SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS (3 Viewers)


New Member
Sep 5, 2008
SOPHIE N "we are specifically told not to study Mohammed and we dont ever look at the quran. most ridiculous exam of my life, that question threw me off for the entire exam. absolutely ridiculous" The question wasn't asking you to speak about Muhammed although you *are* supposed to have knowledge of him from the prelim course. It was clearly an invitation to talk about the sources of revelation like the Qur'an and the Hadith and even though you don't "ever look at the Qur'an" you are expected to have knowledge of it as it is the essence of the Islamic teachings (practices, ethics) that you've studied all year. Seriously, all anyone had to do was comprehend the question, get over ittt!
okay, so you wrote some stuff, congratulations... maybe im wrong here, let me no if i am..but im pretty sure Mohammad worshiped Allah, so why did the quote keep referring to God? That was a shitty quote and if you were in my hall during the exam you would see that we were at an unfair disadvantage. So i will be putting in for illness/misadventure because i felt a disadvantage. By all means, dont put in illness/misadventure but if it turns out you misinterpreted the question or something dont start crying when you get a bad mark. That question has been interpreted in so many ways, not everyone can get it right.


New Member
May 18, 2006
guys, it WASNT THAT BAD, if you read and interpreted the question properly it was fine. everyone freaked out cos they couldnt see the words "ethics" or "practise" on the page spelling out exactly what you had to do.everyone is just chucking a tantrum cos they actually had to think for themselves, rather than spit out a memorised essay.yes it asked you to take stuff from the prelim course, and yes they can only ask you for 30%, and yes a 20 mark question = 40%, but the entire question wasnt based around prelim, for example, in Islam i could talk about bioethics, Hajj and A'isha because all were related to the revelation.everyone knows that the BOS isnt going to give you a band 6 that easily, the whole purpose of the question was to make students think for themselves and prevent them from using a memorised essay.i think it was a good question because you had to prove you understood all the basic concepts of the faith itsself... or at least it was like that in Islam, rather than just memorising quotes and stuff that Islamic leaders have put out about ethical issues. a band 6 answer is going to show you really understand how Islam works, not just 1 or 2 minor aspects of italso, i think its absolutely ridiculous that people walked out of the exam or refused to answer the question, for a lot of people the marks for this exam count towards the ATAR they needed, and they were prepared to throw it all away cos the question was a bit difficult?? grow up. seriously.
I did Islam too and i agree that the HSC shouldn't be about route learning it definitely should be about applying your knowledge but i don't think that BOS should have a) made some of the questions more convoluted than others such as hinduism where you could choose between ethics or practices and b) in timed exam conditions there was no way that a lot people who had a broad knowledge of the topics could interpret the question as well as they might've liked.

you may feel like you performed amazingly but some people didn't have a great prelim knowledge because they moved schools or they had a crap teacher. I am one of those people who never route learn however i followed the syllabus point by point and still i couldn't see any links between the syllabus and that question.

Some people base their entire entry into uni on these exams... it's not about needing to grow up, its about making it fair for everyone
Sep 26, 2008
The Christianity questio was absolute CRAP!!

Check out this link... it has the syllabus outcomes they wanted for each question...
Studies of Religion – 2009 HSC Examination Mapping Grid - Board of Studies NSW

Man I'm screwed because I spoke about our significant person, ethics and practise in my Christianity essay!
YAYYYYYYY I DID THE RIGHT THING!! :D :D :Dthe christianity question was simple!!! but I only think it was simple for me because for our practice we did saturday/sunday worship so that was very very easy to link in with the whole eucharist thing and everything. but yeah if someone had done like im not sure what the other options are, baptism is one i think? so yeah if someone had done baptism i agree it would have been really hard.


New Member
Jun 26, 2008
I did the Judaism essay and i thought the question was so good!
like you could talk about any of the 3 things that weve learned instead of having to only do one topic. so i did jewish marriage and jewish bioethics. i agree Christianity was harder, but i mean still.. thats why we get to choose which essay


New Member
Feb 11, 2008
You guys, go to this board of studies home page link:
Home - Board of Studies NSW

scroll down to where it says 'SYLLABUS FEEDBACK FORM' and do ur thang.

i complained and complained and complained... trust me, it makes you feel better.

Vanessa Pastega

New Member
Feb 25, 2009
so devo about that section i studied mega hard 4 it and that all went 2 waste, i actually asked the chick if she gave me the right paper i was so confused, i thought she gave me the 2 unit 1!!! this is going 2 the the test that every1's like yer u know that 2009 paper totally shit ay...i did christainity and Saturday Sunday worship and that was apparently the easiest and it still killed me :(


New Member
Apr 16, 2007
yeah it was a shit of a question, but seriously who gives a crap? You'll find that the question did have something to do with the syllabus, however abstract it may be and it is designed to stop people from just reciting essays they remember beforehand and testing actual content knowledge, the way it should be. Personally i went crap but i didnt really study so i deserved it and i should have realised what it was talking about... so stop wasting time whinging about it cause the BOS arent just going to say sorry and provide an easier test for u all to do
Sep 26, 2008
yeah it was a shit of a question, but seriously who gives a crap? You'll find that the question did have something to do with the syllabus, however abstract it may be and it is designed to stop people from just reciting essays they remember beforehand and testing actual content knowledge, the way it should be. Personally i went crap but i didnt really study so i deserved it and i should have realised what it was talking about... So stop wasting time whinging about it cause the bos arent just going to say sorry and provide an easier test for u all to do
+ 1

bored of sc

Active Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Board of Studies have been very clever this year. They've effectively stopped a massive group of people who memorise the coursework (and don't know how to a apply it in a broad and generalised context) from getting a band 6. I take my feathered hat off to them.


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
originally posted by mattsinclair
yeah it was a shit of a question, but seriously who gives a crap? You'll find that the question did have something to do with the syllabus, however abstract it may be and it is designed to stop people from just reciting essays they remember beforehand and testing actual content knowledge, the way it should be. Personally i went crap but i didnt really study so i deserved it and i should have realised what it was talking about... So stop wasting time whinging about it cause the bos arent just going to say sorry and provide an easier test for u all to do
Sep 26, 2008
The Board of Studies have been very clever this year. They've effectively stopped a massive group of people who memorise the coursework (and don't know how to a apply it in a broad and generalised context) from getting a band 6. I take my feathered hat off to them.


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
The Board of Studies have been very clever this year. They've effectively stopped a massive group of people who memorise the coursework (and don't know how to a apply it in a broad and generalised context) from getting a band 6. I take my feathered hat off to them.

although i do agree that it was cruel of the BOS to throw in an 20 marker based on year 11 content noone had revised, i also, to an extent, agree with the above comment.

the HSC has been designed to allow those who have 'memorised' responses and facts (some of which they themselves don't really understand, but have merely tattooed to their memories) to succeed with flying colours, when really exams should be testing a student's understanding and knowledge of the content, not the level of their desperation to do well (and hence their ability to vomit up facts and essays they don't even understand).

section 3 this year, however, will provide a more accurate demonstration of a student's knowledge and understanding, as it requires an analysis of the course content, allowing those students who DO have a proper understanding of their study to provide an adequate response, while those who had memorised an essay on a person/practice/ethic AND had a thorough understanding of their study would have been able to apply their memory to the question even more effectively (thus rewarding a student not only for a deeper understanding of the content, but also their hard work in memorising an entire essay...which is what the hsc is about).
meanwhile, those who had merely memorised an essay without really engaging with the concepts and ideas of their course would have failed, thus filtering out 'a massive group of people who memorise the coursework (and don't know how to a apply it in a broad and generalised context) from getting a band 6'.

so yes. i take off my hat, too. maybe not quite so enthusiastically as 'bored of sc', but it's off nonetheless.

there's my defence, before people start attacking him/her.


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
St Andrews
although i do agree that it was cruel of the BOS to throw in an 20 marker based on year 11 content noone had revised, i also, to an extent, agree with the above comment.

the HSC has been designed to allow those who have 'memorised' responses and facts (some of which they themselves don't really understand, but have merely tattooed to their memories) to succeed with flying colours, when really exams should be testing a student's understanding and knowledge of the content, not the level of their desperation to do well (and hence their ability to vomit up facts and essays they don't even understand).

section 3 this year, however, will provide a more accurate demonstration of a student's knowledge and understanding, as it requires an analysis of the course content, allowing those students who DO have a proper understanding of their study to provide an adequate response, while those who had memorised an essay on a person/practice/ethic AND had a thorough understanding of their study would have been able to apply their memory to the question even more effectively (thus rewarding a student not only for a deeper understanding of the content, but also their hard work in memorising an entire essay...which is what the hsc is about).
meanwhile, those who had merely memorised an essay without really engaging with the concepts and ideas of their course would have failed, thus filtering out 'a massive group of people who memorise the coursework (and don't know how to a apply it in a broad and generalised context) from getting a band 6'.

so yes. i take off my hat, too. maybe not quite so enthusiastically as 'bored of sc', but it's off nonetheless.

there's my defence, before people start attacking him/her.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
the board of studies have to take it into consideration that the questions WERENT FROM THE FUCKING SYLLABUS!

And, apparently some schools got an hours break because they were freaking
out so much, thats very unfair for schools, like mine, where students just had to grin and bear it. If i had an hours break i probably could have written a brilliant essay drawing on my knowledge from prelim.

The worst part about it is, the baord of studies are refusing to admit any fault, theyve said that we were just freaking out because it was a quote, we were freaking out because the quote and questions didnt relate to anything on the hsc syllabus!!

I didnt memorise essays, I learnt the content and I was coming first in SOR, I understood it, its not exactly a hard subject. If they had used a quote that related to the syllabus then it would have been okay, THAT would have been reasonable but what they have done is said that the HSC will be on the HSC syllabus, NOT prelim and then tested us on prelim.

And they wont have pushed people who dont understand the content but have memorised slabs of information out of band 6, they will have pushed all the marks together so there isnt a true representation of ability.

If they think they were testing "understanding," they have to recognise that they were testing understanding of PRELIM which they said wouldnt be on the exams!!!

there. end rant.
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New Member
Oct 29, 2009
the board of studies have to take it into consideration that the questions WERENT FROM THE FUCKING SYLLABUS!

And, apparently some schools got an hours break because they were freaking
out so much, thats very unfair for schools, like mine, where students just had to grin and bear it. If i had an hours break i probably could have written a brilliant essay drawing on my knowledge from prelim.

The worst part about it is, the baord of studies are refusing to admit any fault, theyve said that we were just freaking out because it was a quote, we were freaking out because the quote and questions didnt relate to anything on the hsc syllabus!!

I didnt memorise essays, I learnt the content and I was coming first in SOR, I understood it, its not exactly a hard subject. If they had used a quote that related to the syllabus then it would have been okay, THAT would have been reasonable but what they have done is said that the HSC will be on the HSC syllabus, NOT prelim and then tested us on prelim.

And they wont have pushed people who dont understand the content but have memorised slabs of information out of band 6, they will have pushed all the marks together so there isnt a true representation of ability.

If they think they were testing "understanding," they have to recognise that they were testing understanding of PRELIM which they said wouldnt be on the exams!!!

there. end rant.
Its not their fault. The question allowed you as a student to answer in reference to Practice and or Ethics and if you were really knew your DEPTH study you could even talk about sig person or thought. A textbook student who memorises essays could easily get 15/15 for section 2. Section 3 will allow markers to distinguish between those textbook students and those who able to think out of the box. This is where the scaling will happen :)

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