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Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home (8 Viewers)

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
yeah lmao

these caste systems dont exist for no reason

its just a highly draconian system of racial segregation designed to prevent miscegnation and all the attendant problems that arise from such a practice

white skinned 'bengalis with blue eyes' undoubtably look their noses down on the smelly untouchables in the same way that europeans do with our lovable aboriginal population here
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And also, you might want to check into a hospital occassionaly, and have a look at how many of the doctors are not " Australian." Maybe walk into your local optometrist or dentist and check them out. Just simple examples to draw attention to the big picture.

Also, Im from Bangladesh, which is next door to India. But knowing you guys, youd probably see the same skin colour and assume were all Indian, as i get that from people all the time. We have a very large community here in Australia, and you know what ? 98% of the parents are doctors. The 2 % left are engineers. I dont know anyone that works in house keeping .. there are some taxi drivers, but they were originally engineers and their kids are in some pretty flashy courses now.

So dont you dare give us this bullshit about all of us being taxi drivers and housekeepers. Unless you mix with the wider community of us you dont know shit.
We may have come here for a better life yes, but we came here with values. Values which drive us to get a proper education, a good job, and pay the taxes that take care of " your country " so next time you open your mouth to spread such bullshit, take a good look around you.
Could it be possible that the reason there are so many doctors and professionals etc of minority ethnic status is because the people who have the means to choose to come here are successful, have money and are educated to escape the third world country you come from. If indeed everyone in your country is so wonderful and educated, there wouldn't be so many immigrants coming to Australia. IN this regard, you are a minority of a minority.

Arguably, the average level of education and standard of living is far higher than the third world shithole you come from. So stop acting like you're somehow better than the people who were born here with white skin. All of my friends have good jobs and are hardworking too. It's not something exclusive to your ethnic type, you reverse-racist.

Also, a bangladesh/indian trained doctor does not qualify to practise medicine in australia.

Another reasons might be that culturally, Australian parents dont force their children to study for careers they have a preconceived notion of status with, which allow them to live vicariously through their kids and brag to their friends about how successful their kid is, while not caring at all for the child's happiness.

My parents dont care what i do as long as i'm not unemployed etc. Yet i'm studying law and just finished an undergraduate arts degree.
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cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
tbh though white australians are getting pretty fucking lazy these days i understand the merit in this particular argument

there's a multitude of reasons why we're becoming slobbier and lazier many of which can simply be pointed at policies and bad ideas promulgated by the government and our intellectual elites

obv theres always going to be a portion within any given population that is basically total trash no matter what you try to do about it but the current level of trashmen is at an abnormally high level and probably can be corrected a great deal by eliminating the social forces that allow it to remain high

of course our govt tries to deal with the problem with OKAY GREAT LET'S JUST IMPORT A BUNCH OF THIRD WORLDERS, DRIVE DOWN LABOUR COSTS IN THE PROCESS AND THEN BABBLE ON ABOUT A 'SKILLS SHORTAGE' while basically forcing more people than necessary to attend university thus taking thousands of people out of the workforce for a great period of time so they can obtain worthless degrees with no practical use in the workforce

its also important to note that australia has to some extent an immigration policy predicated upon the accumulation of SKILLED LABOUR so our immigrant stock tends to be of much higher quality than nations that imports a lot of unskilled labour like the united states but not all of our migrants are good

sudanese refugees etc. are basically trash and their future generations are going to be a lot fucking worse


Jan 6, 2010
i love how no matter where i am in the world i will ask the taxi/cab driver what do they do apart from driving a taxi and the general answer will be "i'm doing a PHD"

i love living in a world where we can still keep intelligent non white people in shit social standings


In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
When he said hes indian i dont think he meant it to be taken as seriously as you did. What do you mean 500 different ethnicities? As if anyone that isnt from India would be able to identify what part he is from if he mentions one of those ethnicities. India is just easier to understand. Also, when someone asks " where are you from " because you look different, obviously they want to know about heritage. Otherwise, if everyone here considered everyone else Australian why would we bother asking where anyone is from?

Secondly. Taxi & house keeping ? Youve got to be joking right ...

The indian men who do drive taxis came here when they were in their mid 30's - 40's they are educated, they do have a degree, but that degree isnt worth much here because its not an australian degree. that being said, it doesnt and shouldnt degrade them in any way. Do you know how difficult the education systems are in countries like India/China/Japan/Bangladesh etc. Like 10x harder than here with 100x more competition. If they can get a degree there im pretty sure they can get one here, but when you come here with a family, you have to think of how to put a roof over their head and food on the table. Taxi just ensures quick income... You might want to look at their kids ? A lot of them will be the ones studying medicine/law/dentistry/business etc. Which was made possible by their parents sacrificing their careers to provide more opportunities for their children...

You see, most ethnic people dont want their kids to start paying their own way when theyre old enough to get a job, they prefer their kids to get a proper education and focus on that so they can make big bucks one day, rather than $6/hr ar maccas...

And also, you might want to check into a hospital occassionaly, and have a look at how many of the doctors are not " Australian." Maybe walk into your local optometrist or dentist and check them out. Just simple examples to draw attention to the big picture.

Also, Im from Bangladesh, which is next door to India. But knowing you guys, youd probably see the same skin colour and assume were all Indian, as i get that from people all the time. We have a very large community here in Australia, and you know what ? 98% of the parents are doctors. The 2 % left are engineers. I dont know anyone that works in house keeping .. there are some taxi drivers, but they were originally engineers and their kids are in some pretty flashy courses now.

So dont you dare give us this bullshit about all of us being taxi drivers and housekeepers. Unless you mix with the wider community of us you dont know shit.
We may have come here for a better life yes, but we came here with values. Values which drive us to get a proper education, a good job, and pay the taxes that take care of " your country " so next time you open your mouth to spread such bullshit, take a good look around you.

PS: im pretty sure Pauline Hanson may be potentially in breach of section 12 of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (1) It is unlawful for a person, whether as a principal or agent: (a) to refuse or fail to dispose of any estate or interest in land, or any residential or.., to a second person; by reason of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of that second person
lol...you make too many assumptions...

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
i love how no matter where i am in the world i will ask the taxi/cab driver what do they do apart from driving a taxi and the general answer will be "i'm doing a PHD"

i love living in a world where we can still keep intelligent non white people in shit social standings
why do many intelligent white groups have higher average incomes than us then
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Jun 2, 2008
lol...you make too many assumptions...
Everything I said is based on experience, and what Ive seen from around me. Assumptions is assuming, not knowing.

After reading all you're posts, I think we both know whose making all the assumptions. But if you're silly enough to think the things you do and actually believe it, then you are incredibly naive and theres no use in me wasting my time.


In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
Everything I said is based on experience, and what Ive seen from around me. Assumptions is assuming, not knowing.

After reading all you're posts, I think we both know whose making all the assumptions. But if you're silly enough to think the things you do and actually believe it, then you are incredibly naive and theres no use in me wasting my time.
lol...yes everyone is ignorant like you said...and there are no indian taxi drivers or housekeepers...im blind...


Jun 2, 2008
Could it be possible that the reason there are so many doctors and professionals etc of minority ethnic status is because the people who have the means to choose to come here are successful, have money and are educated to escape the third world country you come from. If indeed everyone in your country is so wonderful and educated, there wouldn't be so many immigrants coming to Australia. IN this regard, you are a minority of a minority.
You totally missed my point. This isnt a comparison of Australia against Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a third world country, and Australia is a first world country. Are you really going to compare the two ? I was telling that other person (whoever i quoted ) that all " Indians" and what not arent " housekeeping and taxi drivers" as they said. Because they pretty much claimed all migrants came here as forms of labour and we had nothing else to offer, and clearly theyre wrong. As youve said yourself, the ones who came here are successful. And ofcourse i came from a " shithole" so nice of you to put it that way. We have the tenth largest population in the world and the size of the country is as big as New York. I think considering that, the country is pretty well off the way it is. Its high in education and low in crime. With that many people, and that little space, and also being one of the poorest countries in the world, im surprised theres not more crime. And since were being honest, despite the shithole we come from, a lot of us have much more to offer than the typical australian. We dont take everything we have for granted and our lives consist of more than endless partying and getting laid/and drinking.

Arguably, the average level of education and standard of living is far higher than the third world shithole you come from. So stop acting like you're somehow better than the people who were born here with white skin. All of my friends have good jobs and are hardworking too. It's not something exclusive to your ethnic type, you reverse-racist.
How am i acting better? Youre the one calling Bangladesh a shithole and saying Australia is much better than there. But like i said, if youre stupid enough to compare a third world country with a first world country, you obviously lack common sense.

Also, a bangladesh/indian trained doctor does not qualify to practise medicine in Australia.
Really? Because im pretty sure when you get sick or someone in your family gets an illness youre going to see whatever doctor you can find regardless of ethnicity. God forbid someone in your family gets cancer and you need instant medicial assistance, Id like to hear you say " no thanks, id prefer a white doctor. " Dont bite off more than you can chew, and leave the serious thinking to the government. They didnt bring doctors here for no reason, its because Australians here dont go into courses like medicine because as you said " you're parents dont care about your education" hence why you have a shortage of doctors.

FYI: every single migrant practising doctor here has been forced to redo all their exams before they began practising here. My dad had to study for 10 years before he could start working. So maybe consider that there has been a lot of hardwork involved and treat someone with respect because of the work they put in, and not because of where they got their education. You sound like a horrible person.

Another reasons might be that culturally, Australian parents dont force their children to study for careers they have a preconceived notion of status with, which allow them to live vicariously through their kids and brag to their friends about how successful their kid is, while not caring at all for the child's happiness.

My parents dont care what i do as long as i'm not unemployed etc. Yet i'm studying law and just finished an undergraduate arts degree.
Generalizing much ? Parents dont force their kids into careers unless they're very traditional. However, they do believe that at 16 when you want to for example do media communications or some shit youre not exactly thinking of job prospects and they guide you , thats what parents are meant to do right ? guide u in the right direction? they have 20yrs more knowledge than us and experience, they dont want us to make the same mistakes they did. If youre parents are pushing you into something, my guess is because theyre looking out for you. No parent in their right mind wants something that would disadvantage their child. But regardless of what youve seen/heard/believed, most bengalis that i know have chosen what they want to do by choice. Our generation isnt forced into anything. Just to prove this to you, I just wanna ask, how far your arts degree has taken you ? and Why you're now getting into law. Possibly because arts has not many career opportunities associated with it, and is pretty much a pointless course? See our parents would probably tell us that to save us wasting 3 years. So wed probably make a compromise of some sort, ie: combined degree.
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Jun 2, 2008
lol...yes everyone is ignorant like you said...and there are no indian taxi drivers or housekeepers...im blind...
Did i say that ? Go read what i said you twat. i said that the taxi drivers that are indian or whatever came here in their 30's /40's and have a family to think about. So rather than going through uni again and getting their degrees again, which is what australia expects them to, they went into a job that paid money instantly regardless of experience. I said they sacrificed their careers for their kids. Are you just stupid or inarticulate too ?
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Sep 18, 2009
Ha, it would be so ironic if Hanson got told by the British to 'go back to where she came from'.


In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
You totally missed my point. This isnt a comparison of Australia against Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a third world country, and Australia is a first world country. Are you really going to compare the two ? I was telling that other person (whoever i quoted ) that all " Indians" and what not arent " housekeeping and taxi drivers" as they said. Because they pretty much claimed all migrants came here as forms of labour and we had nothing else to offer, and clearly theyre wrong. As youve said yourself, the ones who came here are successful. And ofcourse i came from a " shithole" so nice of you to put it that way. We have the tenth largest population in the world and the size of the country is as big as New York. I think considering that, the country is pretty well off the way it is. Its high in education and low in crime. With that many people, and that little space, and also being one of the poorest countries in the world, im surprised theres not more crime. And since were being honest, despite the shithole we come from, a lot of us have much more to offer than the typical australian. We dont take everything we have for granted and our lives consist of more than endless partying and getting laid/and drinking.

How am i acting better? Youre the one calling Bangladesh a shithole and saying Australia is much better than there. But like i said, if youre stupid enough to compare a third world country with a first world country, you obviously lack common sense.

Really? Because im pretty sure when you get sick or someone in your family gets an illness youre going to see whatever doctor you can find regardless of ethnicity. God forbid someone in your family gets cancer and you need instant medicial assistance, Id like to hear you say " no thanks, id prefer a white doctor. " Dont bite off more than you can chew, and leave the serious thinking to the government. They didnt bring doctors here for no reason, its because Australians here dont go into courses like medicine because as you said " you're parents dont care about your education" hence why you have a shortage of doctors.

FYI: every single migrant practising doctor here has been forced to redo all their exams before they began practising here. My dad had to study for 10 years before he could start working. So maybe consider that there has been a lot of hardwork involved and treat someone with respect because of the work they put in, and not because of where they got their education. You sound like a horrible person.

Generalizing much ? Parents dont force their kids into careers unless they're very traditional. However, they do believe that at 16 when you want to for example do media communications or some shit youre not exactly thinking of job prospects and they guide you , thats what parents are meant to do right ? guide u in the right direction? they have 20yrs more knowledge than us and experience, they dont want us to make the same mistakes they did. If youre parents are pushing you into something, my guess is because theyre looking out for you. No parent in their right mind wants something that would disadvantage their child. But regardless of what youve seen/heard/believed, most bengalis that i know have chosen what they want to do by choice. Our generation isnt forced into anything. Just to prove this to you, I just wanna ask, how far your arts degree has taken you ? and Why you're now getting into law. Possibly because arts has not many career opportunities associated with it, and is pretty much a pointless course? See our parents would probably tell us that to save us wasting 3 years. So wed probably make a compromise of some sort, ie: combined degree.
the bold shows where you are being ignorant...im an anglo-australian and my life doesnt consist of that...but i know some asians whos life it does...

oh and sometimes i do prefer "traditional australian" doctors...mainly because i can understand them better and from all experiences ive had with "indian" or "arab" ones are bad...GP's im talking about...from the experiences they just seem to be lazy, not welcoming and not diagnose correctly...im not saying i can diagnose it...but the problem doesnt go away...

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
ive noticed that with indian/arab doctors too

they have their faces in their p.cs the entire time youre at the doctor and dont spend any time looking at you


Jun 2, 2008
the bold shows where you are being ignorant...im an anglo-australian and my life doesnt consist of that...but i know some asians whos life it does...

oh and sometimes i do prefer "traditional australian" doctors...mainly because i can understand them better and from all experiences ive had with "indian" or "arab" ones are bad...GP's im talking about...from the experiences they just seem to be lazy, not welcoming and not diagnose correctly...im not saying i can diagnose it...but the problem doesnt go away...
My bold part shows where youre being ignorant. The other male doctor at my dads surgery is male anglo saxon and has been forbidden by the medical board to see any female patients because of reports of sexual assault. So now hes only allowed to see male patients. When i got work experience at the surgery i noticed that he came in at 1pm when he was meant to start at 9, had patients waiting for 30mins who then had to go to my dad who saw patients all day and had no lunch break from 9am to 4pm because he had to take care of all the patients in the surgery. Doesnt sound very lazy to me... and the numerous gift baskets/chocolates/thank you cards kind of reassures us he is doing his job right. Also having been thanked on numerous occassions for saving a few lives, and being able to diagonose a terminal illness on a woman who was shown away from 2 other doctors, who was then able to live the last few months of her life doing everything she wanted to do because of my dads diagnosis assures us that hes paying attention to and understanding his patients.

Yes i am bragging here, but simply to show you that you are also making a very big generalization and are quite ignorant yourself.

Yes I may have been ignorant when i made that one statement, but youve made a few. I feel sorry for you for having so much hate in your heart. Every country has good and bad people, you shouldnt be so shallow as to judge someone simply by their ethnicity.

Also Id like to add that yes, maybe some cant speak english very fluently so it may be hard for you to understand them. But you know what ? Id like to see you move to China when youre 30, learn their language straight away from scratch when youve spent your whole life speaking just english, and then immediately start interacting with everyone in chinese because now you have to make a living from scratch there. Does that sound like something you can do ? Because its what most foreign adults living here had to do, and i assure you, it wasnt an effing joy ride for them.
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In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
My bold part shows where youre being ignorant. The other male doctor at my dads surgery is male anglo saxon and has been forbidden by the medical board to see any female patients because of reports of sexual assault. So now hes only allowed to see male patients. When i got work experience at the surgery i noticed that he came in at 1pm when he was meant to start at 9, had patients waiting for 30mins who then had to go to my dad who saw patients all day and had no lunch break from 9am to 4pm because he had to take care of all the patients in the surgery. Doesnt sound very lazy to me... and the numerous gift baskets/chocolates/thank you cards kind of reassures us he is doing his job right. Also having been thanked on numerous occassions for saving a few lives, and being able to diagonose a terminal illness on a woman who was shown away from 2 other doctors, who was then able to live the last few months of her life doing everything she wanted to do because of my dads diagnosis assures us that hes paying attention to and understanding his patients.

Yes i am bragging here, but simply to show you that you are also making a very big generlaztion and are quite ignorant yourself.

Yes I may have been ignorant when i made that one statement, but youve made a few. I feel sorry for you for having so much hate in your heart. Every country has good and bad people, you shouldnt be so shallow as to judge someone simply by their ethnicity.
ummm...im talking about the doctors i go to...the ones there...i dont see them as ive seen them before and theyre hopeless...

and im talking about ones that have migrated here in their 30s/40s...i have no problem with australian ones...

and your generalisation about anglos not caring about education is stupid...say for eg. most builders are europeans...being anglo, italian...whatever...but that is an important job...just as important as being a doctor...

PS my dad never went to uni and he has done pretty well for himself

edit: PPS...what was that fucked up dr's name, the one in queensland? lol...patel?
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Jun 2, 2008
ummm...im talking about the doctors i go to...the ones there...i dont see them as ive seen them before and theyre hopeless...

and im talking about ones that have migrated here in their 30s/40s...i have no problem with australian ones...

and your generalisation about anglos not caring about education is stupid...say for eg. most builders are europeans...being anglo, italian...whatever...but that is an important job...just as important as being a doctor...

PS my dad never went to uni and he has done pretty well for himself

edit: PPS...what was that fucked up dr's name, the one in queensland? lol...patel?

I know who youre referring to, and i was giving you an example of the same thing. My dad migrated here in his late 20's early 30's ( not sure ) and I compared him to an anglo saxon man living here his whole live who is totally incompetent to be a doctor. Basically, just showing you, that yes youve had a few bad experiences with over seas doctors, but not all are bad ( ie dad) and not all anglo saxon ones are good ( ie the one im talking about)

I dont doubt being a builder is as important as being a doctor. But you, yourself said that all indians have to offer are housekeeping and taxi drivers, so thats why i bought in the professionals. Docs/dentists/optos/business men etc etc.

I didnt say all australians dont care about education, i merely said its not as important on their list, as it is for asian counties. Most australians i met simply want to follow their passion, or just have enough to get by. In comparison to most asians whom ive met, who prefer to work hard and get bigger rewards and live the good life.

I have no idea which doctor youre talking about, however, queenslands medical system is a joke and is full of corruption.


In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
I know who youre referring to, and i was giving you an example of the same thing. My dad migrated here in his late 20's early 30's ( not sure ) and I compared him to an anglo saxon man living here his whole live who is totally incompetent to be a doctor. Basically, just showing you, that yes youve had a few bad experiences with over seas doctors, but not all are bad ( ie dad) and not all anglo saxon ones are good ( ie the one im talking about)

I dont doubt being a builder is as important as being a doctor. But you, yourself said that all indians have to offer are housekeeping and taxi drivers, so thats why i bought in the professionals. Docs/dentists/optos/business men etc etc.

I didnt say all australians dont care about education, i merely said its not as important on their list, as it is for asian counties. Most australians i met simply want to follow their passion, or just have enough to get by. In comparison to most asians whom ive met, who prefer to work hard and get bigger rewards and live the good life.

I have no idea which doctor youre talking about, however, queenslands medical system is a joke and is full of corruption.
dr patel...the guy who was arrested in the usa...cuz of malpractice suits here...anyway i didnt say that indians have only that to offer...the guy was saying that they come here for skilled labour...and i just said that taxi driving isnt skilled labour...

and what is "australian"? im assuming you mean anglos...so if you say things like that will you ever assume to be accepted in this country?...and living the good life?...i dunno but working as a doctor doesnt sound like fun...and making a lot of money has shown not to equal happiness...

and "australians" you have met?...u dont get out of the bangladeshi community much?

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