Rules for Customers (7 Viewers)


Feb 17, 2008
Uni Grad
I needed to rant so fucking badly that I've returned to this incestuous breeding ground known as BoS.

I'm now at uni and working as a weekend and Thursday night supervisor at Target (yay promotions! -_-). Due to this unfortunate fact, I must confess more irritations:

1. Don't get your husband to hand his mobile phone to me, which you're on the end of, to yell at me for doing you a favour a few months ago. Seriously, this stupid bitch brought in an exchange coupon a few months ago which couldn't be read or scanned because it was so tattered. I did her a fucking favour and looked up the transaction where the coupon was printed, then wrote the coupon's ID number on a piece of paper, signed it and stuck it to the coupon so she could still use it. Last weekend she had the audacity to bitch because the coupon expired on March 30th 2011, which I clearly pointed out when I re-wrote the ID number. She was like "oh I thought you wrote it on there so I could use it past the expiry date?" Yeah NO. Would never happen. Plus I remember helping the dopey bitch months ago. Also, don't threaten to contact Head Office about it and report me when I quite obviously haven't done anything wrong and was HELPING YOU OUT.
2. If you lose an exchange coupon, I can't replace it. If you ever bothered to look at it before shoving it into your wallet/bag/pocket you would see the Terms of Use clearly stated at the bottom, which include that Target can't be held liable for lost or stolen coupons. This bitch lost a coupon with like $270 on it and asked me to replace it because she lost it, then when I said no and refused to let her speak to a manager (they don't know very much about refunds and register operations, generally, so it would've been a pointless exercise) she went on and on about how she will never shop at Target again (bullshit, you'll be back next week) and will make a formal complaint. It's the same thing as walking into a bank and saying "I lost $270, can you give me money to replace it?" Enjoy being escorted out by security!
3. If I ask you to write your FULL NAME, ADDRESS, POSTCODE and SIGNATURE as LEGIBLY AS POSSIBLE, then fucking do it correctly the first time. I need these details to be clear so I can send them to Asset Protection to keep an eye on dodgy fuckers like yourself who return items without a receipt. When I ask you to re-write details that I can't read easily, don't accuse me of needing glasses (I'm short-sighted btw) and say "it CLEARLY says..." No it doesn't. Get tha fuck outta ma shop!
4. No, I will not bend the rules outlined in our Refunds Policy just for you. Leave, now.
5. Hang on to your receipts! Seriously, it makes my job so much easier and means there's less chance of you getting pissed at something that's not my fault.
6. If you lose your receipt, no I won't reprint a copy. I have the ability to do so, but will only do that when our printers fuck up and the receipt either doesn't print or didn't print properly.
7. Thirteen registers are behind me, with at least two staff members serving. No, you can't purchase your shit at the Refunds Counter. Don't be surprised if I make you line up at the registers.
8. Abuse my staff in any way, shape or form and I will ask you to leave. I look after my staff because they're lovely kids, all trying to earn money like myself. Your pissweak $5 sale won't affect my paycheck whatsoever.
9. Don't EVER speak down to me. I don't work at Target for a career, I work there to earn money so I can like, eat and pay rent. Same thing goes for 90% of the other staff who work there and are uni students (our store is like 15 minutes away from UQ). At least we're contributing to society which is more than I can say about you, you useless cumstain.
10. If you put your credit card on the counter in front of me and your bratty two-year-old daughter picked it up before I saw you take it out of your wallet and was playing with it, don't you dare accuse me of stealing it. Saying "OMG it has like a million dollar limit!!! Help me find it!!!!1111!" won't help you, you're the one shopping at Target, bitch. Also, don't abuse me and my managers when we look on the security cameras to try to HELP YOU find your effing card, which your snotty toddler shoved in their pants ages ago.

I feel better.


Feb 17, 2008
Uni Grad
1. Please, for the love of god, don't be so rude when asking for directions in the shopping centre - especially when you don't even purchase anything from the store. I'm taking time out from doing my job, just for useless people who can't see that there's a directory like 10 metres away, and I don't really appreciate being yelled at because I point out the directory when I don't know what you're looking for.
2. What happened to please and thank yous? Yeah, I know I'm not your mum and I can't force it on you to say them, but seriously its just basic manners that so many customers lack!
3. NEVER talk on the phone whilst I'm serving you. Do you seriously expect me to be able to read your lips because you can't seem to ask the person on the line to hold on for a few seconds?
4. If we have a long queue, and you haven't made up your mind once you get to the front, don't get pissed when I ask you to step aside while I serve the customers behind who have actually made up their mind.
5. Smile!! Make some light conversation - it literally makes my day when customers do this, and it makes me cheerful and actually want to serve you.
6. We do NOT have any drink sizes called "regular" or "normal" size. Read the menu!!!! I'm so sick of having to ask every 1 in 2 customers whether they meant the medium or the large size.
7. I don't know how having all the lights off, everything put away or when I have a jumper over my uniform counting the day's float makes you think that we're actually open.
8. DON'T think you can try and short change me, or pay in foreign currency and get away with it. Most of the time its an honest mistake, but I've had the occasional person who have given me a dirty look, all because they're the cheapskate.
9. Do you really think I'm going to give you your money back if you eat or drink ALL of the product and then come back and claim that "it wasn't made right"?


Feb 17, 2008
Uni Grad

Don't come into the store about 15 minutes after I've opened and expect to be able to pay with a $100 note!!

and don't claim you don't have any smaller change when I ask if you try to pay with a 50 or 100 early in the day, when I can clearly see it in your purse!!

Don't get pissed if I can't take your large notes when we don't have any small change left to give you! Have some fucking common sense and use your small change for when you come to my store, the most expensive item is like $5!!!

And READ THE SIGNS PLEASE! The sign clearly states "Minimum $5 For Eftpos". So that does not mean $3 or $4 or $4.95


Jan 25, 2009
St Kilda
Don't expect me to give you a free packet of cigarettes when the ticket shows a lower price than what it scans at the checkout. It is illegal for me to do that. And besides, you can pay the full amount for your dirty habit, which your health surgery costs that I will be helping to pay for with my tax.

Also, don't think that you'll be getting away with not paying the 5c that you still owe on your cigarettes. PAY THE FULL AMOUNT.

Also, no we cannot process your 15 items around on the tobacco/refunds counter. First of all, there are no scales there (so no produce can be scanned), and secondly, it is against our store's loss prevention policy. Don't get shitty when I say no.

Then to the lady on Christmas Eve who was inserting her card wrong at first, don't get angry at me when I try to show you how to do it, and then you do it every wrongly possible way before I correct it, to which you yell "THATS HOW I DID IT THE FIRST TIME!" No bitch, it was not.



Feb 17, 2011
1. When its 30 minutes passed closed and your still fucking in the store, when we telll your to leave don't whine and bitch about it

2. When I serve you don't fucking talk on the phone and believe i can't wait for you,

3. When the ticket doesn't scan at the price, i can't fucking give it to you at the price, obviously someone misplaced a time.

4. No i can't give you a discount for no reason.

5. Fuck of, you cannot return half eaten food you idiot.

6. Yep, bitch at me all your want. I still won't break the rules to help you when you fuckng lose your receipt.

7. Yep don't walk out with an item and say you just brought it at another store 5 seconds ago and don't have a receipt. Yep I am not that fucking stupid.

8. When the store closes LEAVE. We ask yuo nicely so don't bitch when we come up to you and say we are closed.

9. When we are closed don't expectt layby to be open. We are fucking closed.

10. Don't leave your credit card at my counter ad blame me Its no fucking my fault

God. There is so much more.


Clockwork Army
Sep 4, 2008
I deal with customers over the phone, so, different to what most of you have experienced. This will be from a few jobs, telemarketing, appointment setting and technical support.

Receptionists: Why, when I call and state that I'm from the company that provides your photocopiers, do you think I'm trying to sell you something? I'm making sure everything is okay. That is why I SAY 'This is not a sales call, it's a courtesy call' in my opening. Just pass me to whoever I ask to speak to, shut up and do your job.

Customers for electricity: When you've held on and done a bill comparison, asked a million questions etc. and we find out that we'll save you upwards of $70 PER MONTH, why would you decide against it? $1600 and above in savings doesn't sound like enough?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Fine. Pay WAAAAY too much for your electricity. Get robbed by a company that lies to its customers. I don't care.

If you don't want to take the call, hang up. We don't care if you hang up on us, and its much quicker than yelling down the line. If you seriously think we WANT to be telemarketing and interrupting your family dinner - you. Are. Retarded.

Yell at me and I'll hang up on you. Don't ring the number back, yell at the inbound attendant that I was rude - you were yelling at me for no reason and the company will stand behind my decision to hang up on you. Enjoy talking to an increasingly sarcastic, cynical girl on inbound that has nothing but pure hatred for you :).

In tech support: If you're not very good with computers and you have an entire IT team at your work - WHY are YOU calling me?! If IT can't fix it, please... PLEASE let me talk to them. Not you, technologically illiterate and unnecessarily irate.

Please, listen to what I say and follow instructions. Don't go off and do whateverthehell you want to while we're trying to help you troubleshoot.

I know its sometimes unavoidable, but please refrain from calling in with your child crying in your hand. I understand if you have no choice, but if you say to me, 'I was just breast feeding my boy and thought it was a good time to try to fix the program'... That's not awkward for me. No. Not at all.

Don't get angry at me for your mistakes. YOU broke the software. I didn't. I'm trying to help you. Being angry and huffy just slows the process down.


Feb 17, 2011
I deal with customers over the phone, so, different to what most of you have experienced. This will be from a few jobs, telemarketing, appointment setting and technical support.

Receptionists: Why, when I call and state that I'm from the company that provides your photocopiers, do you think I'm trying to sell you something? I'm making sure everything is okay. That is why I SAY 'This is not a sales call, it's a courtesy call' in my opening. Just pass me to whoever I ask to speak to, shut up and do your job.

Customers for electricity: When you've held on and done a bill comparison, asked a million questions etc. and we find out that we'll save you upwards of $70 PER MONTH, why would you decide against it? $1600 and above in savings doesn't sound like enough?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Fine. Pay WAAAAY too much for your electricity. Get robbed by a company that lies to its customers. I don't care.

If you don't want to take the call, hang up. We don't care if you hang up on us, and its much quicker than yelling down the line. If you seriously think we WANT to be telemarketing and interrupting your family dinner - you. Are. Retarded.

Yell at me and I'll hang up on you. Don't ring the number back, yell at the inbound attendant that I was rude - you were yelling at me for no reason and the company will stand behind my decision to hang up on you. Enjoy talking to an increasingly sarcastic, cynical girl on inbound that has nothing but pure hatred for you :).

In tech support: If you're not very good with computers and you have an entire IT team at your work - WHY are YOU calling me?! If IT can't fix it, please... PLEASE let me talk to them. Not you, technologically illiterate and unnecessarily irate.

Please, listen to what I say and follow instructions. Don't go off and do whateverthehell you want to while we're trying to help you troubleshoot.

I know its sometimes unavoidable, but please refrain from calling in with your child crying in your hand. I understand if you have no choice, but if you say to me, 'I was just breast feeding my boy and thought it was a good time to try to fix the program'... That's not awkward for me. No. Not at all.

Don't get angry at me for your mistakes. YOU broke the software. I didn't. I'm trying to help you. Being angry and huffy just slows the process down.
When telemarkers call me i just hang up straight away once i know its them,. Makes everything a lot easier


Jan 25, 2009
St Kilda
^above: He works at Big W. :)

Also pretty sure tonight was the night for random customer complaints (which we never get hardly). First of all, one guy wanted to see the manager about us paying for dry cleaning because he didn't hold his chicken properly and spilt fat all over his council-worker shirt. Apparently, he doesn't own a washing machine.

Then a lady wanted to complain by saying that the "Cosmopolitan" magazine is not an appropriate magazine to be sold in a supermarket. Seriously? You go up to the local IGA and Foodworks and they both sell Australian Penthouse, Picture, etc, and this lady is complaining about a page that's sealed (similar to the sex pages in the Girlfriend magazine) with nudity in it? Hmm.
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Feb 17, 2011
^above: He works at Big W. :)

Also pretty sure tonight was the night for random customer complaints (which we never get hardly). First of all, one guy wanted to see the manager about us paying for dry cleaning because he didn't hold his chicken properly and spilt fat all over his council-worker shirt. Apparently, he doesn't own a washing machine.

Then a lady wanted to complain by saying that the "Cosmopolitan" magazine is not an appropriate magazine to be sold in a supermarket. Seriously? You go up to the local IGA and Foodworks and they both sell Australian Penthouse, Picture, etc, and this lady is complaining about a page that's sealed (similar to the sex pages in the Girlfriend magazine) with nudity in it? Hmm.
God, that is so bad.

I hate it when customers bitch about what we sell.

At big w we sell condoms and every parents always bitches to me how se shouldn't because of the kids.

Similarly, a customer wanted us to pay for his dry cleaning to because guess what? He decide to open a bottle thing of paint and see what colour it was, little did he know he would drop it.

Gosh people are dumb


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
I've just finished up working at Rhythm Snow Sports (reason being that the ski season has just about ended) and the classic one that always got us was the:
"Can we get a 20% discount because there's 7 of us?"

No? I don't care how many of you are lady, we get bus groups come through here consisting of 80+ people, so your 7 people who want a huge discount can get stuffed...
What is it with people who expect money off simply because there's a couple of them? Also, I'm only able to give you 10% if you become a member (which by the way is free!), so don't whine to me about the expensiveness of hiring ski gear, it's an expensive sport that you chose to do!

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