SOZ for double-posting, but I wanted this seperate, cause of a question. Its me and my cigarettes again.
Where do you guys draw the line at under-18s being involved in the sale? With the whole adult-buying-it-for-the-kid when the kids is also there with them rule, I thought we were only supposed to refuse sale if we had grounds for believing that the smokes were going to be given to the under-18, such as the two discussing it whilst in the store?
Tonight, someone who is 18 came in with a friend from school last year who is younger than me (I'm 17). The 18 year old wanted Tally-Ho papers, but didn't have enought money, so the under-18 year old gave me the money for it. But I made sure I gave the papers and change back to the over-18 year old.
My longlife manager told me we are not supposed to do that, and to refuse sale, but just to keep it in mind for the future. I don't know why I didn't, I suppose I feel a bit threatened because this other kid is like one of the "tough guys" and I'm sort of your average joe that doesn't really mix. I remember reading in legal studies at school last year that it is NOT ILLEGAL for an under 18 to buy cigarette papers/filters, so this is just against Woolworths policy?
So, if these two come in again to buy any cigarette product, I can refuse sale simply because I believe that they are going to be supplied to the under-18 year old? If you guys have ever refused sale, have you ever been threatened for it? That's my biggest fear I guess. But I still wouldn't sell them.
Sorry, I just wanted to clarify the legality of some of this.
Also, just thought I'd worth mentioning, this under-18 year old went up to a local cafe today (I know because I was waiting there at the time for them to cook stuff) and bought a packet of cigarettes. No question about it. Lady just served him, and off he went.
There is NO WAY IN HELL I would do that. I follow the ID25 as much as possible.
Thanks guys...
EDIT: Also, I need a favour for anyone replying, can you please not quote this post, just be like
well, @nanakid12, you should be doing... etc etc etc. Thanks heaps