Y12 Subject Selections (1 Viewer)


don't worry, be happy
Apr 30, 2022
I'm currently doing 12 units:
  • Maths Extension 1
  • English Advanced
  • Economics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Studies of Religion 1
I'm hating SOR 1 rn and failed my last exam, I have the option to take 1 unit studies in catholic thought (non-atar) instead in year 12.
I'm going to take maths extension 2 in year 12
I'm not doing particularly well in economics but I like it more than biology which I'm good at.
Is it worth taking the non-atar unit?
How many units should I go into year 12 with?
Would biology or economics be better to drop if I were to drop a subject?


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
You mentioned that you are not enjoying Studies of Religion I and your performance in this subject has not been favourable. These two reasons constitute an appropriate basis for dropping this subject and taking Studies in Catholic Thought, which will still provide you with a learning opportunity, but without the academic pressure that otherwise comes with the potential for SOR I to count towards your ATAR.

The number of units that you keep as you commence year 12 depends on a few factors, including:
  • The need for backup units - The main reason for having backup units is so that they can replace a subject's contribution towards a student's ATAR, should their performance in another subject be unfavourable. English Advanced in your case is the exception, since it will always count towards your ATAR. In choosing the optimal number of units to have, you should consider your standard of performance in your other subjects. If you have been performing at a high standard in most of your other subjects, there probably would not be as much of a need to have backup units. However, if you have doubts as to your performance, it may be a good idea to have at least 1 backup unit. Keep in mind that you can still begin year 12 with more than 10 units and subsequently drop 1 or 2 units if needed.
  • Workload - Taking more than 10 units requires you to be able to effectively manage the workload associated with all of your subjects. In making an informed decision, you should consider your experience of taking 12 units in year 11. If you were able to effectively manage your workload, then you will likely be able to do so in year 12 as well. If not, you may wish to consider dropping 1 or 2 units worth of your subjects to ensure that you are not overwhelmed by the workload.
Generally speaking, Economics is considered to be a higher-scaling subject than Biology. However, scaling should not be the primary factor in such a decision. Instead, you should consider your performance in each subject and whether you strongly believe that you will be able to perform favourably in either subject throughout year 12. In your case, if you are performing at a higher standard in Biology, this would be the subject that you should keep, because favourable performance remains superior despite the possible differences in scaling.

I hope this helps! :D


New Member
Aug 30, 2021
I think you should stick with sor 1 at least for prelim. In prelims I averaged like 40% but now in hsc its my best subject.
If you had to drop economics or bio i say economics since ur doing better in it.

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