I didn't use Knox heaps for BABS1201, the course is taught quite well. I had a great lab demonstrator, who was a little strict but made things fun! And the lecturers are quite clear in delivering the content. I used it more in BIOS1011 [DO NOT PICK! AWEFUL WOEFUL SUBJECT!] because as Tim said the lectureres were quite bland, boring...seriously worst speakers ever, monotone dry voice, dry content... However I did end up buying a Campbell textbook, only because they specified 3 chapters worth of readings in the Knox book (sometimes more) for each bios lab, compared to Campbell, where they were more specific in labelling pages to read, rather than whole chapters.
Lol I don't know, I like having that reassuring/safe feeling that you get from having a textbook on your shelf: like insurance, "just in case..." - even if you don't use it.