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Does Rank Matter ? (1 Viewer)


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
You're a complete douchebag you know that? When have I ever said I was better than another person on here because I went to a selective school? All I've said was that schools like Ruse and Hornsby Girls get excellent results, which is hardly being egotistical as:

1. I don't even go to either of those schools, and
2. The results published in the newspaper speak of themselves.

And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit.

You can whinge and bitch about Ruse all you want, but only those who aren't jealous know that students there ARE indeed, generally, much better.

And I can't believe you would even say I thought I was better than other people...yes I went to a selective school, but I also come from a working class background, so I had to work my ass off to compete with kids who could afford texts books/the latest comps/software.

You have this stupid, stereotypical stuck up image of selective kids as being snobbish, when in fact, they can be working as hard, or even much more harder than you. So stop bitching about people from those schools, it's not their fault their schools generally performs better. I dislike people who go "Oh, what's the point of going to a selective school" as if they think they're so much better than it, when in fact they're probably only jealous of the people there. No-one ever bitches about how public school sucks, so stop bitching about selective schools and being a gronk.

^ Here's another great example

I agree.

Seriously, I can't be bothered with you. Believe what you want, but don't go telling other people they're wrong and try to instill what you know in them. No-one's explanations are of lesser value than your own, so unless you can pull out an information sheet from the Department of Education explaining how your hypothesis is the valid, then stop making it sound like you know everything. You don't have a thing to back up what you say, so don't go telling people shit unless you can vouch for it.

Hence, there isn't any point for me to post beyond this point. I'm sure students can pick and choose whatever they want.

Wow, you didn't read most of my post again. Ahahah this reminds me of the athiesm thread a while back XD

I merely pointed out that the rank of your school does not officially play a part in determining your ATAR. The moderating process tried to achieve this by using your performance within your school compared to your school's performance in the state to get a nice indication/estimate of your performance against the state.

Yes, the selective schools get great marks/results. But as i've said, that's because the students are "smarter" (whether that be through natural intelligence and/or hard work) than most of the state.

I did not whinge about selective schools, in fact i may have very well gone to one if one was closer to my house. I just said that just because you're in a selective school doesn't mean you'll automatically get a higher ATAR than others in a non-selective school as it's still up to your actual performance. Never did i insult selective schools, i just said that just because you go to a high ranking school, doesn't mean you'll get an EPIC ATAR. It all depends on your performance against the rest of the state in the end and as i've said above, the school's rank does not directly play a role in it. In fact, the school's rank changes every year and many ranks fluctuate greatly.

I did not say "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit." I said no matter what school you go to, selective or not you will not get a great ATAR if you put in 0 effort. Please re-read my post as you obviously have not understand most of it.

Oh and FYI, heaps of people bitch about how public schools suck and most selective schools are public schools. Ahahaha no wonder you agree with jasonn - you've never read any official reports then or if you have you've never grasped the concept. Well here are a list of links for your perusal so you stop making unjustified assertions:

Step 7 – Moderating assessment marks - Board of Studies NSW
Determining a Student’s Achievement in the HSC - Board of Studies NSW
Explanation of Aligning and Moderating Procedures for the Higher School Certificate - Board of Studies NSW
Explanation of HSC Marks (Moderating)
Step 4 – Your school assessment marks - Board of Studies NSW

Do you want more?

Oh and where would your proof be? Just from biased personal experience and/or limited school ranking lists?
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<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
No matter what school you go to, you still have to put in heaps of effort to achieve a high ATAR.

But taintedfeather is right on one thing, people bitch about selective schools because they are jealous. Most people (including myself at one point) also don't realise that the teacher quality at Ruse and Baulko really aren't that great. Students there have to self-learn most of the time.

Going to a selective school does have a point: the competition makes the people in the cohort put in more effort. A lot of people who don't go to selective schools don't experience this, and therefore are less likely to try as hard.

I'm not saying you didn't try hard btw, Anna. You're one of the exceptions.
Ahaha yes. Time and time again have i heard that ruse teachers are super dodgy and just supervise kids while they do their tutoring homework :/

Nawwww <3 I tried to try. Epicallly failed once more at trying to study again today :/


Dec 4, 2008

Wow, you didn't read most of my post again. Ahahah this reminds me of the athiesm thread a while back XD

I merely pointed out that the rank of your school does not officially play a part in determining your ATAR. The moderating process tried to achieve this by using your performance within your school compared to your school's performance in the state to get a nice indication/estimate of your performance against the state.

Yes, the selective schools get great marks/results. But as i've said, that's because the students are "smarter" (whether that be through natural intelligence and/or hard work) than most of the state.

I did not whinge about selective schools, in fact i may have very well gone to one if one was closer to my house. I just said that just because you're in a selective school doesn't mean you'll automatically get a higher ATAR than others in a non-selective school as it's still up to your actual performance. Never did i insult selective schools, i just said that just because you go to a high ranking school, doesn't mean you'll get an EPIC ATAR. It all depends on your performance against the rest of the state in the end and as i've said above, the school's rank does not directly play a role in it. In fact, the school's rank changes every year and many ranks fluctuate greatly.

I did not say "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit." I said no matter what school you go to, selective or not you will not get a great ATAR if you put in 0 effort. Please re-read my post as you obviously have not understand most of it.

Oh and FYI, heaps of people bitch about how public schools suck and most selective schools are public schools. Ahahaha no wonder you agree with jasonn - you've never read any official reports then or if you have you've never grasped the concept. Well here are a list of links for your perusal so you stop making unjustified assertions:

Step 7 – Moderating assessment marks - Board of Studies NSW
Determining a Student’s Achievement in the HSC - Board of Studies NSW
Explanation of Aligning and Moderating Procedures for the Higher School Certificate - Board of Studies NSW
Explanation of HSC Marks (Moderating)
Step 4 – Your school assessment marks - Board of Studies NSW

Do you want more?

Oh and where would your proof be? Just from biased personal experience and/or limited school ranking lists?
she speaks the truth!!!
Sep 11, 2008

Wow, you didn't read most of my post again. Ahahah this reminds me of the athiesm thread a while back XD

I merely pointed out that the rank of your school does not officially play a part in determining your ATAR. The moderating process tried to achieve this by using your performance within your school compared to your school's performance in the state to get a nice indication/estimate of your performance against the state.

Yes, the selective schools get great marks/results. But as i've said, that's because the students are "smarter" (whether that be through natural intelligence and/or hard work) than most of the state.

I did not whinge about selective schools, in fact i may have very well gone to one if one was closer to my house. I just said that just because you're in a selective school doesn't mean you'll automatically get a higher ATAR than others in a non-selective school as it's still up to your actual performance. Never did i insult selective schools, i just said that just because you go to a high ranking school, doesn't mean you'll get an EPIC ATAR. It all depends on your performance against the rest of the state in the end and as i've said above, the school's rank does not directly play a role in it. In fact, the school's rank changes every year and many ranks fluctuate greatly.

I did not say "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit." I said no matter what school you go to, selective or not you will not get a great ATAR if you put in 0 effort. Please re-read my post as you obviously have not understand most of it.

Oh and FYI, heaps of people bitch about how public schools suck and most selective schools are public schools. Ahahaha no wonder you agree with jasonn - you've never read any official reports then or if you have you've never grasped the concept. Well here are a list of links for your perusal so you stop making unjustified assertions:
You realize that the posts I quoted from was from someone else right? For instance, I said: "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit," in response to twistedrebel, as was almost everything else I said ie. whining about selective schools. I thought that was obvious since I quoted from HIS post and not YOURS. Not everything revolves around you, so stop thinking everything is directed TOWARDS you. It's not. Go eat some humble pie, and stop berating people for things that weren't even said to you.
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Nov 2, 2008
You realize that the posts I quoted from was from someone else right? For instance, I said: "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit," in response to twistedrebel, as was almost everything else I said ie. whining about selective schools. I thought that was obvious since I quoted from HIS post and not YOURS. Not everything revolves around you, so stop thinking everything is directed TOWARDS you. It's not. Go eat some humble pie, and stop berating people for things that weren't even said to you.
Maybe if you learnt how to quote properly, not just wrap quote tags around words, there would be no confusion :uhoh:


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
You realize that the posts I quoted from was from someone else right? For instance, I said: "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit," in response to twistedrebel, as was almost everything else I said ie. whining about selective schools. I thought that was obvious since I quoted from HIS post and not YOURS. Not everything revolves around you, so stop thinking everything is directed TOWARDS you. It's not. Go eat some humble pie, and stop berating people for things that weren't even said to you.
Read below. And no reply to the rest of my posts where you actually quoted me eh? Gee, i wonder why.

Maybe if you learnt how to quote properly, not just wrap quote tags around words, there would be no confusion :uhoh:
Precisely the point i was going to make. Thank you :)
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
Sum ppl arent as kool / lifeless as us, well me at least :p
Sep 11, 2008
Read below. And no reply to the rest of my posts where you actually quoted me eh? Gee, i wonder why.
As I said in one of my previous posts. I can't be bothered reasoning with someone who has nothing to back up their claims besides malleable internet links, and will refuse to listen to other people's ideas (which in fact are quite valid). If you don't agree with someone, you don't go being a bitch about it, and "laugh" in their face.

Precisely the point i was going to make. Thank you
Maybe you should learn how to read better, instead of putting people down and thinking you're so great. It's funny how like the Carly Simon song 'You're So Vain' goes, you seem to think EVERY post is about you.

This "war" is based on one side being ignorant XD
Again. Egotistical moron. No time for this shit. Why don't you go wear your medal now? :D (I'm starting to think you actually knew I wasn't quoting you, but just made that 'mistake' to get attention and prolong arguments. Figures.)


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
As I said in one of my previous posts. I can't be bothered reasoning with someone who has nothing to back up their claims besides malleable internet links, and will refuse to listen to other people's ideas (which in fact are quite valid). If you don't agree with someone, you don't go being a bitch about it, and "laugh" in their face.

Maybe you should learn how to read better, instead of putting people down and thinking you're so great. It's funny how like the Carly Simon song 'You're So Vain' goes, you seem to think EVERY post is about you.

Again. Egotistical moron. No time for this shit. Why don't you go wear your medal now? :D (I'm starting to think you actually knew I wasn't quoting you, but just made that 'mistake' to get attention and prolong arguments. Figures.)
Wow, you just said the information given by the board of studies on their official site was not proof. Bahahahahaaha and your proof is where?

Actually, a lot of people "don't agree with someone", "go being a bitch about it, and "laugh" in their face." - exactly what you are doing.
I never said i was great, i was merely pointing out your faults.

As we have all said, learn to quote and there will be no confusion.

And once more, where is your "proof"?
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New Member
Apr 21, 2009
Hmm is there a way to close this thread or something ? lol


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Hmm is there a way to close this thread or something ? lol
I hope it stays open at least long enough for me to get an actual reply that is logical and refutes my argument, rather than a brazen personal attack :)

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