Israel–Gaza conflict (4 Viewers)


Jan 17, 2009
Re: Israel killed 155 Terrorists in Gaza Airstrike

Islam is the perfect economic system.


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
Re: Israel killed 155 Terrorists in Gaza Airstrike

*employs indian slave labour for bread and water each day*

*lives in dubai*


Oct 29, 2008
When has Australia defeated Guerilla forces using conventional warfare tactics?
I already explained this. You said "You cannot use a conventional army to fight guerilla warfare" and i said it works for Australia sometimes. We have used a conventional army to fight guerilla forces many times. I didnt say we were using conventional tactics. There is a difference.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: Israel killed 155 Terrorists in Gaza Airstrike

*employs indian slave labour for bread and water each day*

*lives in dubai*
Tbh given my experience with Indian call centres they don't even deserve that.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
I already explained this. You said "You cannot use a conventional army to fight guerilla warfare" and i said it works for Australia sometimes. We have used a conventional army to fight guerilla forces many times. I didnt say we were using conventional tactics. There is a difference.
Are you trying to imply that all Palestinians are apes?

David Spade

Nov 26, 2008

Yes Capitalism is great. Especially when it has caused a 7% unemployment rate in Australia, led to transnational corporations exploiting the poor in South East Asia and Africa, has allowed a Lehman brother to rack off with $480 US million while he has ruined the financial security of millions and caused people to fear that they'll lose their homes.

Lets get serious, while capitalism may have had some advantages, it has not bridged but widened the gap between the rich and poor and deluded poeple into spending more than they can afford.

Yes a wonderful system...
101 reasons why Communism and other socialist economic policies don't work
1. They just don't
2. They just don't
3. They just don't
4. They just don't
5. They just don't
6. They just don't
7. They just don't
8. They just don't
9. They just don't
10. They just don't
11. They just don't
12. They just don't
13. They just don't
14. They just don't
15. They just don't
16. They just don't
17. They just don't
18. They just don't
19. They just don't
20. They just don't
21. They just don't
22. They just don't
23. They just don't
24. They just don't
25. They just don't
26. They just don't
27. They just don't

Shall I go on?


Oct 24, 2007
101 reasons why Communism and other socialist economic policies don't work
1. They just don't
2. They just don't
3. They just don't
4. They just don't
5. They just don't
6. They just don't
7. They just don't
8. They just don't
9. They just don't
10. They just don't
11. They just don't
12. They just don't
13. They just don't
14. They just don't
15. They just don't
16. They just don't
17. They just don't
18. They just don't
19. They just don't
20. They just don't
21. They just don't
22. They just don't
23. They just don't
24. They just don't
25. They just don't
26. They just don't
27. They just don't

Shall I go on?
What an articulate arguement. Geez you had me at the 15th "They just don't"

BTW i dont beleive that communism and socialist policies are the answer. Not to mention the fact that there has never truly existed a communist society since the aims of communism have never been achieved.

What i do believe however is that capitalism has far from liberated humankind. Anyone who actually believes that is an idiot.

David Spade

Nov 26, 2008
What i do believe however is that capitalism has far from liberated humankind. Anyone who actually believes that is an idiot.
lol, ok. I'll ponder your argument whilst I sit in my air conditioned house, looking at my car and possessions whilst rolling in the money I'm going to earn tomorrow by being paid adequately for the work I do. Then I'll take my money and I'll buy food, instead of having my food rationed out to me.

Cool story hansel.

Luv capitalism.


Aug 11, 2006
Thank you for that enlightening history lesson *rolls eyes*

First of all the view that what is happening in Palestine is a genocide has come about for several reasons.

Firstly the home made rockets that have been fired into southern israel by Hamas have caused nowhere near the damage that Israel has caused in the last 22 days. Thats what "history buffs" like yourself would call a disporportionate reaction, which by the way is a crime under international law.

Plus this disporportionate violence has not been targeting Hamas but rather the infastructure of gaza. Roads, hospitals, mosques and schools have all been systematically destroyed and whole families have been killed under the banner of israel defending itself.

How can you call this a war when israel with the 4th strongest army in the world and best tanks ever to be created charges in on a populace that can only defend themselves wih home made rockets and stones?

How can you call this a war when Israel has been starving the people of gaza for months allowing no supplies or electricity to get through.

How can you call this a war when Israel refuses to acknowledge the numbers of civilians killed, saying only that the civilians know where Hamas is hiding.

Dont think that i am ignorant of Israels larger goal. Israel wants to rid itself of the people of Gaza and this is one step in their larger goal to procure the land.

So dont tell me to fuckin wake up. I am awake and i see the crimes against humanity that Israel has been perpetrating in Gaza.

Thats the only description for them:


Just because i dont nod my head like all the other dumbass leaders and accept the bullshit that comes out of Israel and Americe it does not make me stupid.

Dont use the arguement that Arabs are not being targeted. How can the people of Palestine not feel targeted when over the last 60 years they have witnessed the destruction of heir land and people and culture.

I feel for them as an Arab, a muslim but mostly as a human being and that is my point of view.

Your attempts to degrade it are laughable at most.
Maybe if you were a history buff you would know that 'disproportionate reaction' has only recently been condemned or considered. Few were crying that after the fire-bombing of Tokyo and other Japanese cities which took over 600,000 lives compared to the <3000 that died at Pearl Harbour which were used to justify it. If you are so upset with the uneven death toll what pray tell would you suggest Israel do? Kill one Palestinian for every Jew that dies or just wait around until a few thousand die so they can have the green light to go into Gaza? Israel has the right to self-defense and prevention of future terrorism.

Infrastructure has been destroyed and civilians have died. Surprise! It's war. Israel sends out leaflets into areas which they are going to bombs and also sends out sms to the civilians. If the Hamas weren't hiding among civilians this wouldn't be a problem at all. I call it a war because it is a war. Was Vietnam a war? The Viet Cong only had home made rockets, poor quality Russian guns, no uniforms and lived out in the jungle and they were fighting against the most powerful army in the world. Pretty sure it was still a war, and i think you would be hard pressed to make a clear distinction between Vietnam and Palestine and continue to claim it is not war. I don't see how the blockade changes whether this is a war or not >.> I don't agree with the blockade anyway, but it looks like your Arab Egyptian brothers do because they have been doing the same as Israel.

I didn't know you had some sort of inside information on Israels plans of genocide against the Palestinians. Was this in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that you found this one? You don't know shit; don't pretend that you do and claim a plan of genocide when there is no evidence. By telling me you are an Arab and a Muslim you have just proved that you are unable to overcome your own bias against Israel; I would have otherwise just assumed you were a lefty wanker. I would definitely not call this "Crimes Against Humanity" I would call what you are seeing in Gaza the realities of war.

Arabs are not targeted. If there was another race of people in Palestine that race would be targeted. Its not about who they are, it is where they are and what they are doing. As an agnostic and a human I shake my head and wonder how could the Palestinians be stupid enough to vote in Hamas.


Oct 29, 2008
Maybe if you were a history buff you would know that 'disproportionate reaction' has only recently been condemned or considered. Few were crying that after the fire-bombing of Tokyo and other Japanese cities which took over 600,000 lives compared to the <3000 that died at Pearl Harbour which were used to justify it. If you are so upset with the uneven death toll what pray tell would you suggest Israel do? Kill one Palestinian for every Jew that dies or just wait around until a few thousand die so they can have the green light to go into Gaza? Israel has the right to self-defense and prevention of future terrorism.

Infrastructure has been destroyed and civilians have died. Surprise! It's war. Israel sends out leaflets into areas which they are going to bombs and also sends out sms to the civilians. If the Hamas weren't hiding among civilians this wouldn't be a problem at all. I call it a war because it is a war. Was Vietnam a war? The Viet Cong only had home made rockets, poor quality Russian guns, no uniforms and lived out in the jungle and they were fighting against the most powerful army in the world. Pretty sure it was still a war, and i think you would be hard pressed to make a clear distinction between Vietnam and Palestine and continue to claim it is not war. I don't see how the blockade changes whether this is a war or not >.> I don't agree with the blockade anyway, but it looks like your Arab Egyptian brothers do because they have been doing the same as Israel.

I didn't know you had some sort of inside information on Israels plans of genocide against the Palestinians. Was this in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that you found this one? You don't know shit; don't pretend that you do and claim a plan of genocide when there is no evidence. By telling me you are an Arab and a Muslim you have just proved that you are unable to overcome your own bias against Israel; I would have otherwise just assumed you were a lefty wanker. I would definitely not call this "Crimes Against Humanity" I would call what you are seeing in Gaza the realities of war.

Arabs are not targeted. If there was another race of people in Palestine that race would be targeted. Its not about who they are, it is where they are and what they are doing. As an agnostic and a human I shake my head and wonder how could the Palestinians be stupid enough to vote in Hamas.
didnt u know that 0.01% pop = genocide


Oct 24, 2007
Maybe if you were a history buff you would know that 'disproportionate reaction' has only recently been condemned or considered. Few were crying that after the fire-bombing of Tokyo and other Japanese cities which took over 600,000 lives compared to the <3000 that died at Pearl Harbour which were used to justify it. If you are so upset with the uneven death toll what pray tell would you suggest Israel do? Kill one Palestinian for every Jew that dies or just wait around until a few thousand die so they can have the green light to go into Gaza? Israel has the right to self-defense and prevention of future terrorism.

Infrastructure has been destroyed and civilians have died. Surprise! It's war. Israel sends out leaflets into areas which they are going to bombs and also sends out sms to the civilians. If the Hamas weren't hiding among civilians this wouldn't be a problem at all. I call it a war because it is a war. Was Vietnam a war? The Viet Cong only had home made rockets, poor quality Russian guns, no uniforms and lived out in the jungle and they were fighting against the most powerful army in the world. Pretty sure it was still a war, and i think you would be hard pressed to make a clear distinction between Vietnam and Palestine and continue to claim it is not war. I don't see how the blockade changes whether this is a war or not >.> I don't agree with the blockade anyway, but it looks like your Arab Egyptian brothers do because they have been doing the same as Israel.

I didn't know you had some sort of inside information on Israels plans of genocide against the Palestinians. Was this in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that you found this one? You don't know shit; don't pretend that you do and claim a plan of genocide when there is no evidence. By telling me you are an Arab and a Muslim you have just proved that you are unable to overcome your own bias against Israel; I would have otherwise just assumed you were a lefty wanker. I would definitely not call this "Crimes Against Humanity" I would call what you are seeing in Gaza the realities of war.

Arabs are not targeted. If there was another race of people in Palestine that race would be targeted. Its not about who they are, it is where they are and what they are doing. As an agnostic and a human I shake my head and wonder how could the Palestinians be stupid enough to vote in Hamas.
1. Yes oviously Israel and Gaza are in a war. However even in war there must be limits to the destruction that is caused. The Geneva conventions were created for a reason and it is in these conventions where the concept of "Disporportionate force" grew. Yes Israel may have a right to defend itself, it must do this however with an adequate response, not by sending in its entire army and reducing the civilians to rubble while it conveniently hands out leaflets telling people to move out of the way. Where are these people to go? We're talking about generations who have their lives in Gaza, you think its easy for them to just abandon everything and go live in a refugee camp where the conditions are even more squalid?

What choice is Israel giving them: Die in Gaza or go rot in a refugee camp?

2. I dont agree with My "brothers" in Egypt. I think the actions of all Arab leaders are disgusting and i am ashamed of them all. Some Arab leaders are working with Israel and have only their own interests to pursue, they dont care what happens to the people of Gaza so dont assume that i immediatley support them.

3. Furthermore why wouldnt i hate the actions of Israel? I dont agree with any of Israels actions in the middle east ever since their "birth" in 1948. Yes it is because i am a Muslim and Arab, but i also look largely at it from a humantiarian perspective. No human can have an easy conscience knowing of the slaughter in Gaza.

4. These "insider" Jewish plans you accused me of having were actually articulated by a Jewsih Rabiah personality. Lets jsut say his ideas on Israels larger goals seem more credible to me than the bullshit you churn out.

5. So you would not call Gaza "crimes against humanity". Yes because the UN saying it over and over and Ban Ki Moon calling it a disaster have clearly no worth in the face of an adolescent who can only string some apathetic facts together that he regurgitated from some textbook.

6. The reality of war is that there must be protocols, there must be limits. Yes countries may engage in war, but there must be limits to the damage they cause. Though at war we cant abandon our humanity. What makes Israel any better than the barbarians of the past?

7. Dont even try to compare Vietnam to Palestine. In Vietnam the Vietcong were fighting under the security of jungles they only knew. They had help to draw on from all over Vietnam, from Russia and from the supplies that they could easily import. The people in Gaza dont even have the basic commodities of food and water and yet you expect them to engage in guerilla warfare when they have no help at all?

LASTLY, just like Israelis can elect their government so then can the Palestinians. They have every right to elect whomever they choose. Israel has no right to condemn what has been a democratically elected governement.

Its funny that you assume anyone who looks towards human rights is a "lefty wanker" as you call them.

It just proves that you are neither an agnostic or a human being.


Oct 24, 2007
lol, ok. I'll ponder your argument whilst I sit in my air conditioned house, looking at my car and possessions whilst rolling in the money I'm going to earn tomorrow by being paid adequately for the work I do. Then I'll take my money and I'll buy food, instead of having my food rationed out to me.

Cool story hansel.

Luv capitalism.
YES because there is nothing more to life than just collecting possessions.

YES because you living in Australia with a government who backs you is in the same situation as the other 6 billion people in the world.

Please this post just goes to show how shallow you really are. As long as capitalism brings you material satisfaction then screw the people around the world who slave away to make those air conditioners and cars you prize so much.

I hope you can take your money to the grave with you. It'll be the only comfort you have.

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