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UWS: Flying to hell or heaven???? (2 Viewers)

UWs or Macquarie Uni?

  • University of Western Sydney

    Votes: 24 43.6%
  • Macquarie University

    Votes: 31 56.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 22, 2011
anyone who goes to uni should be applauded

regardless of what uni it is

you have people on the opposite spectrum doing fuck-all


same crap
once u get ur degree and u start working it will all be history


Dec 15, 2010
London, England
Uni Grad
anyone who goes to uni should be applauded

regardless of what uni it is

you have people on the opposite spectrum doing fuck-all


same crap
once u get ur degree and u start working it will all be history
Indeed, employers don't look at your resume and go "Oh look he went to UNSW but the other guy went to UWS, let's set up an interview for the UNSW guy".
If people went with the logic that what Uni you go to matters it would go something like this:

Potential Employer: So what makes you qualififed for this position?
Uni Gradute: I went to UNSW :D
Potential Employer: o_O...


Aug 30, 2008
heres a 1337 analysis of this shit

1. ppl who goto UWS, MG/muahah etc, was UWS where you actually wanted to go? Or was it because you were denied entry to somewhere else? I would say half the people at UWS are there because they couldn't do their degree of choice elsewhere, i think that is a fair assumption. If i goto mckinsey/bain/GS (the best of the best) etc, how many grads will be from uws? Im not saying going to uws makes you shit, but why do the best of the best goto other universities? I agree, UWS does provide a means of continuing education that the state is denying, but i think that is a bad thing to be honest. Degrees are worth less each year. At this rate, Masters will become the new bachelors.

2. shadowdude, its ok to pay out stuff like uws, as long as you have reasonable grounds. You're trying to pay out their educational programs which is completely irrelevant. I have not attended a complete lecture since March 2010. And I dont even know what my ACTL2001/FINS1612/2624/3616/1613/ACCT1511/Macro/Micro/Mgmt lecturers look like. You have not attended UWS, you cannot make a fair comparison between the two. You've done a year of uni shadow, im assuming you've taken 1612, which was just some shit you could have read off wikipedia, and 1613 which will not be used at all ever. This shit will continue when you do courses in later years, with the exception of a few courses that tests your research ability. Ask yourself, does the "quality of education" really matter?

3. the people that say "atar doesnt mean shit", it does. its a measure of how well you were able to regurgitate crap for the HSC, its also what universities use for admissions. Also ATAR is indicative of how well people play the education game, ie rote learning, memorizing books etc, which then translates to good university grades. If you think ATAR is not an indicator of intelligence you are in denial, I'm not saying someone that got 98.1 is smarter than someone that got 97.1. But if you had 2 kids one with 70 one with 99, my moneys on the 99 atar being more intelligent.

4. Mr bean, ur a dumbass and a sheep. You think you are high and mighty paying out an easy target, but chances are you are a virgin yourself envying the adventures of shadowdude. How the fuck is shadow's personal life relevant to anything, its just like correcting punctuation. With employment, most places that run graduate programs, particularly large companies in accounting and stuff, dont have specified intakes. It's pretty much, ok this guy is not an arse, not cocky, and is pretty friendly and easy to get along with, we'll hire him and train him etc. However, considering prejudice is always a part of life. Ie shadow in a few years, and has a say in your application, he is going to be UNSW/USYD biased. That being said, I do think a portion of people will also hold that prejudice, ie place G8 above the others. But there is also a portion that don't care about which uni you came from. Point is, picking UWS "might" set you back brownie points and if you get a biased employer like shadowdude, you might just get binned straight away, but if someone is that discriminatory, is it really somewhere you want to work? If you are actually brilliant, it doesnt matter where you go, since the quality of education should not matter. The teaching staff might invoke your interest in an area, but ultimately its down to yourself.

5. OP UWS is easier than UMAQ.

Compared to india, its easier to succeed in australia, simply because the competition is less fierce and Australians are dumber in general. Take a good look at yourself, ask yourself these questions.

- Are you willing to work your ass off during uni?
- Are you willing to research the industry you are interested in, and really get good at coding?
- Are you willing to volunteer your skills to build your resume/life experiences?
- Are you willing to network? Put yourself out there and really be "Australian"? (learn to small talk, learn about whats going on here in australia)
- Are you going to work on your english, pass the IELTS, in order to attain the administrative requirements?

If the answer is yes to all of the above, then you will find a good paying job that will pay off your debts, regardless of where you go.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Lol Shadowdude. I love people from the west (like yourself) who are too good for UWS. You should understand then the reasons why they are trying to provide tertiary education to people out here. Logically, you should be pretty empathetic to the issues of the west, unless you kept your head wedged up your pretentious arse your whole life. Oh well..
m8, i considered going to uws - your point is moot

LOL out of all that was said you went straight to the defense of whether or not you can talk to girls, plenty more people will agree with me than with you :D lol Good luck in life kid, you will certainly need it.
Plenty more people will agree with you? Okay, then have fun being on the side of people who work only on speculation and have zero physical evidence of anything at all and can't prove anything. lol ok then

Indeed, employers don't look at your resume and go "Oh look he went to UNSW but the other guy went to UWS, let's set up an interview for the UNSW guy".
If people went with the logic that what Uni you go to matters it would go something like this:

Potential Employer: So what makes you qualififed for this position?
Uni Gradute: I went to UNSW :D
Potential Employer: o_O...
^ Has zero idea of what we're talking about.


Aug 30, 2008
Pretty much agree with a majority of posts in this thread.

Give UWS some time, seeing as they are still a new university and you will be surprised at far they will excel.

I think people need to get over their elitism. It isn't cute. A university is a university. it will be hard and it will conform to industry standards at the end of the day.
If UWS consistently lands the worse performers of the HSC, it'll be fairly hard to change their reputation


Jun 30, 2010
heres a 1337 analysis of this shit

1. ppl who goto UWS, MG/muahah etc, was UWS where you actually wanted to go? Or was it because you were denied entry to somewhere else? I would say half the people at UWS are there because they couldn't do their degree of choice elsewhere, i think that is a fair assumption. If i goto mckinsey/bain/GS (the best of the best) etc, how many grads will be from uws? Im not saying going to uws makes you shit, but why do the best of the best goto other universities? I agree, UWS does provide a means of continuing education that the state is denying, but i think that is a bad thing to be honest. Degrees are worth less each year. At this rate, Masters will become the new bachelors.
At first, no. My plan was to go straight into vet science at USyd, but after some thought I decided that the course I am currently enrolled in at UWS was best simply due to the fact that I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to follow that specific career path. This course is fairly broad and will allow me to work in a variety of fields while also providing me with the necessary experience and networks I would need for the vet science course should I decide to do it in the future.
Please note that I did, in fact, meet the ATAR requirement for a course similar to vet science at USyd, but like I said before - I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to go in that direction.
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
In regards to point 1 proximity probably plays a large role, maybe not the biggest but still significant.

Point 3 is confusing education and school, regurgitating shit and rote learning is lame aids. Also ATAR is (at best) a rather flawed indicator of intelligence given your motivation and interests maybe only correspond to a few or none of subjects you do, the way school works just doesn't fit with how you are personally, and even how you define intelligence in the first place. Regurgitating and rote shit might work in some courses but many of my educ courses are based on critical thinking, critical reflection and presenting our own beliefs and justifying them etc. But really the world is too broad for school performance to simply translate to intelligence (though I don't deny in many cases - probably most even, this holds true).


Aug 30, 2008
At first, no. My plan was to go straight into vet science at USyd, but after some thought I decided that the course I am currently enrolled in at UWS was best simply due to the fact that I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to follow that specific career path. This course is fairly broad and will allow me to work in a variety of fields while also providing me with the necessary experience and networks I would need for the vet science course should I decide to do it in the future.
Please note that I did, in fact, meet the ATAR requirement for a course similar to vet science at USyd, but like I said before - I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to go in that direction.
see that is perfectly fine, and you've probably thought about it a lot more than others and actually had a choice. I cant say the same about your peers though, i'd imagine there are lots that got low admission marks and could not do their degree of choice elsewhere.


Aug 30, 2008
In regards to point 1 proximity probably plays a large role, maybe not the biggest but still significant.

Point 3 is confusing education and school, regurgitating shit and rote learning is lame aids. Also ATAR is (at best) a rather flawed indicator of intelligence given your motivation and interests maybe only correspond to a few or none of subjects you do, the way school works just doesn't fit with how you are personally, and even how you define intelligence in the first place. Regurgitating and rote shit might work in some courses but many of my educ courses are based on critical thinking, critical reflection and presenting our own beliefs and justifying them etc. But really the world is too broad for school performance to simply translate to intelligence (though I don't deny in many cases - probably most even, this holds true).
Yeah proximity plays a part, its quite understandable that you go somewhere close. however, many people go out of their way to attend unsw/usyd etc, but i havnt really heard of anyone that goes out of their way to attend uws.

if you say, a significantly higher atar means being more intelligent in most cases, then there is clearly a relationship between atar and intelligence.

Like in my opinion, anything under say 85-90 atar translates into "not really intelligent". Simply because I feel if an intelligent person didnt really try or study and wasn't interested, they should still get around 85-90.


New Member
Oct 19, 2011
Among these three, which one is the best?
Maquarie uni or Flinders uni or Deakin uni
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Nov 11, 2008
Lol, I read the whole thread. Fairly interesting views from both ends of the pitch. I'll mention that I'm at UWS and I like it here. I received offer from Macquarie and UWS but I accepted UWS as I live only 5 minutes away from it, whereas I live 2.5 hours from Macquarie. Few things I'd like to say:

1. Whoever that bases their opinion of UWS simply because of a facebook page, that's actually created by UWS students FOR UWS students to poke fun at each other and share jokes, is a fucking retard. 90% of the shit people post there are pure bs or are exaggerated (I'm guilty of this). No one asked non-UWS students to read anything and think it's actually real.

2. Yes, there are students that take advantage of the low ATAR 'boosts', and good on them. At least they're getting off their arses and doing something valuable with their life to build towards a better career and future. I actually applaud UWS for this. They're providing EVERYONE an opportunity to earn themselves valuable qualifications that will assist them to avoid a shitty life. What are the 'top' unis doing on this matter? They take in all the 'bright' students, but what about the rest? What about the AVERAGE ? Who would take them in? Are everyone that get below <(80-90) ATAR supposed to just throw away their hopes of education because they could not meet the cut-off for some prestigious university?

Heck, based on some of the UNSW/USYD fanboy's logic, we should actually scrap the uni-cut off system and just set a base mark of 85+ to get into any university. That way, the rough 15%(or whatever) of the talented students can focus on their education and the other 85% who got <85 ATAR can get filtered away as they're nothing but illiterate dumbasses, right? Students who get 50 ATAR or whatever, they still have the opportunity to mend their ways and actually focus for a degree at university. UWS provide this opportunity to them! Why are they so 'shit' for doing this? It's not as if UWS favours these types of students and are more lenient towards them in terms of marking. UWS provides what many others neglect.

3. Regarding the fulli tabuli habibs that get into UWS, I've seen from personal experience what these specimens are like. They do jack shit at uni, disturb others, not attend tutorials or lectures, involve themselves in crude behaviour, etc etc. However, I'll also add that all of them get kicked from uni after the 1st semester as they simply do not pass any unit. I personally asked one of them as to why he wasn't at uni anymore, he replied, "its fucken bs bro, this uni is racist! its cauz im leb and oh i failed everything hahahha!". UWS simply does not keep these kind of people, they just GIVE them the opportunity to redeem themselves. If they're not prepared to focus and study for a degree, then they get kicked. It's as simple as that.

Really was eye-opening to see why UWS has a low reputation around BOS and in the NSW(Sydney) education system!


Premium Member
Aug 2, 2007
If UWS consistently lands the worse performers of the HSC, it'll be fairly hard to change their reputation
I appreciate the point you're trying to make, but those who qualify for admission into UWS are hardly the worst performers in the HSC.


Aug 30, 2008
I appreciate the point you're trying to make, but those who qualify for admission into UWS are hardly the worst performers in the HSC.
Im assuming the people with atar < 60 did not want to attend university or highschool etc.

so out of the people that choose to goto uni, UWS takes a "hufflepuff" approach to tertiary education by "taking the rest". There will be those (MG) that tell the sorting hat they want to goto hufflepuff, but generally speaking, they take the 60/70 atar kids because they cant study elsewhere.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
In regards to point 1 proximity probably plays a large role, maybe not the biggest but still significant.

Point 3 is confusing education and school, regurgitating shit and rote learning is lame aids. Also ATAR is (at best) a rather flawed indicator of intelligence given your motivation and interests maybe only correspond to a few or none of subjects you do, the way school works just doesn't fit with how you are personally, and even how you define intelligence in the first place. Regurgitating and rote shit might work in some courses but many of my educ courses are based on critical thinking, critical reflection and presenting our own beliefs and justifying them etc. But really the world is too broad for school performance to simply translate to intelligence (though I don't deny in many cases - probably most even, this holds true).
I think the ATAR is still a pretty good indicator of intelligence and desire to learn simply because of the fact that we require an ATAR to get into university, now assuming those who want to go to university actually try - we can sort of sort people into most intelligent to still intelligent but not super smart, etc. Of course there are exceptions, but generally I think the ATAR does sort the pack pretty well.

Lol, I read the whole thread. Fairly interesting views from both ends of the pitch. I'll mention that I'm at UWS and I like it here. I received offer from Macquarie and UWS but I accepted UWS as I live only 5 minutes away from it, whereas I live 2.5 hours from Macquarie. Few things I'd like to say:

1. Whoever that bases their opinion of UWS simply because of a facebook page, that's actually created by UWS students FOR UWS students to poke fun at each other and share jokes, is a fucking retard. 90% of the shit people post there are pure bs or are exaggerated (I'm guilty of this). No one asked non-UWS students to read anything and think it's actually real.

2. Yes, there are students that take advantage of the low ATAR 'boosts', and good on them. At least they're getting off their arses and doing something valuable with their life to build towards a better career and future. I actually applaud UWS for this. They're providing EVERYONE an opportunity to earn themselves valuable qualifications that will assist them to avoid a shitty life. What are the 'top' unis doing on this matter? They take in all the 'bright' students, but what about the rest? What about the AVERAGE ? Who would take them in? Are everyone that get below <(80-90) ATAR supposed to just throw away their hopes of education because they could not meet the cut-off for some prestigious university?

Heck, based on some of the UNSW/USYD fanboy's logic, we should actually scrap the uni-cut off system and just set a base mark of 85+ to get into any university. That way, the rough 15%(or whatever) of the talented students can focus on their education and the other 85% who got <85 ATAR can get filtered away as they're nothing but illiterate dumbasses, right? Students who get 50 ATAR or whatever, they still have the opportunity to mend their ways and actually focus for a degree at university. UWS provide this opportunity to them! Why are they so 'shit' for doing this? It's not as if UWS favours these types of students and are more lenient towards them in terms of marking. UWS provides what many others neglect.

3. Regarding the fulli tabuli habibs that get into UWS, I've seen from personal experience what these specimens are like. They do jack shit at uni, disturb others, not attend tutorials or lectures, involve themselves in crude behaviour, etc etc. However, I'll also add that all of them get kicked from uni after the 1st semester as they simply do not pass any unit. I personally asked one of them as to why he wasn't at uni anymore, he replied, "its fucken bs bro, this uni is racist! its cauz im leb and oh i failed everything hahahha!". UWS simply does not keep these kind of people, they just GIVE them the opportunity to redeem themselves. If they're not prepared to focus and study for a degree, then they get kicked. It's as simple as that.

Really was eye-opening to see why UWS has a low reputation around BOS and in the NSW(Sydney) education system!
If what you're saying is "Good on UWS for taking everyone, shame on the others for only taking the best students", that's silly, I think. So we're going to hate on universities for only deciding to pick ostensibly the smartest and the brightest for their degree streams? Have you heard of the Pygmalion effect? Basically it means if you're with smart people, you become smarter.

Now we're not saying that if you don't get above some arbitrary cut-off you should not go to university at all, but I'm saying that if your ATAR isn't enough to get into the cut-offs then maybe you should re-consider whether that's what you should do. Sure, there are those who get below the ATAR cut off but try exceptionally hard at uni and end up going very well (heck, I'm one of them) - but I think when you're just going to add so many bonus points, it doesn't help at all simply because those with 50 ATAR are more often than not, not going to be very smart at all. I don't see the point in awarding huge amounts of bonus points because it doesn't help others in the degree, because I think if you have an ATAR that's very low - you don't really take academics seriously.

And you can argue all you want about "No we should be supporting these people because they are trying to make a difference!" But to me, I think why most of these people got into university is because:

1. They heard about the UAC and just put in some preferences, with no real drive for them - but just because it's some sort of formality
2. They watch too much American movies and think uni is a place where they'll be getting laid 24/7 (or something like that, who knows)

But seriously, they do it most likely because it's some sort of thing they do. Not because they want to do it, but just because the opportunity is there and they lose nothing by trying. But since they don't try in the HSC, get a low ATAR and then magically get in - they'll just take the uni work like they did the HSC: like some sort of walk in the park.

Like you said, they may get kicked out - but why waste time and effort giving them one semester anyway? I think if they do bad in the HSC, which is essentially an education 'test' over two-years, then... really, I don't think they have much hope for uni. If they can't pick themselves up and do the hard yards for two years to get an ATAR that is over the cut-off, then they should really re-consider whether it's worth it.

Now I'm not saying all bonus points are bad, I support bonus points (and include them in my point about doing work for two years in the previous paragraph) - because for example, those in rural areas are disadvantaged by a cohort which will drag them down (though they may not know it). I also support initiatives like HSC Plus which gives bonus points on the basis of HSC subject performance, but there has to be a limit.
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Dec 12, 2008
Could everyone stop picking on Shadowdude. The poor boy is obviously lonely. He has to come over to our pond to play.

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