I want to study medicine, what is all my option if I don't get a place straight away this year, plus I have financial difficulties, could this get me a place.
What are some easy uni that accetpt low Atar and umat. Is there any special offers for medicine or any entery scheme or anyother course where you can get a place.
1. What is all my option if I don't get a place straight away this year? Either try transferring from another degree or aim for post-grad medicine.
2. Financial difficulties? I don't think they take this into account. Even if you come from a low socio-economic school, you don't get any bonus points or special recommendation. But when applying to JCU (written application), maybe you could stress this out.
3. UWS is one easy uni to get into, if you do adv science/medical science and they lower the Umat and atar expectation (if you're a GWS student). I think they needed like a 5.5GPA, plus ~80% for Umat for Adv Science/Medical Science Adv students last year. But believe me, competition is intense and only ~6 students from all different UWS campuses get selected through this pathway for an INTERVIEW.
4. Special offers, not really... unless you're an indigenous student; then it'll be easier for you to get in.
5. Another course that you could get a place! I really don't know. The course from which you transfer into medicine really doesn't matter. Last year I witnessed Riproot who did Engineering at USYD transfer into medicine at UWS. Although, transferring into med from a relevant degree (i.e. Medical Science/Science Adv) is better, it really doesn't matter. I heard that Griffith uni has this provisional entry scheme. That is, if you finish medical science with a GPA >5.5, then you get into med... look it up. But don't think it's a CWS place (you have to pay $).