Islam group urges forest fire jihad (2 Viewers)


Feb 3, 2007
Somwhere, I am not sure...
Why do people hate Jews?

Why did Hitler hate Jews? He must have had good reason, the sizable chunk of Germany that voted for the Nazi's could not have been wrong. After all, he would not have attempted to exterminate their kind, along with the support of others, unless they are evidently bad people. Their must be truth to the claims that they rule the world and are conspiring against the rest of society, otherwise people would not hate them.

As you can see, the implicit argument that you are making (and do not deny it) is that "people hate Islam, obviously their must be truth to their reasons else Islam would not be so hated. People do not hate Islam for no good reason" is logically flawed, because throughout history people have hated for good reasons and bad. For altruistic and selfish reasons. For reasons of fact and reasons of ignorance. Maybe it is exactly the same reason people hated Jews, Muslims are today's flavour of the month in terms of "justifiable xenophobia".

The intentional picking on of Muslims in the media does not help either, with journalists on standby to sensationalise any Muslim whose tongue steps out of line. We have harsher and less forgiving critique on the Imam in a small mosque than we do on our own Prime Minister for God's sake. Lets see the SMH make an 8 page story on a gaffe made by Kevin Rudd the same way they did on the "uncovered meat" story. Now ask yourself, whose words are more important to report and have a greater effect on our daily lives in Australia, those of Kevin Rudd or Sheikh Halili or whatever his name is.

Why don't BOS Muslims stand up and protest against terrorism? For the same reason that you do not protest against cancer, there is no need to because it is something you would obviously be against. But maybe, if someone opened a thread with the topic "calling all Muslims, do you support terrorism yes or no?" instead of "why are all terrorists Muslim?" or "how scary is it to get on a plane with Muslims?", you would see more replies of the kind "no we do not support terrorism" and less of "not all terrorists are Muslim, most of us are peaceful like the rest of the world, read the Koran properly, etc.".
Very well said. Its like everytime a muslim does or says something wrong people say we have to protest. Well i never saw catholics protesting against the priests who sexually assualt children.

That said i hold high regards for christians, muslims and jews alike and wouldn't like to see any religion's image tainted or misrepresented.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Very well said. Its like everytime a muslim does or says something wrong people say we have to protest. Well i never saw catholics protesting against the priests who sexually assualt children.
And I never saw any Muslims protesting against outspoken Islamist clerics. I did however see the general community up in arms over both the Islamists and the pedophile priests.

That said i hold high regards for christians, muslims and jews alike and wouldn't like to see any religion's image tainted or misrepresented.
Even if it's entirely warranted?


Feb 16, 2009
i called up my local MP and she said she will look into the reports/


Aug 27, 2006
Cos they killed a demi-god. And thanks to the stupid bitch who got hungry and ate the apple, as well as the 4,000 year-old book which told everyone her story, people thought that bad deeds could be passed down through children.
Sup logic. Where you been these last few millenia?
Cos his least favourite planet was Jewpiter.
The guy was fucking bat-shit insane. This is like asking why crazy people eat their own faeces. They just do, ok. It's how they work.
Arguments from majorities are fallacious and idiotic.
Up until the 16th century most people thought the world was flat and the sun and moon orbited us. Just cos they were the majority, doesn't mean they were right.
Or he was just insane and the people found the Jews to be a convenient scapegoat in their time of economic turmoil and hence the subsequent conspiracy theories were a result of and not the cause of the hatred. But you know, whichever one suits your fancy.
If you read my entire post and not selectively quoted it, you would have realised I was being sarcastic for that entire comparison between Jews and Muslims. Do note, Jews were always hated in Europe, for religious and secular reasons, it was the Great Depression that pushed that hatred into genocide (something that may happen some day to Muslims in western society, in the same way 9/11 pushed relations with Muslims from ignorance to hatred), and the Holocaust that revealed the true extent of this hatred.

Or in the case of the Islams, because they continue to explicitly threaten our society and way of life and carry out cowardly attacks upon innocent civilians in order to achieve their end goal of global Islam and because they are unable to come to terms with the individualism and logic-based morality of the West.
I don't remember any Jews in the past few centuries confessing to such.
In the same way, Muslims say that Westerners cannot come to terms with their more family and societal based morality and philosophy. If Muslims should compromise and "come to terms" with the West, the West should do the same with Muslims. Unless you are audacious enough to claim Westerners are factually right and Muslims factually wrong. Of course, not all Westerners buy into that individualism and logic-based morality, and not all Muslims have that family and societal based mentality either. Generalisations much?

Islams didn't kill a demi-god. Although they have also been lauded by the Church since their appearance as being an enemy of civilisation and a threat to Christendom.
Then what's this talk about "Judeo-Christian values" and "I am a Christian, that is why I support Jews and Israel". Make up your mind, are Jews the ally or an enemy of Christianity? Or do you just make the rules up as you go, forgetting they killed the Christian God Jesus if it does not suit them at present.

I don't think calling rape victims "uncovered meat left out for the cats" is an unintentional slip of the tongue.
Never said unintentional, just said a slip of the tongue. It could have been worded better, and I do not see how anyone can disagree with "women dressed scantily and behaving seductively can attract unwanted attention from men". The man is guilty when he commits rape, but women can do their part to avoid it. In the same way, a burglar is guilty when he breaks into your home and steals your stuff, but you could protect yourself by locking your doors and windows. It's not being insensitive, its using common sense. I do not see how pornography lets "women be treated with respect", I know Muslims have their own pornography issues but that is a problem with the individuals and not the message of Islam.

The PM generally tries to make a point of not threatening to burn down forest in divine retrubtion for the population's blasphemy. Although he has hinted at it occassionally.
Great, do not care. I was discussing the comments made by the nutter sheik about uncovered meat, not about threats to burn down fires.

Whichever are more likely to effect our daily lives. K.Rudd generally doesn't say anything of importance, and when he does, it gets full coverage. Like the stimulus plan, for example.
Rudd is the Prime Minister, what he says affects the perceived value of our nation, changes corporate strategies in line with what they view as new political policy, affects our back pockets directly, can infuriate or befriend our neighbouring nations and the world in general, can change the policies of lower levels of government and the general instructions of the public service. It is a much greater impact than an Imam talking about uncovered meat left out for cats. Do you honestly think that story deserved as high a profile as it received?

Cos we scared them off with wild and derogitory abuse.

But you do protest against people who are stopping a cure for cancer.
When the solution is "target Muslims" or "Muslims are guilty no-good terrorists until proven otherwise" then yes we do protest. If you had to undergo chemo until it was proven you did not have cancer in an attempt to "stop a cure for cancer", you would probably protest as well.

This is BoS dude, not fucking Mensa
I'll take that as a compliment.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
If you read my entire post and not selectively quoted it, you would have realised I was being sarcastic for that entire comparison between Jews and Muslims. Do note, Jews were always hated in Europe, for religious and secular reasons, it was the Great Depression that pushed that hatred into genocide (something that may happen some day to Muslims in western society, in the same way 9/11 pushed relations with Muslims from ignorance to hatred), and the Holocaust that revealed the true extent of this hatred.
Yeah, I did realise this. You were still annoying me though.

In the same way, Muslims say that Westerners cannot come to terms with their more family and societal based morality and philosophy. If Muslims should compromise and "come to terms" with the West, the West should do the same with Muslims. Unless you are audacious enough to claim Westerners are factually right and Muslims factually wrong. Of course, not all Westerners buy into that individualism and logic-based morality, and not all Muslims have that family and societal based mentality either. Generalisations much?
Westerners can come to terms with Muslim values on society and family. We don't make direct threats against innocent people because we can't understand or don't like the way they run their family. People in the West don't give a crap how a Muslim family or society works, as long as it doesn't impact upon them.
Not so for many Muslims it seems.

Then what's this talk about "Judeo-Christian values" and "I am a Christian, that is why I support Jews and Israel". Make up your mind, are Jews the ally or an enemy of Christianity? Or do you just make the rules up as you go, forgetting they killed the Christian God Jesus if it does not suit them at present.
You evidently have no idea about teh real reasons behind the foundation of Israel.
For starters, anti-Semitism is still just as rife in the Western world as it was before World War II and National Socialism. There are two reasons why modern Christendom (especially America) supports Israel:
1) Guilt. They all feel shit about not intervening in the Holocaust, so they are trying to make up for it.
2) Fundemental Christian obsession with the Second Coming. Jesus will apparently only return and bring about the Apocalypse if the Jews are in the Holy Land, and many devout Christians around the world openly welcome the rapture, the coming of New Jerusalem, the destruction of the Whore of Babylon and the End of Days. Don't discount the massively disproportianal political power that the Evangelicals wield.
Both of these reasons don't at all mean that the West actually likes the Jews.

Never said unintentional, just said a slip of the tongue. It could have been worded better, and I do not see how anyone can disagree with "women dressed scantily and behaving seductively can attract unwanted attention from men". The man is guilty when he commits rape, but women can do their part to avoid it. In the same way, a burglar is guilty when he breaks into your home and steals your stuff, but you could protect yourself by locking your doors and windows. It's not being insensitive, its using common sense. I do not see how pornography lets "women be treated with respect", I know Muslims have their own pornography issues but that is a problem with the individuals and not the message of Islam.
And depsite having the ability to express his ideas and opinions in a diplomatic and non-offensive manner, the Sheikh decides to make a crude and insulting comparison. Only a mental retard or someone who is purposely trying to stir the pot could possibly make such a slip of the tongue.

Great, do not care. I was discussing the comments made by the nutter sheik about uncovered meat, not about threats to burn down fires.
So? They were both made by Islamic holy men. What's the difference? No normal, caring member of society would ever say either such thing, even in jest.

Rudd is the Prime Minister, what he says affects the perceived value of our nation, changes corporate strategies in line with what they view as new political policy, affects our back pockets directly, can infuriate or befriend our neighbouring nations and the world in general, can change the policies of lower levels of government and the general instructions of the public service. It is a much greater impact than an Imam talking about uncovered meat left out for cats. Do you honestly think that story deserved as high a profile as it received?
Rudd is a career diplomat and poltician. When he does make a speech, it is purposely created to say as little as possible. His words are predictable, moderate and delibrately designed not to inflame or surprise the audience.
In fact, the only time when he has gone against this was his article on social captialism in The Monthly, which over the past month has probably received at least 8 pages of coverage, if not more, to thus be comparable to the coverage on Sheikh Halili that you seem so outraged over.

When the solution is "target Muslims" or "Muslims are guilty no-good terrorists until proven otherwise" then yes we do protest. If you had to undergo chemo until it was proven you did not have cancer in an attempt to "stop a cure for cancer", you would probably protest as well.
Huh? This makes no sense and you appear to have interpretted my words in the opposite way they were intended.

I'll take that as a compliment.


Jun 24, 2007
Westerners can come to terms with Muslim values on society and family. We don't make direct threats against innocent people because we can't understand or don't like the way they run their family. People in the West don't give a crap how a Muslim family or society works, as long as it doesn't impact upon them.
Not so for many Muslims it seems.
Wrong, moll.

W Bush has, time and time again, spoken about wanting to create (ie. "You're all a bunch of raghead savages who need to be educated in the white western man's ways") a democratic middle east that is more in line with US governmental/politics. The West has been trying to impose their values on to the Muslim middle east for generations. The West has made direct threats (US v Iraq, and Bush v Iran) as well as indirect threats in the past 60 years by indirectly affecting middle east politics and culture by the provision of weapons to certain groups and organisations, including the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, to fuel unrest in the middle east for their own purposes, including to gain the upper hand in the arms race.

"We" certainly do make direct and indirect threats against people and cultures "we" don't understand.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Wrong, moll.

W Bush has, time and time again, spoken about wanting to create (ie. "You're all a bunch of raghead savages who need to be educated in the white western man's ways") a democratic middle east that is more in line with US governmental/politics. The West has been trying to impose their values on to the Muslim middle east for generations. The West has made direct threats (US v Iraq, and Bush v Iran) as well as indirect threats in the past 60 years by indirectly affecting middle east politics and culture by the provision of weapons to certain groups and organisations, including the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, to fuel unrest in the middle east for their own purposes, including to gain the upper hand in the arms race.

"We" certainly do make direct and indirect threats against people and cultures "we" don't understand.
For starters, I was only talking about a battle of ideas and values, not political and military positions. There have been no - I repeat, no - attempts by any sane Westerner to change Muslim values and ideas for the family and society. One possible exception is upon the grounds of human rights, but very little in traditional Muslim society comes into conflict with this. The same cannot be said of the Islamists, who desire that the West adhere to their version of holy laws and customs in everyday society.
Secondly, democracy and Islamic family and cutural values are perfectly compatible, as long as one were to try hard enough. Just because Bush was trying desperately (and wrongly a lot of the time) to change their political system, doesn't mean he was trying to change their culture or family values.


Feb 16, 2009
some religious nut in FATA provice of pakistan just announced democracy is for the kaffir.


Jun 24, 2007
For starters, I was only talking about a battle of ideas and values, not political and military positions. There have been no - I repeat, no - attempts by any sane Westerner to change Muslim values and ideas for the family and society. One possible exception is upon the grounds of human rights, but very little in traditional Muslim society comes into conflict with this. The same cannot be said of the Islamists, who desire that the West adhere to their version of holy laws and customs in everyday society.
Secondly, democracy and Islamic family and cutural values are perfectly compatible, as long as one were to try hard enough. Just because Bush was trying desperately (and wrongly a lot of the time) to change their political system, doesn't mean he was trying to change their culture or family values.
Attempting to change a political system is tantamount to changing culture and values, especially when many government/political systems in the middle east revolves around religious/cultural/tribal issues.

Historically speaking (and I'm talking up to very very recent history), the West has had more of a track record of invading and meddling with the religion/culture/politics of the middle east, than the middle east doing so on their own initiative in the West.


Feb 16, 2009
Attempting to change a political system is tantamount to changing culture and values, especially when many government/political systems in the middle east revolves around religious/cultural/tribal issues.

Historically speaking (and I'm talking up to very very recent history), the West has had more of a track record of invading and meddling with the religion/culture/politics of the middle east, than the middle east doing so on their own initiative in the West.
see post 177


Feb 16, 2009
Yeah but western culture is better than islamic culture by a long shot.
Islamic culture doesn't exist on planet earth.
in saying that, i think your getting mixed up with culture and living standards.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Attempting to change a political system is tantamount to changing culture and values, especially when many government/political systems in the middle east revolves around religious/cultural/tribal issues.
I beg to differ.
Some of the most democratic countries in the world have vastly different cultures. Japan after WWII, with the help of America, democratised and industrialised, like they are trying in the Middle East now, but Japan still retained it's individual culture. Sure, Islam doesn't seem compatable with democracy when it's ingrained in the political system. But neither did Shintoism in 1945. Look at Japan nowadays.
Your claim is completely basless. At least mine relies on historic parallels.

Historically speaking (and I'm talking up to very very recent history), the West has had more of a track record of invading and meddling with the religion/culture/politics of the middle east, than the middle east doing so on their own initiative in the West.
It is also worth noting that, historically, no other nation in the world has intervened as much around the world than America in order to protect Muslim interets. It was they who opposed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and aided the mujhadeen. It was the Americans who protected Kuwait and Saudia Arabia during the Gulf War. It was the Americans who opposed the British, French and Israelis in the Suez Crisis. It was the Americans who brokered the Oslo Accords and hosted the Camp David Summit which so nearly resolved the Palestinian issue. It was the Americans who whole-heartedly supported the decolonisation process in the Muslim world after WWII. It was the Americans who fought against communism in South-East Asia and prevented it reaching Indonesia. And whether you agree whether it should have been done or not, it was the Americans who brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan.


Jun 24, 2007
I beg to differ.
Some of the most democratic countries in the world have vastly different cultures. Japan after WWII, with the help of America, democratised and industrialised, like they are trying in the Middle East now, but Japan still retained it's individual culture. Sure, Islam doesn't seem compatable with democracy when it's ingrained in the political system. But neither did Shintoism in 1945. Look at Japan nowadays.
Your claim is completely basless. At least mine relies on historic parallels.
Let's get something clear, are you saying that Japan only 'democratised and industrialised' after WWII....?

It is also worth noting that, historically, no other nation in the world has intervened as much around the world than America in order to protect Muslim interets. It was they who opposed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and aided the mujhadeen. It was the Americans who protected Kuwait and Saudia Arabia during the Gulf War. It was the Americans who opposed the British, French and Israelis in the Suez Crisis. It was the Americans who brokered the Oslo Accords and hosted the Camp David Summit which so nearly resolved the Palestinian issue. It was the Americans who whole-heartedly supported the decolonisation process in the Muslim world after WWII. It was the Americans who fought against communism in South-East Asia and prevented it reaching Indonesia. And whether you agree whether it should have been done or not, it was the Americans who brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan.
So let's get this clear, you're saying that the US has been altruistic in its efforts to 'protect muslim interests'.. right?


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Let's get something clear, are you saying that Japan only 'democratised and industrialised' after WWII....?
Industrialised, no. It was reasonably well along that path before the war, but America did help it recover in a Japanese-style Marshal Plan.
But democratise, yes. Japan was as much a democracy in the 30's as Iran is today.

So let's get this clear, you're saying that the US has been altruistic in its efforts to 'protect muslim interests'.. right?
No. I'm just pointing out fact. You were the one who interpreted that way.


Feb 16, 2009
America has never cared about Muslim interests, Australian interests or British interests. IT CARES OF ONLY OF ITS OWN INTERESTS. if in the process of protecting these interests she must protect another nations interests it will do so, only if the end result is American interests protected or implemented.


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
America has never cared about Muslim interests, Australian interests or British interests. IT CARES OF ONLY OF ITS OWN INTERESTS. if in the process of protecting these interests she must protect another nations interests it will do so, only if the end result is American interests protected or implemented.
So? Doesn't change the above facts.


Jun 24, 2007
Industrialised, no. It was reasonably well along that path before the war, but America did help it recover in a Japanese-style Marshal Plan.
But democratise, yes. Japan was as much a democracy in the 30's as Iran is today.
So in other words you're now going back and changing your earlier comment...

No. I'm just pointing out fact. You were the one who interpreted that way.
That's what I'm trying to get clear, you're claiming as fact that US's only interest in the middle east is to 'protect muslim interests'.. right?


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
So in other words you're now going back and changing your earlier comment...
No, you misinterpretted it. They did democratise and industrialise with America's help. More so democratise, perhaps.
But this is irrelevant anyway and you're just being a pendantic whinger.

That's what I'm trying to get clear, you're claiming as fact that US's only interest in the middle east is to 'protect muslim interests'.. right?
No. When did i say that? Stop twisting my words, retard.


Jun 24, 2007
No, you misinterpretted it. They did democratise and industrialise with America's help. More so democratise, perhaps.
But this is irrelevant anyway and you're just being a pendantic whinger.
I'm only asking so that I know exactly what you're saying so that I can respond with the correct historical fact, but I am seeing a pattern from you of being vague and/or going back and changing your statements after I ask for clarification on where exactly you stand in terms of what you know of world history and politics.

Taking it step by step, for example in your first statement, you said:

Japan after WWII, with the help of America, democratised and industrialised

But neither did Shintoism in 1945.

At least mine relies on historic parallels.
But then you said:

They did democratise and industrialise with America's help. More so democratise, perhaps.
Now you say 'perhaps'? So what exactly are you saying? Did Japan industrialise and democratise after WWII with the help of the US or not??

But this is irrelevant anyway
And also it was your point that you're making but now you say your own point is 'irrelevant'?

Fish Tank

That guy
Aug 22, 2009
I would also say that [without any evidence at all] atheists are much more likely to be peaceful, law abiding people who do not murder and rape.
Because they vent all their anger on the Interwebz.

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