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thanks!International business -> don't do. it's srsly a waste of your time. Economics and Finance is good enough imo.
International business is such an inflated major; it looks good on paper but in reality you're taking courses that have very little relevance to the real world. AND you don't even need international business to get into that sort of field.
Commerce international - you have one year of exchange but you also need to take compulsory courses that you may not want to do. imo, do straight commerce coz you have less compulsory courses for your degree.thanks!
do you think commerce international would be better for me then? or just straight commerce?
I like international stuffCommerce international - you have one year of exchange but you also need to take compulsory courses that you may not want to do. imo, do straight commerce coz you have less compulsory courses for your degree.
How do I know this? through word of mouth and seeing course outlines.