls for me to tell them I couldn't speak or come to work.
So they started texting me instead.
At 3pm, I recieve a text from my director saying she was aware I am having trouble speaking but there was a very pressing issue she needed to discuss with her and could I call her asap.
So I call, and slur out who I am. She tells me this was the worst possible time for me to take off, and she is flat out and needs a hand. She is not satisfied with one of my portfolios and is going to bring it to my house for me to finish, along with some accreditation work- event hough thats not my responsibilty in my position, they are legal documents that are not allowed to leave the premises and even if I wanted to do them, couldn't do from home as don't have the resources in my home (and if I did, I would have them illegally).
So the next thing the owner shows up at my house with the box of work for me to do. Whilst I am crying and have a mouth full of blood, she tells me I can sms her when I done and she will pick them up and drop another box off for me.
So my mum gets home from work, and returned the box, unfinished, to my work and tells them I cannot speak, so she is doing it for me and I will be able to come back in a few days anyway. She also asks them not to concern me with work matters, and I cannot work from home while I am on sick leave.
So before she even gets home, I already have 2 pretty rude texts messages on my phone which don't really say anything at all of importance, aside from the fact that they cannot discuss work matters with family and I need to come and talk to them personally. I didn't respond.
I was pretty upset and thinking about resigning from my position when my sick leave is over. I got hardly any sleep that night, and in the morning I was congested. I fell asleep at about 8am, and my mum woke me up when she came home for her lunch break as I had broken out in a fever and was in pretty bad shape, with my face ballooned out bigger then the day of the procedure itself, so she took me to the oral surgeons office.
So then I had to get 2 different types of antibiotics cos my teeth, or rather, my non teeth were infected. My face was completely fat as and I had a massive bruise under my chin and on the left side of my face..mm very attractive! I was also given another week off work
and the surgeon specified that I am entitled to spend this time not being harrassed by work, and if I have any problems the director can ring her to personally tell her this.
So then my mum called work, and told them she was calling on my behalf as I still cannot speak, and I will not be coming in for a week and unable to work from home during this time. She says that the owner kept cutting her off, and talking over the top of her about work issues that sheh has no idea about, she doesent work there. My mum also says they were really rude to her, I don't know what they said to her but am inclined to believe her!!!
So that is my wisdom teeth saga. I have lost 7 kilos in 8 days but its not a good thing and probably partly to do with the fact that I havent drunk enough water cos it too sore. Since I started the antibiotics I am a ton better but I still look like a chipmunk and no one can understand what I say, still have bruising as well. Every morning now I wake up with a new ailment. Today it was conjuctivitis and I was coughing up blood too! But probably only cos I swallow it.
The end!
So I got all 4 wisdoms out in hospital last wednesday/ not yesterday last week.
The day of the surgery itself sucked arse. I didn't come out of anaesthetic very well and was kept in hospital for 2 nights. I giot a rash, I had no idea what was going on and I didn't meet the criteria for going home, which is to be awake and aware, to have something to eat and drink, and go to the toilet. When a nurse tried to get me to eat yoghurt, I threw it at her. I kept having one mouthful, then falling back asleep for several hours.
And they didn't put any gauze over the wounds? Which was a bit weird. Whenever my mouth filled up with blood, I other swallowed it or drooled!
4 days afterwoods, work starting calling me to see if I could do a short shift the following day, even though I had a medical certificate and had given several months notice. Because I oculdn't speak, my mum took the calls for me to tell them I couldn't speak or come to work.
So they started texting me instead.
At 3pm, I recieve a text from my director saying she was aware I am having trouble speaking but there was a very pressing issue she needed to discuss with her and could I call her asap.
So I call, and slur out who I am. She tells me this was the worst possible time for me to take off, and she is flat out and needs a hand. She is not satisfied with one of my portfolios and is going to bring it to my house for me to finish, along with some accreditation work- event hough thats not my responsibilty in my position, they are legal documents that are not allowed to leave the premises and even if I wanted to do them, couldn't do from home as don't have the resources in my home (and if I did, I would have them illegally).
So the next thing the owner shows up at my house with the box of work for me to do. Whilst I am crying and have a mouth full of blood, she tells me I can sms her when I done and she will pick them up and drop another box off for me.
So my mum gets home from work, and returned the box, unfinished, to my work and tells them I cannot speak, so she is doing it for me and I will be able to come back in a few days anyway. She also asks them not to concern me with work matters, and I cannot work from home while I am on sick leave.
So before she even gets home, I already have 2 pretty rude texts messages on my phone which don't really say anything at all of importance, aside from the fact that they cannot discuss work matters with family and I need to come and talk to them personally. I didn't respond.
I was pretty upset and thinking about resigning from my position when my sick leave is over. I got hardly any sleep that night, and in the morning I was congested. I fell asleep at about 8am, and my mum woke me up when she came home for her lunch break as I had broken out in a fever and was in pretty bad shape, with my face ballooned out bigger then the day of the procedure itself, so she took me to the oral surgeons office.
So then I had to get 2 different types of antibiotics cos my teeth, or rather, my non teeth were infected. My face was completely fat as and I had a massive bruise under my chin and on the left side of my face..mm very attractive! I was also given another week off work
So then my mum called work, and told them she was calling on my behalf as I still cannot speak, and I will not be coming in for a week and unable to work from home during this time. She says that the owner kept cutting her off, and talking over the top of her about work issues that sheh has no idea about, she doesent work there. My mum also says they were really rude to her, I don't know what they said to her but am inclined to believe her!!!
So that is my wisdom teeth saga. I have lost 7 kilos in 8 days but its not a good thing and probably partly to do with the fact that I havent drunk enough water cos it too sore. Since I started the antibiotics I am a ton better but I still look like a chipmunk and no one can understand what I say, still have bruising as well. Every morning now I wake up with a new ailment. Today it was conjuctivitis and I was coughing up blood too! But probably only cos I swallow it.
The end!