Cape said:
eh ... I do. But the people at Hawkesbury are the biggest bitches. They stand in the kitchen talking and yell at us for ringing to bell to pay for a drink or something else we buy. Its like, either I pay it and disrupt you for 2 minutes or I'll just walk out without paying. And yes, we have walked out before.
Take a drink to uni with your food.
If its soft drink like coke buy the big 3L or 1.5L and also buy 600ml then when your have drunk the 600ml keep the bottle and fill it up everyday from big bottles it works out cheaper.
If you take water even easier and cheaper just buy bottle of 600ml or 750ml water then at home use tap water to fill them up or if you dont like tap water, then boil water put it in a container and put in fridge then fill up in the morning
If you take coffee or tea make it in the morning and put it in a furnace