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  1. zerzillia

    UAI prediction please

    Hello everyone. I've nearly lost all hope for the HSC and the coming trials, but I think I shall try this and see. My target UAI in yr11 was to be 99.5 but this seems impossible now. Right now I hope to get in the 90s (hopefully high 90s so I have more choices), please help me by estimating what...
  2. zerzillia

    reflection statement

    this *might* be a tad bit early but... we have our reflection statement due tomorrow but it is not marked (thus explaining my reluctance and laziness of leaving it till the day all typical procrastinators). umm.....i wanted this lil thread because i couldn't find one...
  3. zerzillia

    adding poetry

    from what i've seen in the young writers' showcase (2001 and 2002), short stories can take up literally any form. newspaper, diary, even blank spaces. my question is, if i put poetry in, how could i do it effectively? if anyone knows a way so it looks all integrated, please post it here and...
  4. zerzillia


    Now that i've done my viva voce, i'll be preparing my report. I haven't started my draft for my report and i just downloaded some sample ones. Any advice on how to write this? :apig: I've got no idea (as you can tell). :confused: