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My review of Intuition Education (Epping) (1 Viewer)

Mar 20, 2009
So keep me at an arms length by all means and Sani
I have so much time on my hands that I thought I would write up a small review on Intuition, since I went there and obviously you don't want to rush into a $4000~ course without knowing what you're in for.

Now, I haven't been to any other tutoring colleges (except private ones) but my expectations were pretty high.

How it works
Don't enrol in Year 11, it's a waste of money. In fact, don't even enrol in Term 1 of Year 12 (As in Term 4 of Year 11), they do the exact same things, in more detail, the next term.

Every week you attend a class. These classes are usually 2.5 hours or 3 hours, depending on the subject. In it, you're given a booklet of notes with a bunch of missing words that you have to fill in throughout the lesson. As for any questions in the booklet, the teacher explains it, writes it on the board and has you copy it down.
It is extremely important to pay attention to everything the teacher says. If you only copy everything down without understanding any of it, you're wasting your money. Make sure to ask any questions.

You're given a homework booklet due by the next lesson. The booklets are actually quite hard, and there are several challenge questions for the really smart kids. The homework booklet is given back at the end of the lesson.

Every week you're required to attend a tutorial (or a 'tute') for 1.5 hours. In this tute, with 4 students per tutor, you have to literally re-do every question you got wrong, ending up with 0 mistakes for your homework (challenges aren't compulsory). If you can't finish by the end of the tute, you can book an extra tute for free.

The entire course for all the subjects is finished by the end of Term 3 Year 12 (halfway through the year). For Sciences, this means doing two modules a term. From then on, you enter a period called ESP (Exam Success Program) where you do an HSC-style test every week. This means you have to go to Intuition for an extra 2.5/3 hours every week: Test, Class (Exam review), Tute. There are a total of 9 ESP exams.

The teachers/tutors
Okay, some of the teachers and tutors are fantastic. If you do end up going to this place, try and end up with Victor as your teacher for Maths and Sanj as your teacher for Physics. They are, without a doubt, the best teachers in the place. Personally, I wouldn't pay for any other teachers. One of the great things about Intuition is that you can easily change your class.

As for tute tutors, new tutors come in and out every year so try and shuffle around. There are lots, and I haven't had many of them. Personally, I really liked Louise (fast, to the point, nice and helpful), Hari (funny, smart and helpful) and Tom (genius but sometimes off on a tangent). Try to end up with them.

That said, some of the other teachers and tutors are absolutely horrible. I'm not going to name names but you'll figure it out, they're not worth the money.

Customer service
They have a group of people called SS (not sure what it stands for) who sit behind the counter and type a bunch of stuff into Microsoft Excel. They're generally nice, and they (usually) call you up if you don't make it to a lesson/tute. They'll help you with lots of stuff, but if they refuse to let you do something (use a textbook, book one-on-one tutes, any other help) go directly to Max (owner) or some other high up teacher.

Max, the owner, is extremely nice. He will keep the place formal, but is willing to bend lots of the rules to help the students. I know he gave my mum a nice discount (our financial status) and he's helped a lot of my friends.

The good stuff
So I liked a lot of stuff at Intuition.

ESP - really saved my ass when I didn't do my own past papers.
End of year party (free alcohol).
The ease of interacting with other students.
Some teachers/tutors.
The way you can go in there any time and study in an empty room.
Some people (lots of my friends) became really attached to the place. They felt it was like a second school that was better than their real one.
Changing classes/tutes any time, provided they're not full (tutes were all filled up by the end of the year).

The bad stuff
I also disliked a lot of stuff at Intuition.

The leniency - A lot of friends, and myself, got away with skipping classes, skipping tutes, not handing in homework, not marking down homework... etc.
The fail teachers/tutors.
The way SS puts potential customers (visiting parents) as a top priority.
Sometimes there are huge classes (15~ people),
And none of them asks any questions, ever.
The tutes are often ineffective as there are 4 people for the tutor to pay attention to.
The bias - The teachers/tutors/Max/SS will 'like' a few students other than others. Lots of my friends were granted privileges that I wasn't even though I paid more (did more subjects than them).
Retarded marking - Some of the tutors mark like fucking morons.
Tutors don't know everything - They're given answer booklets which they relay to you, sometimes not understanding themselves (scroll up for the tutors that I liked, they barely used the answer booklets).
Often, a room will have 2 tutes at once - This amounts to 10 people in one room.
Although I liked Sanj (great teaching), he's a complete faggot. He's smart, he's rich and he puts himself up on the pedestal (too cool for us).
You can see through lots of the forced niceness of the tutors (some are genuinely nice).
The notes aren't that great. I never looked at my Physics notes ever again after the lessons. For Maths, whenever I re-read the notes, they didn't help me at all.
In fact, I was looking up something in Physics on Wikipedia and guess what? Some of the notes were literally copied and pasted from the page.
They skip lots of things from the Syllabus, especially in Sciences - virtually all the experiments were skipped. All of my school's assessments were experiment-based, so naturally I became worried. I told this to Sanj (the complete faggot) and he replied with:
Sanj said:
Well your school is shit.
You have to spend so much time at Intuition that you don't get time for your own study, or your other subjects - I was spending over 20 hours a week at Intuition during my trials. I had to go every single day. I fell behind in school work, especially my English and Modern History.
They addressed this issue on their site:
Q: Intuition takes up too much time - shouldn't students focus on school work?

A: Intuition is a complementary service to school work and provides the necessary preparation for school and HSC assessments. We teach and reinforce the same topics that are being learnt at school while going one step further by thoroughly ensuring each student’s understanding and ability to apply their knowledge.

Our program is structured to maximise study efficiency and ensures every syllabus requirement is met. Students that study at Intuition will be better equipped to tackle their school work and achieve exam success.
This is complete BULLSHIT. The Syllabus wasn't completely covered (although what they did cover was done in depth, usually). They don't give a shit about what you're doing at school, they continue to press on with their 2 modules per term, giving you way too much work. Your study becomes extremely inefficient after joining, as your time is focused on work that your assessment isn't based on. My Physics exams were not helped at all by Intuition.

The price tag
The price can range from $25-$35 if memory serves me right, I'm not too sure how low it can go (some stupid rule about paying less if you enrol earlier).
Now, $25 might seem like a decent price. But remember, it's not private tutoring, there are over 10 other people in your class.
Also, remember how often you go per week. 2.5 hour lessons + 1.5 hour tute = 4 hours. That's $100 a week. Add ESP into that (3 hour exams) = $175 a week.
That's assuming you're not doing 3 hour lessons. I did 2 subject until I realised how much money I was wasting, so I dropped Maths and picked it up again at the end of the year for ESP. It was expensive.

My opinion
You have to realise, even though I disliked many things, they did help me a lot for my studies. Perhaps I just liked Physics and I would have done as well without them, perhaps I only did well because I was with them. Either way, you have to do your own study to make up for what they don't teach you. You should be studying by yourself to do well anyway, even though Intuition takes so much time.

Do you have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare for your education? Do you want to do well in a specific subject? Are you doing well in subjects that you are not going to enrol in Intuition for? Do you have lots of time, and are willing to dedicate all that time on studying, most of which will be spent on Intuition, leaving not much time for your other subjects? If yes, go for it.

If you're not doing well financially, I would advise against this. Find a cheaper tutor.
Mar 20, 2009
So keep me at an arms length by all means and Sani
lol, ok i just read this properly

and it's a fairly written objective post

youngminii - you are a fucking pussy for taking your post down

Intuition Education (Epping) - if someone from there is reading this, you guys are pathetic. Students can do perfectly well in the HSC without being overburdened by shitty corporations like yourself sucking money out of stupid public school asian families and providing a shitty service. Also, to threaten the original poster and forcing him take it down is just pathetic.


Feb 26, 2008
Q: Intuition takes up too much time - shouldn't students focus on school work?

A: Intuition is a complementary service to school work and provides the necessary preparation for school and HSC assessments. We teach and reinforce the same topics that are being learnt at school while going one step further by thoroughly ensuring each student’s understanding and ability to apply their knowledge.

Our program is structured to maximise study efficiency and ensures every syllabus requirement is met. Students that study at Intuition will be better equipped to tackle their school work and achieve exam success.
i bet these guys totally aced hsc english. just look at those bullshitting skills in action


May 10, 2007
Tough shit. If you can't take it, don't give it, Intuition.


Aug 6, 2009
yeah awesome type up. I'd just like to add a bit more on spots... I'll write in red so you know where i added a bit of extra info

I have so much time on my hands that I thought I would write up a small review on Intuition, since I went there and obviously you don't want to rush into a $4000~ course without knowing what you're in for.

yeah they give you 4 weeks trial lesson, you pay for them but if you don't like Intuition and quit, you get the money back. Apparently it's to make sure you actually give it a "serious trial"

Now, I haven't been to any other tutoring colleges (except private ones) but my expectations were pretty high.

Similarily, know some people who said it was good...

How it works
Don't enrol in Year 11, it's a waste of money. In fact, don't even enrol in Term 1 of Year 12 (As in Term 4 of Year 11), they do the exact same things, in more detail, the next term.

Every week you attend a class. These classes are usually 2.5 hours or 3 hours, depending on the subject. In it, you're given a booklet of notes with a bunch of missing words that you have to fill in throughout the lesson. As for any questions in the booklet, the teacher explains it, writes it on the board and has you copy it down.

basically the same as Prime, Prior, Talent 100, Matrix etc...but I think Intuiton notes are much better, as I've seen all the booklets. Intuiton's notes are only second to TSFX ones...

It is extremely important to pay attention to everything the teacher says. If you only copy everything down without understanding any of it, you're wasting your money. Make sure to ask any questions.

You're given a homework booklet due by the next lesson. The booklets are actually quite hard, and there are several challenge questions for the really smart kids. The homework booklet is given back at the end of the lesson.

You have to do the homework though. Emphasis especially in year 12 and some subjects in year 11 I believe...

Every week you're required to attend a tutorial (or a 'tute') for 1.5 hours. In this tute, with 4 students per tutor, you have to literally re-do every question you got wrong, ending up with 0 mistakes for your homework (challenges aren't compulsory). If you can't finish by the end of the tute, you can book an extra tute for free.

You can book "infinite" amount of tutes lol.

The entire course for all the subjects is finished by the end of Term 3 Year 12 (halfway through the year). For Sciences, this means doing two modules a term. From then on, you enter a period called ESP (Exam Success Program) where you do an HSC-style test every week. This means you have to go to Intuition for an extra 2.5/3 hours every week: Test, Class (Exam review), Tute. There are a total of 9 ESP exams.

Which is good practice. Chime lol. -_-

The teachers/tutors
Okay, some of the teachers and tutors are fantastic. If you do end up going to this place, try and end up with Victor as your teacher for Maths and Sanj as your teacher for Physics. They are, without a doubt, the best teachers in the place. Personally, I wouldn't pay for any other teachers. One of the great things about Intuition is that you can easily change your class.

Max is pretty good too in my opinon. Knows his stuff.

As for tute tutors, new tutors come in and out every year so try and shuffle around. There are lots, and I haven't had many of them. Personally, I really liked Louise (fast, to the point, nice and helpful), Hari (funny, smart and helpful) and Tom (genius but sometimes off on a tangent). Try to end up with them.

That said, some of the other teachers and tutors are absolutely horrible. I'm not going to name names but you'll figure it out, they're not worth the money.

Customer service
They have a group of people called SS (not sure what it stands for) who sit behind the counter and type a bunch of stuff into Microsoft Excel. They're generally nice, and they (usually) call you up if you don't make it to a lesson/tute. They'll help you with lots of stuff, but if they refuse to let you do something (use a textbook, book one-on-one tutes, any other help) go directly to Max (owner) or some other high up teacher.


Max, the owner, is extremely nice. He will keep the place formal, but is willing to bend lots of the rules to help the students. I know he gave my mum a nice discount (our financial status) and he's helped a lot of my friends.

Yeah max is a good guy. Not arrogant either, doesn't look like boss or says he is so... yeah. Oh yeah, forgot to include, they (Max) want to meet all new students? Its basically information he gives you about the program and HSC such as scaling etc which is quite useful.

The good stuff
So I liked a lot of stuff at Intuition.

ESP - really saved my ass when I didn't do my own past papers.
End of year party (free alcohol).
Your HSC is in 2012, and they gave you free alcohol o_O
The ease of interacting with other students.
Some teachers/tutors.
The way you can go in there any time and study in an empty room.
Some people (lots of my friends) became really attached to the place. They felt it was like a second school that was better than their real one.
Oh yeah, evident in some studnets I saw. Some finished HSC students are like hanging in the lounge room for no apparent reason lol
Changing classes/tutes any time, provided they're not full (tutes were all filled up by the end of the year).
Yeah flexibility in times is awesome, and classes are on like everyday, unlike other tuiton centres. So its good. Only problem is its Epping, which may be a bit of a distance for some students who rely on public transport.

The bad stuff
I also disliked a lot of stuff at Intuition.

The leniency - A lot of friends, and myself, got away with skipping classes, skipping tutes, not handing in homework, not marking down homework... etc.
Guess you need to take some seriousness in your study for Intuiton or any tuiton to be effective?
The fail teachers/tutors.
Oh yeah the teachers are all uni students.
The way SS puts potential customers (visiting parents) as a top priority.
Sometimes there are huge classes (15~ people),
And none of them asks any questions, ever.
The tutes are often ineffective as there are 4 people for the tutor to pay attention to.
But you can book as many tutes as you want.
The bias - The teachers/tutors/Max/SS will 'like' a few students other than others. Lots of my friends were granted privileges that I wasn't even though I paid more (did more subjects than them).
Its not hard to get on Max's/teacher's good sides though
Retarded marking - Some of the tutors mark like fucking morons.
Tutors don't know everything - They're given answer booklets which they relay to you, sometimes not understanding themselves (scroll up for the tutors that I liked, they barely used the answer booklets).
But the booklets are heaps good. Also you cover stuff faster than school which is also a bonus. You finish the course before the school does so...
Often, a room will have 2 tutes at once - This amounts to 10 people in one room.
Oh yeah, and the tute's divided attention between the students may make it a bit ineffective, if your peers are problematic...
Although I liked Sanj (great teaching), he's a complete faggot. He's smart, he's rich and he puts himself up on the pedestal (too cool for us).
You can see through lots of the forced niceness of the tutors lol, I think the reception are so... maybe even Max o_o (some are genuinely nice).
The notes aren't that great. I never looked at my Physics notes ever again after the lessons. For Maths, whenever I re-read the notes, they didn't help me at all. I found the Maths notes very helpful -_- Better than school, maybe my schhool teacher's jsut crap though.
In fact, I was looking up something in Physics on Wikipedia and guess what? Some of the notes were literally copied and pasted from the page.
They skip lots of things from the Syllabus, especially in Sciences - virtually all the experiments were skipped. Well, don't expect any other tuiton centres to go through the experiments either... Other tuiton centres dont go through the experiments either so... All of my school's assessments were experiment-based, so naturally I became worried. I told this to Sanj (the complete faggot) and he replied with:

You have to spend so much time at Intuition that you don't get time for your own study, or your other subjects - I was spending over 20 hours a week at Intuition during my trials. I had to go every single day. I fell behind in school work, especially my English and Modern History.
They addressed this issue on their site:

This is complete BULLSHIT. The Syllabus wasn't completely covered (although what they did cover was done in depth, usually). They don't give a shit about what you're doing at school, they continue to press on with their 2 modules per term, giving you way too much work. Your study becomes extremely inefficient after joining, as your time is focused on work that your assessment isn't based on. My Physics exams were not helped at all by Intuition. Err, I felt my Maths was helped... Guess it depends on the student?

The price tag
The price can range from $25-$35 if memory serves me right, I'm not too sure how low it can go (some stupid rule about paying less if you enrol earlier). 10% if you pay earlier, and 5% if you pay one off payment. They say you can get full refund... Never tried, but Im not sure if they really will be willing...
Now, $25 might seem like a decent price. But remember, it's not private tutoring, there are over 10 other people in your class.
Also, remember how often you go per week. 2.5 hour lessons + 1.5 hour tute = 4 hours. That's $100 a week. Add ESP into that (3 hour exams) = $175 a week.
But relatively the same price when compared to other similar tuiton institutions talent 100, matrix, prime, prior etc...
That's assuming you're not doing 3 hour lessons. I did 2 subject until I realised how much money I was wasting, so I dropped Maths and picked it up again at the end of the year for ESP. It was expensive.

My opinion
You have to realise, even though I disliked many things, they did help me a lot for my studies. Perhaps I just liked Physics and I would have done as well without them, perhaps I only did well because I was with them. Either way, you have to do your own study to make up for what they don't teach you. Yeah, self motivation is still needed. Tution is not magic, but I think intuiton wayyyyy better than Prime, Prior or Talent 100... You should be studying by yourself to do well anyway, even though Intuition takes so much time.

Do you have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare for your education? Do you want to do well in a specific subject? Are you doing well in subjects that you are not going to enrol in Intuition for? Do you have lots of time, and are willing to dedicate all that time on studying, most of which will be spent on Intuition, leaving not much time for your other subjects? If yes, go for it.

If you're not doing well financially, I would advise against this. Find a cheaper tutor.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2008
yeah awesome type up. I'd just like to add a bit more on spots... I'll write in red so you know where i added a bit of extra info

with ur continuous reference to: Prime...DO U LIVE IN CHATSWOOD OR SOMETHING?!?!?!?! cos like NO-ONE knows about prime LOL


Aug 6, 2009
yeah I live in Chatswood. Fuck I hate prime. Sorry. How do you know about Prime then? The white boss is bs, his just a retard who ttried to scam my money thrice. BUT FAILED.


Aug 6, 2009
Oh so so sorry. I was reffering to Prior. Oh Prime is good. Sorry, PRIME IS FUCKING GOOD. I was reffering to PRIOR SCAMMING MY MONEY. I confused the name. yeah, I live in Chatswood, and I know people who go to Prime so yeah... I haven't actually been into Prime, but I've seen their stuff...


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
Yeah awesome post. Alot of my friends around here in epping go to Intuition. I must say it works for maths in terms of marks and stuff. They all end up getting top notch marks, but that's also since those who go to intution from my school are generally top notch, hardworking kids anyway. You really need the motivation/discipline for this type of coaching college.
I was about to join intuition, esp since its so accessible (able to use their air con rooms and book tutes whenever etc) but realised they do topics at different times to my school, so i really wouldnt be grasping any concept properly if you know what i mean. With a private tutor im able to tell him what im doing at school and he'll work on that with me.
Its becoming more like a factory of booklets and the new after school hangout place. That's not intuition's fault though, the kids their should realise how much money their parents are putting into such tution and the benefits they could get out of it!


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
Oh, so private tuition is Good or Bad?

I guess the thing about tuition is that you are given more works or say if you are dedicating more hours into that particular subject, as compared to school alone. EVERYONE should at least show an improvement right?

But 5hrs a week for just one particular subject is crazzy...... I nee to have some FreeTime

If i go tutoring, I will choose one that offer classes BELOW 10 and not having to pay a fortune for it

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