All i can suggest to stop your hand/wrist from hurting is:
* whenever you need to stop and think, massage your hand while you do so.
* Make circles with your wrist when your thinking.
* Get a pen that has good grip (mine has extra cusion

* Be sure that your arm isnt at a weird angle coz that will make it worse.
* Keep your posture, because it will help with the overall pain.
* If you can, crack your knuckles befor the exam, i find that it helps, though it may jsut be me. (be sure not to crack your knuckles DURING the exam)
* Try to consiously hole your pen loosely, i have lots of trouble with holing my pen too hard, so i try not to during exams, it really helps.
And lastely,
* Dont hole your pen at the tip of it, try to hold it where your supposed to, i tend to hold my pen right at the tip, but it makes it hurt more, so i had to learn to write while i held the pen further up.
I got some of these tips from a former HSCer and others from when i had a 'tutor' for my writing. i used to be sooo bad it wasnt funny,b ut illedgable! It turns out i was holding it all wrong and stuff, so i had to re-learn all that jazz.
Doesnt help that i never got my 'pen liscence' in primary school. lol.
Anyway, i hope that helped