I prefer written notes (if if make notes - didn't always happen), which is interesting because i type practically everything else up. I found the actual process of writing the notes facilitated the absorption of the information, more so than typing which i can do at a rapid pace without thinking. I also needed to highlight if i was reading anything, makes me connect with the info.
E.g started panicking before eco exam, decide to re-read entire textbook. Bored about 4 pages in. Decide to deface book with highlighting. Proceeded to use up 4 highlighters, but read entire text, and proudly, remembered most of it
I also had to use colours when making my notes. I went through about 2 packs of textas and 1 pack of those 8colour highlighter sets for trials/hsc notes. I found colours make me remember. Even now i can visualise what colour i had written certain pieces of information, and hence recall the info. Listening to music also helps - i associate certain songs with certain bits of information {as well as 6 degrees of separation stories....}
Good luck.
P.s figure out ur learning style. Some people are visual, colours etc..some are aural, some need to speak it out loud. Others need mindmaps or draw diagrams. The quicker u figure it out, the more effective and easier ur studying will be.