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Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home (7 Viewers)

BigBoyJames -

Apr 28, 2010
When he said hes indian i dont think he meant it to be taken as seriously as you did. What do you mean 500 different ethnicities? As if anyone that isnt from India would be able to identify what part he is from if he mentions one of those ethnicities. India is just easier to understand. Also, when someone asks " where are you from " because you look different, obviously they want to know about heritage. Otherwise, if everyone here considered everyone else Australian why would we bother asking where anyone is from?

Secondly. Taxi & house keeping ? Youve got to be joking right ...

The indian men who do drive taxis came here when they were in their mid 30's - 40's they are educated, they do have a degree, but that degree isnt worth much here because its not an australian degree. that being said, it doesnt and shouldnt degrade them in any way. Do you know how difficult the education systems are in countries like India/China/Japan/Bangladesh etc. Like 10x harder than here with 100x more competition. If they can get a degree there im pretty sure they can get one here, but when you come here with a family, you have to think of how to put a roof over their head and food on the table. Taxi just ensures quick income... You might want to look at their kids ? A lot of them will be the ones studying medicine/law/dentistry/business etc. Which was made possible by their parents sacrificing their careers to provide more opportunities for their children...

You see, most ethnic people dont want their kids to start paying their own way when theyre old enough to get a job, they prefer their kids to get a proper education and focus on that so they can make big bucks one day, rather than $6/hr ar maccas...

And also, you might want to check into a hospital occassionaly, and have a look at how many of the doctors are not " Australian." Maybe walk into your local optometrist or dentist and check them out. Just simple examples to draw attention to the big picture.

Also, Im from Bangladesh, which is next door to India. But knowing you guys, youd probably see the same skin colour and assume were all Indian, as i get that from people all the time. We have a very large community here in Australia, and you know what ? 98% of the parents are doctors. The 2 % left are engineers. I dont know anyone that works in house keeping .. there are some taxi drivers, but they were originally engineers and their kids are in some pretty flashy courses now.

So dont you dare give us this bullshit about all of us being taxi drivers and housekeepers. Unless you mix with the wider community of us you dont know shit.
We may have come here for a better life yes, but we came here with values. Values which drive us to get a proper education, a good job, and pay the taxes that take care of " your country " so next time you open your mouth to spread such bullshit, take a good look around you.

PS: im pretty sure Pauline Hanson may be potentially in breach of section 12 of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (1) It is unlawful for a person, whether as a principal or agent: (a) to refuse or fail to dispose of any estate or interest in land, or any residential or.., to a second person; by reason of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of that second person
if i ever meet you irl i assure you I WILL HIT YOU


except my mums a pharmacist, paying off her pharmacy raking in net 200k per annum. btw have a wonder over to the clerkship thread. might give you an idea about how precarious the employment situation is if you want to become a solicitor.
Well i achieved a D avg in my other degree no reason i can't compete against a bunch of 17 year olds in first year lol


well i am going to be taking over from my mum. So yes. And no getting a D average in Arts doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a D average in law. Btw a D average doesn't always cut it for clerkships, you also need to have extra curricular activities such as volunteering, leader ship activities etc. And since you're BOS'S bitchi seriously doubt you do any of those.
Well hey you're taking over mummy's amcal how can i compete with that exciting lifestyle?

I have work experience, i did an internship last year with a government department and won the only available spot to go work at a hong kong think tank all expenses paid. I volunteer my time as a research scholar for a libertarian organisation where i live where we're compiling a report on health policy. I also wrote a book review for a magazine last year that got published.

As for extra curricular activities: mooting, and other law related stuff anecdotal evidence from people that went through the process showed people weighted grades more heavily than experience or volunteering. I know people that did basically nothing other than study and got places on the basis of their grades. I also know people with low c averages and lots of experience that didn't really get anywhere. i'm going to apply for a job at an employment law centre as a paralegal using a contact i have who is an older student. I'm waiting until next year to apply as by then i'll have done more core units to be a better applicant.

As for being on bos all day: Well, i go on bos at night mostly, and also at lunchtime i browse bos on mobile internet. So perhaps that opinion is screwed.

but hey, you work at amcal so mad props bro. Actually, speaking of which i actually know someone who actually owns a pharmacy. He actually makes MORE money from physcially owning the pharmacy and managing it - which he chose to do rather than become a pharmacist at uni.
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yeah as i said my mum is paying of the pharmacy, its not an amcal franchise. So once its paid off its hers, and i will probably take over. Or i could use the equity in my mums pharmacy to buy one for my self.

Unless you're a pharmacist, you can't own a pharmacy. So stop bull shiting about your friend. Kind of questions your extra curricular activities lol.
well its a partnership and he is an equity partner so maybe that rule doesn't apply.

It's also a commercial not retail pharmacy

not selling cough medicine to old people at amcal.
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New Member
May 1, 2010
Well hey you're taking over mummy's amcal how can i compete with that exciting lifestyle?

I have work experience, i did an internship last year with a government department and won the only available spot to go work at a hong kong think tank all expenses paid. I volunteer my time as a research scholar for a libertarian organisation where i live where we're compiling a report on health policy. I also wrote a book review for a magazine last year that got published.

As for extra curricular activities: mooting, and other law related stuff anecdotal evidence from people that went through the process showed people weighted grades more heavily than experience or volunteering. I know people that did basically nothing other than study and got places on the basis of their grades. I also know people with low c averages and lots of experience that didn't really get anywhere. i'm going to apply for a job at an employment law centre as a paralegal using a contact i have who is an older student. I'm waiting until next year to apply as by then i'll have done more core units to be a better applicant.

As for being on bos all day: Well, i go on bos at night mostly, and also at lunchtime i browse bos on mobile internet. So perhaps that opinion is screwed.

but hey, you work at amcal so mad props bro. Actually, speaking of which i actually know someone who actually owns a pharmacy. He actually makes MORE money from physcially owning the pharmacy and managing it - which he chose to do rather than become a pharmacist at uni.
Talking about anecdotal evidence: you're quite good at producing the shit too!


arguing with a muslim is banging your head against a brick wall.
Jan 12, 2010
arguing with a muslim is banging your head against a brick wall.
Please bang your head against a brick wall (v hard, v forceful, ensure some sort of bleeding and head injury) and if you're still alive, come back and hit us up with a comparison.


Please bang your head against a brick wall (v hard, v forceful, ensure some sort of bleeding and head injury) and if you're still alive, come back and hit us up with a comparison.
nah ill take a bomb, put it in a backpack and blow myself up.

*terrorist mastermind*
Jan 12, 2010
can i ask why you live in australia if you are patriotic to 'palestine'
Umm, because I was born here? I love Australia, I just hate rednecks like yourself.
And I love my ethnicity and homeland, and I will campaign and resist for Palestinian rights, our land, and right of return, always and forever.


Where aren't I?
Nov 9, 2008
Umm, because I was born here? I love Australia, I just hate rednecks like yourself.
And I love my ethnicity and homeland, and I will campaign and resist for Palestinian rights, our land, and right of return, always and forever.
Here we call them bogans. Everything you said except the palestine part.


Umm, because I was born here? I love Australia, I just hate rednecks like yourself.
And I love my ethnicity and homeland, and I will campaign and resist for Palestinian rights, our land, and right of return, always and forever.
jews have as much right to live in palestine as arabs do.

In fact if you compromised a little you wouldn't have gotten fucked over in the UN partition plan.


In Elegance
Aug 7, 2005
Umm, because I was born here? I love Australia, I just hate rednecks like yourself.
And I love my ethnicity and homeland, and I will campaign and resist for Palestinian rights, our land, and right of return, always and forever.
i'm not a redneck or a bogan LOL...i hate the beach...and being patriotic for australia means im a redneck? so ur a terrorist than...if thats the case...should i call asio?
Apr 21, 2010
Slide, Please shut up
I think you are shit.
and you are a bogan.
my neighbour is an aussie bogan
i fucking hate the cunt
Please go to england, where bogans like you belong.
australia is the best, you obviously dont belong here
majority of indians i met, are really nice, and are hence a billion times more suited to australia than you. Get the fuck out. You are like pauline hanson fuck off

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