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Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped? (2 Viewers)

Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 30.9%
  • No

    Votes: 116 59.8%
  • Dont care tbqh because either way I couldnt care less.

    Votes: 18 9.3%

  • Total voters


Nov 7, 2009
Yes I'm saying ban all Muslims because the bad eggs are sufficiently pungent to allow for it. Sure there are a few good ones, but they are more than outweighed by the bad. Australia needs to protect herself from the sufferings endured by tolerant France and Mother Britain.

And no, what I said doesn't require me to ban all religions, because not every religion teaches, encourages and practices hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism: Only Islam. You don't see Buddhists blowing up skyscrapers or Christians stoning their wives to death, do you?
You obviously have no idea what you are on about. Please find and show me atleast one verse from the Quran that encourages Muslims to practice "hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism". Go read it and be surprised by how opposite your remarks are. Seriously, either shut up with your bullshit or get your facts right. Anyone that blows up skyscrapers or stones their wives to death is commiting a sin, and therefore is not considered a Muslim. In fact, Prophet Muhammed discouraged violence so much that, while walking down a street, he was stoned by the people around him but did not retaliate. Instead, he continued to walk and pray to God that he would forgive them. Now this is a factual story, not the bullshit you're saying about encouraging hatred. People like you are the ones that brew hatred in society, and people like you shouldn't be welcome in Australia. Like seriously, what benifits do you think you will gain from opposing Islamic beliefs, even though you have no idea what you're talking about? All you're doing is stirring up a lot of controversy which is not needed in Australian society.
Nov 17, 2009
You obviously have no idea what you are on about. Please find and show me atleast one verse from the Quran that encourages Muslims to practice "hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism". Go read it and be surprised by how opposite your remarks are. Seriously, either shut up with your bullshit or get your facts right. Anyone that blows up skyscrapers or stones their wives to death is commiting a sin, and therefore is not considered a Muslim. In fact, Prophet Muhammed discouraged violence so much that, while walking down a street, he was stoned by the people around him but did not retaliate. Instead, he continued to walk and pray to God that he would forgive them. Now this is a factual story, not the bullshit you're saying about encouraging hatred. People like you are the ones that brew hatred in society, and people like you shouldn't be welcome in Australia. Like seriously, what benifits do you think you will gain from opposing Islamic beliefs, even though you have no idea what you're talking about? All you're doing is stirring up a lot of controversy which is not needed in Australian society.

  • Quran 9:28: O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. (This verse is a glaring example how much hatreds Islam possess against non-Muslims).
  • Quran 9:29: Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
  • Quran 2:191: "Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out."

The horse shit Quran, as one reads, is full of heinous, inhuman, and utterly dreadful cruel verses. The main themes of Quranic or scriptural instruction are: pursuance by advice, then by intimidation/coercion, then by force (killing, fighting, maiming etc), and in return plenty of heavenly reward from Allah. Anyone can find hundreds of cruel hateful and utterly inhuman verses throughout the Quran. The onces above Quranic scriptures incited early Muslim Jihadis of 7th century period to kill thousands of non-Muslims and other infidels. During the early period of Islam, especially during Islamic expeditions by Prophet Muhammad himself while he was in Medina, thousands of infidels were brutally killed (beheaded) by the Jihadis. These same Quranic verses may still inciting devout/fanatical Muslims of modern days.


Oct 14, 2004
BobMoo said:
You obviously have no idea what you are on about. Please find and show me atleast one verse from the Quran that encourages Muslims to practice "hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism". Go read it and be surprised by how opposite your remarks are. Seriously, either shut up with your bullshit or get your facts right. Anyone that blows up skyscrapers or stones their wives to death is commiting a sin, and therefore is not considered a Muslim. In fact, Prophet Muhammed discouraged violence so much that, while walking down a street, he was stoned by the people around him but did not retaliate. Instead, he continued to walk and pray to God that he would forgive them. Now this is a factual story, not the bullshit you're saying about encouraging hatred. People like you are the ones that brew hatred in society, and people like you shouldn't be welcome in Australia. Like seriously, what benifits do you think you will gain from opposing Islamic beliefs, even though you have no idea what you're talking about? All you're doing is stirring up a lot of controversy which is not needed in Australian society.
Dude, I've lived in Oz all my life. I was fucking born here in Camden and my parents were Aussie, as were three of my grandparents (one was English). If you don't like the country then fuck off back to bum fuck Saudi Arabia or wherever it is that you came from.

If you want to be a decent Australian then welcome to my country - I eat kebabs and I find Aasif Mandvi to be the most hilarious Daily Show correspondent. The thing is that you cannot be a decent Australian while practicing Islam as my comrade GodLovesIsrael just pointed out. THE LINK BETWEEN TERRORISM AND ISLAM IS NOT MADE UP. THERE IS CORRELATION; THERE IS CAUSATION. The losses caused by Islam to Western countries over the last ten years is TREMENDOUS. I don't want to see any further losses to Australia and since Islam causes losses, it needs to be stopped.

Here are some choice quotes from the beloved Koran.

Sura 5:51: “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them.”

Sura72:15 “The disbelievers are the firewood of hell.”

Of the Unbelievers: Sura 4:89 “seize them and slay them wherever you find them: and in any case take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”

Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Sura 9:5)

9.123 “O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you”

“To participate in Jihad in Allah's cause” (Al Bukhari vol. 1:25)

2:216 “Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you..."

“During the last days there will appear some young foolish people, who will say the best words, but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will leave the faith) and will go out from their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” (Bukhari volume 9, no.64)


Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like

If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great

I think it's obvious that this """"religion"""" ought to be stopped: and quicker than scientology. Sad fact is that heroes like Nick Xenophon can't stand up to the Islamic machine because he is scared: scared of angering the Muslims because he doesn't want to end up in hell as an infidel or whatever claptrap that moron Moohammed was on about.


Nov 7, 2009
  • Quran 9:28: O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. (This verse is a glaring example how much hatreds Islam possess against non-Muslims).
  • Quran 9:29: Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
  • Quran 2:191: "Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out."
Ok, first of all, in 9:28, obviously God would want Muslims to protect the Sacred Mosque, so tell me how is that encouraging hatred? It's the same thing in any other religions. And if i remember correctly, it was the Jews that are doing and starting most of the fighting. And for what cause? To get rid of Palestine once and for all? So out of all people, Jews shouldn't be talking. AND IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT HATRED TO OTHER RELIGIONS, LOOK WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT!

Second of all, you have misinterpreted 9:29. You have taken to mean "fighting" as physical battles and killings, which is very typical of a Jew. If you read it, it says "until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued". So tell me, what use is converting them if they are dead? No. "fighting" in this case simply means attempting to convert. Fighting doesn't always have to be physical. Prophet Muhammad always faught verbally. HE NEVER BEGAN A PHYSICAL WAR. The only time he allowed for physical battle is when all his people and his cause were threatened.

Finally, it seems you have left out a lot from 2:191. What you have to understand is you have to look at the Surah as a whole. 2:190 states "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors". God tells Muslims not to go over the limits. You talk that Muslims are commiting mass murders, but let us remember who wais the biggest mass murderer of all: Hitler. AND WHAT RELIGION WAS HITLER?
And look what's going on in the Middle East. Not once did a Middle Eastern country invade Israel. It's always Israel doing the invading. Israel even invades its own country!! So before you talk about Islam, you should take a good look at your own religion.
2:191 also states "but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there", which completely opposes your views about 9:28.


Nov 7, 2009
Dude, I've lived in Oz all my life. I was fucking born here in Camden and my parents were Aussie, as were three of my grandparents (one was English). If you don't like the country then fuck off back to bum fuck Saudi Arabia or wherever it is that you came from.
I am also Australian, and am proud of being one. Although my parents are not Australian, that still makes me Australian. You cannot view us as what our ancestors were. Because in that way, there are no true Australians except the Indigenous Australians. I love the country, and that's why I'm opposing anti-Islamic immigration. People of all nationalities should be allowed to come to Australia. Yes there have been some people who claim to be Muslim who have gone way overboard in killings. But I don't consider them to represent Muslims. Much like you wouldn't consider Hitler to be Christian. You cannot judge another religion without looking at your own. What you ahve to understand is Islam is a great religion. We see Moses and Jesus as Prophets who were indeed sent by God. All the books were once the same, but it is fact that the Quran is the only book that hasn't changed. So there's no need to get aggressive over the fact that I'm stating my views. Look at all my posts, I've managed to not even swear once :) And then look at yours! Big differenece;)


May 14, 2009
Northern NSW
Directory - IslamicSydney.com

There you go. Scroll through the list (you need to use the numbers down the bottom) at will.
That's just a list of mosques. It means nothing. I could have given you a list of every Christian church in the world but I couldn't prove any single one of them was preaching the bad stuff. You haven't even stepped foot into a service at any one of those mosques, how the fuck do you expect me to accept that every one of those places preaches terrorism? Or are you basing that solely on your stereotype of Islam>

My link, on the other hand, shows quite clearly that the church in question is staunchly against homosexuality (among other things).


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
omgg i rekon we muslims are good.. yes ome r bad among us... n they do realy stupid stuffs but who dsnt.. tell me that in ur realigion they arnt bad pple.. n bashing ur wife watev ais wrong in isalm as muslims we r nt allowed to bash ur wives.... but some idiotic pple do it out of ignorence... that is not wat islam is abt.. so the person who posted this threaad get ur facts right.. n wats wrong wit werin hedscrafs.. sorry we r nt showin ur legs n cleavege. we wanna cover it up y da *** wud dat hurt ur stomach ... wat do u want naked ladies walkin up n down wud dat heal ur retartded stomach..... learn to respect all religion,, dey all r imp n rember if u wanna post sumthin abt slam or any other religion get ur stupid facts riteeee okkkk

Omie Jay

Nov 8, 2006
in my own pants
omgg i rekon we muslims are good.. yes ome r bad among us... n they do realy stupid stuffs but who dsnt.. tell me that in ur realigion they arnt bad pple.. n bashing ur wife watev ais wrong in isalm as muslims we r nt allowed to bash ur wives.... but some idiotic pple do it out of ignorence... that is not wat islam is abt.. so the person who posted this threaad get ur facts right.. n wats wrong wit werin hedscrafs.. sorry we r nt showin ur legs n cleavege. we wanna cover it up y da *** wud dat hurt ur stomach ... wat do u want naked ladies walkin up n down wud dat heal ur retartded stomach..... learn to respect all religion,, dey all r imp n rember if u wanna post sumthin abt slam or any other religion get ur stupid facts riteeee okkkk
lyk plx spk in enlgsh, HehE


Oct 14, 2004
every single one of those "mosques" aka TERROR HUTS is led by an idiot on the same level as that Hilaly imbecile. They all practice from the Quaran which, as I just showed, is full of hatred. You might say "Oh but the Bible teaches hate as well!" It certainly does, and I think it's a load of shit as well. But the key difference is that there are effectively no Christians who go around blowing up Pentagons, WTC's, London trains and Madrid trains, Bali nightclubs etc etc etc. Every single one of those was perpetrated by a Moslem in pretty much the last ten years. Here, maybe a tally will help you understand:

Number of people killed in the name of Christianity in the last 10 years: idk, maybe 10 or so?
Number of people killed in the name of Islam in the last ten years: 10,000+

The threat posed by Islam isn't make believe. Perhaps restricting immigration means that a few Moslems won't get access to Australia. If that prevents massive loss of life like we saw in Bali, then I'm all for it.

You have not debunked this central argument. You are unable to. I win.


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
omggg the holy quran does not teach its folowers to blow up places okkk... wateva lines u showed are all falsee... n wrong go find them urselves nt from some websitesss okkk ... n i respect all holy booksss..... n yes mayb there are few reatrtds out der who blow up but dsnt mean u generalise all muslims into one category this is pretty stupid of... if u read the hoy quran u wud knw wat it says dnt read it some websites or anythin.. read it of the actual book n c hw speaks....


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
u provided quotes which were onli half.. u didnt use the entire quote n the meanings were wrong as well.... y h8 a religion soo much


Nov 20, 2008
please provide the actual quotes and tell me how my context or whatever was misleading.
I honestly wish you knew about Islam as a whole, instead of picking certain points out of context and saying that Islam is about violence. Each and every one of those quotes regarding non-muslims that you have provided in your earlier posts were regarding non-muslims that were actually at war with muslims.

If you consider the time in which the Quran was sent down, it was a time where muslims were persecuted to no end. In the Quran, Allah permitted killing of non muslims, only in the case of war, for reasons of defense, as this hadith will illustrate:

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever kills a mu’aahid ( a non-muslim not waging war against them) will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance may detected from a distance of forty days.’”

Basically, muslims won't ever heaven if they wrongfully kill, whether muslim or non-muslim, unless they are actually in war.

Do you get it now? Or is it still too complicated?
Nov 17, 2009
I honestly wish you knew about Islam as a whole, instead of picking certain points out of context and saying that Islam is about violence. Each and every one of those quotes regarding non-muslims that you have provided in your earlier posts were regarding non-muslims that were actually at war with muslims.
can you please give proof of this.

If you consider the time in which the Quran was sent down, it was a time where muslims were persecuted to no end. In the Quran, Allah permitted killing of non muslims, only in the case of war, for reasons of defense, as this hadith will illustrate:

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever kills a mu’aahid ( a non-muslim not waging war against them) will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance may detected from a distance of forty days.’”

Basically, muslims won't ever heaven if they wrongfully kill, whether muslim or non-muslim, unless they are actually in war.

Do you get it now? Or is it still too complicated?
If thats the case, why was it that Muhammad when he had enough followers gave an ultimatum to every non Muslim in the Arabian peninsula exactly 90 days to leave, be killed or convert?


Jul 15, 2009
If thats the case, why was it that Muhammad when he had enough followers gave an ultimatum to every non Muslim in the Arabian peninsula exactly 90 days to leave, be killed or convert?
Proof please.

Btw, God hates Israel. He said you were shit.


Nov 20, 2008
can you please give proof of this.

If thats the case, why was it that Muhammad when he had enough followers gave an ultimatum to every non Muslim in the Arabian peninsula exactly 90 days to leave, be killed or convert?
My proof was the hadith.

And please get your facts right. After the conquest of Arabia, the bedouins who were not muslim wanted to maintain their independence and their own beliefs, which Muhammad conceded to, as long as they, "acknowledge the suzerainty of Medina, to refrain from attack on the Muslims and their allies, and to pay the Zakat, the Muslim religious levy."

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