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Do you struggle with physics considering you do std math?
no my school 'cant afford' edrolo or atomi or any online learning for that matter
damn i've always taken atomi for granted i guess like ive never used it im sorry i feel bad now 😭
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
We almost lost atomi and edrolo because of budget cuts too literally the teachers are not allowed to print booklets for everyone because its expensive 😩
yall i gotta lock in on exercises 2.11 and 2.12 for a sec

i rlly gotta start working on my ancient stuff 😭
1 more sinnoh pokemon and im on dazzling aria 2/7 come on
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Reactions: cristal
also im level 48 tomorrow so thats exciting i guess
Is there anything particular making you procrastinate? If it's like your device, try and do some work without your device ie. using a physical textbook for maths (do you have a physical one btw?) and place your device in another room. I think focus plant for phones are good (sets timer and locks your phone for you, you can still unlock it but then you don't get the rewards)
i genuinely cannot fucking study for english,,,, every time i even so think as to try writing a practice piece & reflection for english my brain decides to become good at doing anything other than writing. istg im going to pick up eng ext2 just so that i can safely flunk eng adv bc i cant anymore!!!!!
yo what's up! you should chat more the other 2026ers r rlly friendly

and i am too lol
whats uuupppp 2026er!!
studying like ccrrrazzzy other 2026er!!
it's nice seeing someone on here who's active and hasn't already graduated lol
????? i dont think this persons hsc is 2025 because they started 2 yaers early and never came back?
this might be a weird question but did you see captain america brave new world? I think i saw "trebla" in the credits somewhere and it made me think of you 😭
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Reactions: Shavi Masee
NO NO NO it could have been there but
TREBLA do you have anything to do with Game of Thrones??? because i saw your name in the "dedicated to" section in "A Dance with Dragons"???
is trebla a name that people have?
... i think you just doxxed yourself