Yeah, I know what you mean when you say you feel that you basically have to dedicate your life to year 12. I know so many adults who have a lot of regrets. I have not talked to many adults who would not do something different, mainly work harder, if they did year 12 again. I just keep telling myself that it's only for one year, and in the scheme of things, that's not that long. I know my social life, and my mental state (lol) is going to suffer, but I think the results will be worth it...
THEY BETTER BE!!!!!!!!!!!! :burn: I will be soooooooo bummed if i finally climb this massive wall, and find that it's not that great on the other side, and i coulda been havin' a good time on this side!!!!
Also, does anyone else think that the Advanced English course sucks? Really, where do they get the stuff we have to do. I'm so over journeys....!:mad1: Is this just me?
Also2, I'm finding Advanced Maths really hard, only because we have to rush through stuff so fast that I don't have a chance to actually "get it" before we move onto something else.