women get more rights in relation tto kids (1 Viewer)


i'm feeling fat and sassy
Jan 6, 2004
fenner hall. perving on mcdickpants across the roa
Phanatical said:
Thank you for your praise.

I'm a BMus (Comp.) student, with absolutely no gender studies on my timetable.

I just think that it's time that society acknowledges that men face disadvantage in society, just like women, and that it's important to address all gender issues instead of just women's rights or men's rights - since the fact is that we shouldn't Have women's rights or men's rights, but Universal Human Rights.
see, you can't argue with that, because he's pushing for human equality, rather than a cause for just one gender. that way there's no danger of over-correction. finally, someone with the same thoughts as me that is smart enough to articulate them properly. thankyou very much phanatical.


I've got absolutely no idea where is this now... By the looks of things from the last page it isn't worth trolling through to find out exactly when the argument started to spiral into stupidity... as it so often does.

Women get more rights in relation to children than men. Some would argue that this is the way it should be, because they are the vessels for 9 months.
To an extent I also agree; until the women decides to exploit her child in an effort to get back at her father.

Here's a true case I know of;
A guy 18, slept with his girlfriend who was 15. She turned 16, had a kid and they stayed together for a year after. He got a job at the mines which pays roughly $80,000 so for a 19 year old that isn't bad.
To support her and the kid.
Anyway, she decides to dump him and to prevent him from getting access to the child tells the authorities he raped her to which led to the child.
Of course nobody believes a male in this case, because there is just NOOO way a woman would lie about this.
He is currently still working at the mines, pays maintenance for a child he isn't allowed to see.
He's rather optimistic, as he's taken her to court ... sadly I don't see it ending too well.
If the bitch doesn't brain wash the child against him, I'm sure he'll be having fun with the authorities.

There are several other scenarios.
It was on ACA a few years back, where these women had divorced their husbands and gained full custody...just because the courts granted it to them. The women then refused to let their ex husband see the children.
Women lie in order to gain the upper hand if they think there is going to be the smallest amount of equality in the distrubution of the children. Not saying all, but there are certainly cases when this happens.

Apparently men can't do as well of a job as raising childen; my father raised me and my siblings quite fine. My mother is a career woman you see, never at home. Dad is. He can cook, and holy hell he is quite domesticated.

If a woman leaves her husband for another man, and then puts he and the child through a painful custody battle; I do not think the man should pay maintenance to the child unless he wishes. If he does wish to, I think that it should be put in a trust fund that only the child can access at a certain age.

Then again, women shouldn't be fucking bitches.


Mar 9, 2004
chelloveck said:
phanatical won that. he managed to stay rational whereas ur inner child got all defensive and burred up. too much emotion blocks rational thought. anyway, regardless of that, phanatical raised so many profound, new, revisionalist kind of points. can i ask you if you do gender studies or anything similar at uni?
sorry chelloveck, but I did remain calm. When there was a chance I wouldn't, such as the moralities of an abortion debate, I said I'd stop, because I knew, and phanatical knew we both had different thoughts about this and I didn't want to steer off topic, even though he did quite a few times.

How can you be the one to judge who won or not? Just because you agree with someone's opinion doesn't mean they win. I can understand if you thought he won because I didn't rebutt. I didn't do so because he hit a few points that I didn't want to debate with because of moral and personal reasons, so i did the rational thing as to say nothing at all, rather than go all "emotional" and "burred up"

Have a nice day.
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Happy Lala
Oct 30, 2004
Yeah, ur_inner_child did bloody well.

katie_tully quoted just one of many cases where "dead beat dads" are forced to suffer because of bad mothers. There are literally hundreds of cases just in Sydney where men are forced to pay exhorbitant amounts to what they refer to as the C$A (Child Support Agency). Doesn't sound fair to me, especially since it's teaching these kids that their fathers are bad, and they should be more like their mothers.

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