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ok first of all - try not to use words like wankery. Grow up. I'm just presenting an argument for argument's sake, it's not an attack on your person If you can, try not to get too personal. If you feel that I am attacking you then tell and quote me. I'll apologise (but only with evidence haha) because it wasn't my intent. Hopefully I can say the same for you.
Secondly, read my previous posts before repeating arguments that I've already responded to. Just because it's not in the post that I replied to doesn't mean I or someone else has not already mentioned it. Arguments have been quite circular in the thread for a while now, and I can't be stuffed to type up everything again when all you have to do is scroll through a few pages.
Give me the numbers then. If it's acrisis then surely, it does mean quite a large number of kids. If the numbers aren't as much as to fit in like half of NSG and NSB, then why choose the stategy of employing NSG/B into partially selective? Just expand schools in the local area. IF the numbers do fit in the population of around half (generalizing here, if you don’t realize) the current student population in each school, then there's enough students for the gov to build a new school and make it co-ed. As for why making NSG/B partially selective isn't a good idea, refer to my previous posts. Tell me then, do you know the number of students that are invovled in this "crisis"? Give me a rough estimate, since obviously you don't think I know what I'm talking about.
Note: How can it not be a large number? You yourself are saying that 300 kids are not going to make it in other selective schools if NSG/B are going to become partially selective. And if it's a large number, then you may as well build a new school. Btw, I don’t know about NSB, but NSG is a relatively small school. You’re not going to be getting much space out of it anyways lel.
Fundwise. How do you propose to make NSG/B partially selective huh? It requires new resources, a new school curriculum, a new way of teaching etc. You'll have to have teachers who are catered to the needs of both student types etc. These all take up resources aka money and time. Either way, doing SOMETHING will take up resources.
Let me summarise my arguments for you, in case you seem to be misunderstanding. Firstly. If NSG/B become partially selective due to pressure from the local council, then this may as well be an example set for the future. What happens if a crisis occurs in a region with a selective school? Should the Gov from that area also make that selective school partially selective? North Sydney can very well be setting up an model for the future, especially with our population growth. If they can be setting a model, then would you agree it goes further than local? I mean how many councils are there in one local area? Uh, one?
Secondly. Like what our friend classic jimbo stated, this is indeed appearing to be a "two way scheme" to make NSG/B public. Isn't this like a reverse model? So what? We're going to have selective schools turn public and public schools aiming to turn selective? That leads to two implications.
1) Loss in school culture and time - in that time is required for changes in school curriculum to fit different needs of students
2) Waste in resources. Having the school adapt to cater for public students, then having a school adaopt to cater for selective schools in the next x years (since going selective appears to be an aim of some public schools) just seems like a huge waste in resources to me.
No. I'm not saying that public school kids are utter crap and they deserve a bad education or something. I'm saying that, if you want to have education, then do it right. Cater the school to make it suitable for different student groups and their needs. Public school kids deserve to go to a school that has suitable learning environments for the public school kids. Unfortunately the environment for a comprehensive student is different to that of a selective school student. (if it isn’t then I’m backing off now. Reason? - if the environment that’s catered towards a selective school kid and public school kid is exactly the same, then why the hell do selective schools exist? Hmm) If teachers from selective schools with a difference of 6 ranks can't teach the other selective schools rights, then how the hell do you expect a teacher from a selective school to automatically adapt to teaching to comprehensive students. (if you want an example in how teachers from a selective school that's ranked lower than NSG by just over 5 ranks, refer to my previous post. I gave a detailed description of moi last princiapl with NSGs)
Ok, would you disagree with me if I told you that students who get high marks in their selective test are searching for schools that are stable in terms of rank? It's commonly known that the further down you get along the school rankings based of the HSC cohort, the more a school can fluctuate while the reverse is true for the higher rankig school. Well, if selective schools can randomly and quite willingly/easily become partial selective because of pressure from a local gov, then you're not going to get stability in rankings in even the top schools. In theory, a lack of selective schools = greater competition among schools, but that sense of competition becomes less, “competitive” if there's a constant fluctuation in schools becoming selective and public. A student would have to be relying partially on luck and hope that the local gov. doesn’t attack their school while they’re in it lol. You’re also going to cause a massive movmenet in student numbers – because can you deny that the average selective school kid from a top ranking school, would move to another school if their current school is going to become partially selective? Excluding the senior cohort, I think the majority would move.
Students need time to adapt to their environment. To force them to continually move schools – uh no. That just causes chaos for everyone – Teachers, who have to make the transition between selective and non selective almost fluently in class, students who have to adapt to different environments, teachers etc
It's going to have a negative impact because these fully selective schools that we're talking about are legit top ranking schools that have kept their position in the top ranks of this state for a very long time. This whole problem is centered space-wise, and NSG/B simply offer much more than just “space”. A school's success/ability to hone and adapt to student needs, once again, although is largely dependent on the student body (effort wise etc) factors like resources, teachers, experience, school events and opportunities ALL come into play. Reason? Student body is not the only thing that makes up a good school. Yes, if you make NSG/B partially selective, you end up with a more competitive selective environment in other schools, but also yes in that if you make NSG/B partially selective you're losing out on the school culture of NSG/B. If this wasn't a school who has proven to continually score good marks then that's another issue. This is because NSG/B is DESIREABLE. There is going to be an expectation of a continuous flow of students to the two schools, it’s not a random school that’s not doing well academically or EC wise. Refer to paragraph below for more info. Once again, NSG/B has much more to offer than just space-wise. Can you deny that this "LOCAL CRISIS" is not centered around space? I'm only saying, this isn't the best strategy in that it's not getting the most out of these schools(NSG/B) as it could be getting.
How am I oblivious so the fact that the crisis is local? I've raised certain points
- overall increase in population IN AUSTRALIA'S CITIES. Note that Sydney is a city. Most selective schools are in Sydney (as in the top ones, and we’re talking about a top selective school c: )
- You don't know if a crisis may occur in another area once you make NSG/B partially selective. Like you've said, most student travel there. This means that there's a movement of students across our city thanks to NSG/B. What's to say, another suburb isn't experiencing a local crisis right now BECAUSE OF THIS MOVEMENT. There’s too many factors involved if you want to make NSG/B partially selective, because the majority of students WILL MOVE. <~ this is the generalized mindset of a selective school student. Move to the school with the next highest potentially in giving you your desired marks. Can you deny this?
- Furthermore, you don’t know if another crisis is going to happen AT NORTH SYDNEY AGAIN. Accounting for circumstances that may happen in Sydney and around the city especially (growing population centered around CBD) building a new school will help
- Setting an example to other local gov. + reverse model causing confusion and more chaos as well as competition.
- How exactly do you plan on making NSG/B partially selective? Are you proposing that they will open 150 places in Year 7 for local students? If so, what about the very desperate local kids who are NOT in Year 7, but rather Year 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 and they have to unfairly travel so very far to escape this crisis? Don’t you think that they should transfer in? And if they do, who are you going to kick out of NSG/B that are currently attending? It may very well be the current Year 7s that cannot find a school, but you don’t know what uproar the parents of older children might spurt out once they feel as though they’re children missed out on this local opportunity.
I feel that my doubt is quite justified seeing in that sydney tech is constantly getting those marks. Like, how? I think rankings are based on band 6s and if that’s the case it’s like, half of Sydney Tech’s awesomely smart and the other half is not so smart. Wtheck. (lol, do they favor the smart kids?) Again, an issue in consistency.
1) The tactic that my principal used didn't work for any NSGs. First of all, no one bothered to do his excersises,
2) It was to demonstrate that teachers are just human. They cannot automatically cater to the needs of two largely different groups of people. Note the key word is automatically? My demonstration was to show that if a teacher cannot adjust appropriately to the student body when moving only around ~6 ranks up then how can they make the transition from selective - public in a short amount of time?
If anything, it'll be the public school kids (in a partially selective environment) who will be either "mollycoddled" by the teachers at first - due to stereotypes that selective schools are so much better than public schools, or the content will be too hard until the teachers can sort out everything.
But if you insist that this is moddlecuddling, I guess that, Lol yes they are moddlecuddled- but their form of moddlecuddling seems to work quite well in this education system. Tutoring can also be seen as a form of the student’s personal initiative- they use it to persevere to become even better. Yet tutoring can also be seen as mollycoddled as it is the tutors that sometimes drive the students to reach new heights.
Why can you not understand that our education system aims to make the weak, stronger, but the strong, elite? (Honestly, compare the pulverization rates of Ruse in uni. I dare you.)
Secondly, I have never dismissed the point of selective education being a hoice and comprehensive education being compulsory lol. If anything, you’re either forgetting or ignoring my points and continually stating the same thing over and over again. I’m just saying that the advantages of keeping NSG/B fully selective outweigh the advantages of making them partially selective. Once again, you expect a school to make a transition from Selective to comprehensive automatically. If we want the local kids to go to an educational facility and receive some sort of a education, then I say, do it properly. You can’t expect a school which is catered towards a selective school to naturally shift to cater the needs of a public school! Classes for one. I don’t know about other selective schools, but my school doesn’t offer general maths because they feel it to be too easy for selective students, we also have compulsory EE1. Granted NSG/B and my school differ but they’ll have their own unique system, that will have to change to accommodate for public school kids. By making NSG/B partially selective, all the gov is doing is to get everyone in a school. That doesn’t mean everyone’s going to get their education needs met. All I’m saying is that what’s the point in making NSG/B partially selective, if you can build or expand a school? Fund wise- well if you make NSG/B partially selective you may need new resources for new classes, you will need to reorganize the school curriculum, and kids from both selective and comprehensive schools may not be in an environment that can bring our their max potential which will eventually leading to a lower amount of students getting high ATARs or more stress for the student because they’re not in an environment in which they can learn best in and thus becomes a negative environment for both the selective and comprehensive cohort while 300 kids are out there, believing that they’re missing out on an environment that may bring out their best ATAR. Keyword: Believing.
Also you do realise that the reason your teacher didn't say unusual words at assembly anymore wasn't necessarily because he thought you were inferior but because it was just kinda lame haha? It literally has nothing to do with the calibre of your school if he delivers assemblies with one less gimmick that has nothing to do with education hahaha
What are you talking about? My principal doesn’t give us random search-up-the-dictionary tasks to do, because he was catered towards my school’s needs. He never thought we were inferior (at least not to my knowledge, but any arguments you have is moot since you've never attended my school lol). This example was to show that stereotypes do exist even among selective schools. The assembly words thing, was to show that he stereotyped on the average NSG’s brain and how it would benefit them. So yes, it does have to do with education in that it shows teachers cannot adjust automatically to a different student group. Your point is null because it’s purely your own opinion and a pretty cynical opinion too lol. Plus, I doubt your statement is hardly complimentary towards the man at hand. Don’t be mean, it’s not very nice :c
So uh yes. Culture is going to be impacted because student body makes up a culture Culture can be seen as just how a group of individuals act. How’d you come to the conclusion that culture isn’t going to be affected? Do explain
LOL Both schools may have north Sydney in their names, but both are located at Crows nest Did you not even know? Why would having North Sydney, in their names have anything to do with this? Are you trying to suggest they have an obligation to cater towards local kids in the north Sydney region because they have North Sydney in their name? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. What, so if NSG and NSB change their names to Crows nest Boys and Crows Nest Girls, then there will be no more pressure from the local gov? XD You’re one funny young grasshopper.
Precisely. You just reinforced what I’m saying. There’s goig to be a change and loss in culture and so events + environment that’s catered to needs of high caliber students. (how’d you even end up with history LOL)
Local kids going to damage school culture being elitist? No just logical. Like I’ve said, to intake comprehensive students you need to be able to provide for them. Otherwise – what’s the point? Around 300 kids are missing out on a selective education that will suit them better, and public schools, although they just got ito a school, there’s no guarantee they’re not going to be able to adjust efficently. By school culture I mean factors like school curriculum and environment. I’m not suggesting that local kids are mosquito and flie-infested potatoes who are going to bring doom to us all. No, I’m only saying that it will require a change in an environment and curriculum that has been previously catered to + suitably succeeded in churning out top ranked students. Dude, stop misunderstanding me. Read my posts before you make such remarks. Just saying – Doing well in the HSC is defined in the school reputation which attracts the students to make up the culture. (Psss. That means it does have an influence
Making NSG/B partially selective is just going to make then public sooner or later. Think of it this way – The average public school migt aim to be selective. They may become partially selective first then fully selective (correct me if I’m wrong) So eventually it’s Public – selective. If a selective school becomes partially selective, it’s the reverse model. And if that’s the case, then it’s only obvious to assume they’ll go public sooner or later and then maybe later attempt to go selective again (causing a headache for everyone and a loss in precious resources + culture).
To sum it up. I disagree with making NSG/B partially selective because of the following reason
a) It's a home to many students who take a large amount of travel time. Note, this is willingly, so any points you have that state somewhere along the lines of, "it's more beneficial for them not to move as much" is null/moot. Why? Because if it was so beneficial, you'd wonder why they moved to NSG/B in the first place. To relocate all these students, could potentially result in another crisis elsewhere.
b) The government is looking for space. NSG/B has more than space to offer - resources, reputation (that would attract other shmart students etc)
c) There will be a massive shift in teaching methods, costing time + resources. It’s not something to take light of, it will require a carefully thought out plan. Furthermore, if teachers aren’t happy with how its set out, (like how students of partially selective schools don’t seem to be) the new system is operationally unfeasible, not to mention economically (intangible) unfeasible. Because there is one thing we both seem to agree on. That everyone deserves an adequate education If you want to give public schools a prosperous education that's catered to their needs, then do it right.
D) Why deny the inevitable? One day, in the future, Sydney in general is going to have to implement new schools. Why not do it now? All that means is that we have one less school to worry about building, in the future. Why is it not possible to expand other current high schools? They wouldn’t require a change in school curriculum and honestly, the environment would better suit the comprehensive students as opposed to an awkward transition in NSG/B. I’m not saying that selective school students are oh, so much better and are all elitist therefore teachers of NSG/B would be degrading themselves through teaching comprehensive school students. Nope, All I’m saying is that in selective and public schools, the environment and resources differ because if they didn’t, then why would the selective school model exist in the first place?
Since it’s evident that you’re misunderstanding me, I’ll like you to take the time to read through my post properly to clarify such misunderstandings. You could at the very least, return the same courtesy as I’m giving you (reading through your post+ keeping language G-rated).
Secondly, read my previous posts before repeating arguments that I've already responded to. Just because it's not in the post that I replied to doesn't mean I or someone else has not already mentioned it. Arguments have been quite circular in the thread for a while now, and I can't be stuffed to type up everything again when all you have to do is scroll through a few pages.
Give me the numbers then. If it's acrisis then surely, it does mean quite a large number of kids. If the numbers aren't as much as to fit in like half of NSG and NSB, then why choose the stategy of employing NSG/B into partially selective? Just expand schools in the local area. IF the numbers do fit in the population of around half (generalizing here, if you don’t realize) the current student population in each school, then there's enough students for the gov to build a new school and make it co-ed. As for why making NSG/B partially selective isn't a good idea, refer to my previous posts. Tell me then, do you know the number of students that are invovled in this "crisis"? Give me a rough estimate, since obviously you don't think I know what I'm talking about.
Note: How can it not be a large number? You yourself are saying that 300 kids are not going to make it in other selective schools if NSG/B are going to become partially selective. And if it's a large number, then you may as well build a new school. Btw, I don’t know about NSB, but NSG is a relatively small school. You’re not going to be getting much space out of it anyways lel.
Fundwise. How do you propose to make NSG/B partially selective huh? It requires new resources, a new school curriculum, a new way of teaching etc. You'll have to have teachers who are catered to the needs of both student types etc. These all take up resources aka money and time. Either way, doing SOMETHING will take up resources.
I'm getting iffy by this argument. What the hell is my "slippery slope argument that this is going to lead to the doom of all selective schools as this solution." That, my dear, if your opinion c:Please do not use some slippery slope argument that this is gonna lead to the doom of all selective schools as this solution, even though you repeatedly miss the point, is a LOCAL issue.
Let me summarise my arguments for you, in case you seem to be misunderstanding. Firstly. If NSG/B become partially selective due to pressure from the local council, then this may as well be an example set for the future. What happens if a crisis occurs in a region with a selective school? Should the Gov from that area also make that selective school partially selective? North Sydney can very well be setting up an model for the future, especially with our population growth. If they can be setting a model, then would you agree it goes further than local? I mean how many councils are there in one local area? Uh, one?
Secondly. Like what our friend classic jimbo stated, this is indeed appearing to be a "two way scheme" to make NSG/B public. Isn't this like a reverse model? So what? We're going to have selective schools turn public and public schools aiming to turn selective? That leads to two implications.
1) Loss in school culture and time - in that time is required for changes in school curriculum to fit different needs of students
2) Waste in resources. Having the school adapt to cater for public students, then having a school adaopt to cater for selective schools in the next x years (since going selective appears to be an aim of some public schools) just seems like a huge waste in resources to me.
No. I'm not saying that public school kids are utter crap and they deserve a bad education or something. I'm saying that, if you want to have education, then do it right. Cater the school to make it suitable for different student groups and their needs. Public school kids deserve to go to a school that has suitable learning environments for the public school kids. Unfortunately the environment for a comprehensive student is different to that of a selective school student. (if it isn’t then I’m backing off now. Reason? - if the environment that’s catered towards a selective school kid and public school kid is exactly the same, then why the hell do selective schools exist? Hmm) If teachers from selective schools with a difference of 6 ranks can't teach the other selective schools rights, then how the hell do you expect a teacher from a selective school to automatically adapt to teaching to comprehensive students. (if you want an example in how teachers from a selective school that's ranked lower than NSG by just over 5 ranks, refer to my previous post. I gave a detailed description of moi last princiapl with NSGs)
Ok, would you disagree with me if I told you that students who get high marks in their selective test are searching for schools that are stable in terms of rank? It's commonly known that the further down you get along the school rankings based of the HSC cohort, the more a school can fluctuate while the reverse is true for the higher rankig school. Well, if selective schools can randomly and quite willingly/easily become partial selective because of pressure from a local gov, then you're not going to get stability in rankings in even the top schools. In theory, a lack of selective schools = greater competition among schools, but that sense of competition becomes less, “competitive” if there's a constant fluctuation in schools becoming selective and public. A student would have to be relying partially on luck and hope that the local gov. doesn’t attack their school while they’re in it lol. You’re also going to cause a massive movmenet in student numbers – because can you deny that the average selective school kid from a top ranking school, would move to another school if their current school is going to become partially selective? Excluding the senior cohort, I think the majority would move.
Students need time to adapt to their environment. To force them to continually move schools – uh no. That just causes chaos for everyone – Teachers, who have to make the transition between selective and non selective almost fluently in class, students who have to adapt to different environments, teachers etc
It's going to have a negative impact because these fully selective schools that we're talking about are legit top ranking schools that have kept their position in the top ranks of this state for a very long time. This whole problem is centered space-wise, and NSG/B simply offer much more than just “space”. A school's success/ability to hone and adapt to student needs, once again, although is largely dependent on the student body (effort wise etc) factors like resources, teachers, experience, school events and opportunities ALL come into play. Reason? Student body is not the only thing that makes up a good school. Yes, if you make NSG/B partially selective, you end up with a more competitive selective environment in other schools, but also yes in that if you make NSG/B partially selective you're losing out on the school culture of NSG/B. If this wasn't a school who has proven to continually score good marks then that's another issue. This is because NSG/B is DESIREABLE. There is going to be an expectation of a continuous flow of students to the two schools, it’s not a random school that’s not doing well academically or EC wise. Refer to paragraph below for more info. Once again, NSG/B has much more to offer than just space-wise. Can you deny that this "LOCAL CRISIS" is not centered around space? I'm only saying, this isn't the best strategy in that it's not getting the most out of these schools(NSG/B) as it could be getting.
I donm't know about you, but I'm seeing most of the competitive selective schools being located in areas that are considered to be more populated than the average suburb. If specific areas grow at a specific rate, then building a new school seems to be the best option, because they’re going to continue to grow at this “specific rate” Dude. It's not like our selective schools have gone rural or something they're all somewhat located in greater sydney. Sydney in general is a growing city. To answer your question, I am not missing the point that's it's a local crisis. I've suggested space, time and money being the main influences of this proposed strategy and have stated that I feel NSG/B can offer much more than simply SPACE. To make them a partially selective school, which will then result in the intake of a low number of selective school, hereby finally ending up with pretty much a public school, is a waste of time and resources. Refer to previous posts for more.I was not hypocritical, you just seem oblivious to the fact that the crisis is local. I'm not sure if you know how population growth works but its not uniform everywhere, specific areas grow at specific rates which is why you need to be systematic about where you build new schools or how you handle education funding. If you don't have enough space for students in a local area but you do not think it is going to grow to the extent you need two whole new schools for it then the simple solution is just to add space to pre-existing schools.
How am I oblivious so the fact that the crisis is local? I've raised certain points
- overall increase in population IN AUSTRALIA'S CITIES. Note that Sydney is a city. Most selective schools are in Sydney (as in the top ones, and we’re talking about a top selective school c: )
- You don't know if a crisis may occur in another area once you make NSG/B partially selective. Like you've said, most student travel there. This means that there's a movement of students across our city thanks to NSG/B. What's to say, another suburb isn't experiencing a local crisis right now BECAUSE OF THIS MOVEMENT. There’s too many factors involved if you want to make NSG/B partially selective, because the majority of students WILL MOVE. <~ this is the generalized mindset of a selective school student. Move to the school with the next highest potentially in giving you your desired marks. Can you deny this?
- Furthermore, you don’t know if another crisis is going to happen AT NORTH SYDNEY AGAIN. Accounting for circumstances that may happen in Sydney and around the city especially (growing population centered around CBD) building a new school will help
- Setting an example to other local gov. + reverse model causing confusion and more chaos as well as competition.
- How exactly do you plan on making NSG/B partially selective? Are you proposing that they will open 150 places in Year 7 for local students? If so, what about the very desperate local kids who are NOT in Year 7, but rather Year 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 and they have to unfairly travel so very far to escape this crisis? Don’t you think that they should transfer in? And if they do, who are you going to kick out of NSG/B that are currently attending? It may very well be the current Year 7s that cannot find a school, but you don’t know what uproar the parents of older children might spurt out once they feel as though they’re children missed out on this local opportunity.
Oh really? Because in my school we get like what? ~5~ 99+ (and that was the cohort that was actually smart) and ~3-4~ on average 99+. I don't remember a time when we actually got a 99.95er. Granted my reasons for doubting your post is based on rankings - but heyAnd yes btw Sydney Tech does get 99.95s and most selective schools actually get a fair few marks above 99, which is indicative of competition.
LOL. Ok first of all, you seem to misunderstanding something.I do not think you really appreciate how education is in the selective system, you dismiss the point of selective education being a choice and comprehensive education being compulsory for literally no reason even though that is a major point. You also fail to appreciate that education is about personal initiative too, if the students are honestly mollycoddled to the point where they wouldn't do as well under teachers from another selective school, this is more a testament to their lack of maturity when it comes to learning more than anything else and these students frankly speaking would get pulverised by university education lol.
1) The tactic that my principal used didn't work for any NSGs. First of all, no one bothered to do his excersises,
2) It was to demonstrate that teachers are just human. They cannot automatically cater to the needs of two largely different groups of people. Note the key word is automatically? My demonstration was to show that if a teacher cannot adjust appropriately to the student body when moving only around ~6 ranks up then how can they make the transition from selective - public in a short amount of time?
If anything, it'll be the public school kids (in a partially selective environment) who will be either "mollycoddled" by the teachers at first - due to stereotypes that selective schools are so much better than public schools, or the content will be too hard until the teachers can sort out everything.
But if you insist that this is moddlecuddling, I guess that, Lol yes they are moddlecuddled- but their form of moddlecuddling seems to work quite well in this education system. Tutoring can also be seen as a form of the student’s personal initiative- they use it to persevere to become even better. Yet tutoring can also be seen as mollycoddled as it is the tutors that sometimes drive the students to reach new heights.
Why can you not understand that our education system aims to make the weak, stronger, but the strong, elite? (Honestly, compare the pulverization rates of Ruse in uni. I dare you.)
Secondly, I have never dismissed the point of selective education being a hoice and comprehensive education being compulsory lol. If anything, you’re either forgetting or ignoring my points and continually stating the same thing over and over again. I’m just saying that the advantages of keeping NSG/B fully selective outweigh the advantages of making them partially selective. Once again, you expect a school to make a transition from Selective to comprehensive automatically. If we want the local kids to go to an educational facility and receive some sort of a education, then I say, do it properly. You can’t expect a school which is catered towards a selective school to naturally shift to cater the needs of a public school! Classes for one. I don’t know about other selective schools, but my school doesn’t offer general maths because they feel it to be too easy for selective students, we also have compulsory EE1. Granted NSG/B and my school differ but they’ll have their own unique system, that will have to change to accommodate for public school kids. By making NSG/B partially selective, all the gov is doing is to get everyone in a school. That doesn’t mean everyone’s going to get their education needs met. All I’m saying is that what’s the point in making NSG/B partially selective, if you can build or expand a school? Fund wise- well if you make NSG/B partially selective you may need new resources for new classes, you will need to reorganize the school curriculum, and kids from both selective and comprehensive schools may not be in an environment that can bring our their max potential which will eventually leading to a lower amount of students getting high ATARs or more stress for the student because they’re not in an environment in which they can learn best in and thus becomes a negative environment for both the selective and comprehensive cohort while 300 kids are out there, believing that they’re missing out on an environment that may bring out their best ATAR. Keyword: Believing.
Also you do realise that the reason your teacher didn't say unusual words at assembly anymore wasn't necessarily because he thought you were inferior but because it was just kinda lame haha? It literally has nothing to do with the calibre of your school if he delivers assemblies with one less gimmick that has nothing to do with education hahaha
What are you talking about? My principal doesn’t give us random search-up-the-dictionary tasks to do, because he was catered towards my school’s needs. He never thought we were inferior (at least not to my knowledge, but any arguments you have is moot since you've never attended my school lol). This example was to show that stereotypes do exist even among selective schools. The assembly words thing, was to show that he stereotyped on the average NSG’s brain and how it would benefit them. So yes, it does have to do with education in that it shows teachers cannot adjust automatically to a different student group. Your point is null because it’s purely your own opinion and a pretty cynical opinion too lol. Plus, I doubt your statement is hardly complimentary towards the man at hand. Don’t be mean, it’s not very nice :c
Who said anything about history? I’m talking about culture here. Their culture is suited to top-notch students. Their events etc, are all catered towards students who want to go to university. They offer stuff like getting university professors to talk in their schools and explain about uni, choices there etc (I don’t know too much about this, since my friends only gave a brief explanation) and loads of EC that the average school wouldn’t offer- the philosothon, what matters essay, holly, the “Dome”, the “Leviathan”, the “Umbrella Project” etc. “You aren’t demolishing the school” - that’s not an certainty because a school shifts itself to a different learning environment. (Building or changing facilities if you must see it physically) There are more than just physical aspects that make up a school. (Should I revisit my post on reputation?) Different student groups have different needs. But just because you’re not demolishing the school doesn’t mean there’s a loss in school curriculum, events etc that may have to be changed to accommodate for coming comprehensive students. You’re point is moot, because the word culture itself defines something more than just physical. Also, I’m not talking about a change in history LOL (I’m talking about a present/future change to some “historical” practices) How the heck do you even change history anyways? XDLol the last paragraph you have is nothing more than wankery, the history of a school isn't going to alleviate a crisis or provide local kids with an education they need. Not to mention that the culture of the school isn't going to necessarily be impact upon at all, you aren't demolishing the school so the history is still going to be there. Ergo, your point is moot because this initiative doesn't change the history of the school at all and its still going to be there, the only change in culture is that you will have local kids in the school, considering both schools have "north Sydney" in their names you could argue this would be excellent to school culture. Also it's kinda elitist and arrogant to assume that local kids are going to "damage" a school's culture, performing well in the HSC isn't a culture in itself, culture is a much richer term than that and if you define a school's worth by that then it shows you have no appreciation for its culture anyway. Also as I said, this solution would fix the crisis because the crisis is local, you have shown no evidence that the population of that particular area is going to grow so much in the near future that justifies building two schools, population growth in Australia cannot be applied uniformly to each individual area because each area has different rates of growth.
So uh yes. Culture is going to be impacted because student body makes up a culture Culture can be seen as just how a group of individuals act. How’d you come to the conclusion that culture isn’t going to be affected? Do explain
LOL Both schools may have north Sydney in their names, but both are located at Crows nest Did you not even know? Why would having North Sydney, in their names have anything to do with this? Are you trying to suggest they have an obligation to cater towards local kids in the north Sydney region because they have North Sydney in their name? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. What, so if NSG and NSB change their names to Crows nest Boys and Crows Nest Girls, then there will be no more pressure from the local gov? XD You’re one funny young grasshopper.
Precisely. You just reinforced what I’m saying. There’s goig to be a change and loss in culture and so events + environment that’s catered to needs of high caliber students. (how’d you even end up with history LOL)
Local kids going to damage school culture being elitist? No just logical. Like I’ve said, to intake comprehensive students you need to be able to provide for them. Otherwise – what’s the point? Around 300 kids are missing out on a selective education that will suit them better, and public schools, although they just got ito a school, there’s no guarantee they’re not going to be able to adjust efficently. By school culture I mean factors like school curriculum and environment. I’m not suggesting that local kids are mosquito and flie-infested potatoes who are going to bring doom to us all. No, I’m only saying that it will require a change in an environment and curriculum that has been previously catered to + suitably succeeded in churning out top ranked students. Dude, stop misunderstanding me. Read my posts before you make such remarks. Just saying – Doing well in the HSC is defined in the school reputation which attracts the students to make up the culture. (Psss. That means it does have an influence
Making NSG/B partially selective is just going to make then public sooner or later. Think of it this way – The average public school migt aim to be selective. They may become partially selective first then fully selective (correct me if I’m wrong) So eventually it’s Public – selective. If a selective school becomes partially selective, it’s the reverse model. And if that’s the case, then it’s only obvious to assume they’ll go public sooner or later and then maybe later attempt to go selective again (causing a headache for everyone and a loss in precious resources + culture).
To sum it up. I disagree with making NSG/B partially selective because of the following reason
a) It's a home to many students who take a large amount of travel time. Note, this is willingly, so any points you have that state somewhere along the lines of, "it's more beneficial for them not to move as much" is null/moot. Why? Because if it was so beneficial, you'd wonder why they moved to NSG/B in the first place. To relocate all these students, could potentially result in another crisis elsewhere.
b) The government is looking for space. NSG/B has more than space to offer - resources, reputation (that would attract other shmart students etc)
c) There will be a massive shift in teaching methods, costing time + resources. It’s not something to take light of, it will require a carefully thought out plan. Furthermore, if teachers aren’t happy with how its set out, (like how students of partially selective schools don’t seem to be) the new system is operationally unfeasible, not to mention economically (intangible) unfeasible. Because there is one thing we both seem to agree on. That everyone deserves an adequate education If you want to give public schools a prosperous education that's catered to their needs, then do it right.
D) Why deny the inevitable? One day, in the future, Sydney in general is going to have to implement new schools. Why not do it now? All that means is that we have one less school to worry about building, in the future. Why is it not possible to expand other current high schools? They wouldn’t require a change in school curriculum and honestly, the environment would better suit the comprehensive students as opposed to an awkward transition in NSG/B. I’m not saying that selective school students are oh, so much better and are all elitist therefore teachers of NSG/B would be degrading themselves through teaching comprehensive school students. Nope, All I’m saying is that in selective and public schools, the environment and resources differ because if they didn’t, then why would the selective school model exist in the first place?
Since it’s evident that you’re misunderstanding me, I’ll like you to take the time to read through my post properly to clarify such misunderstandings. You could at the very least, return the same courtesy as I’m giving you (reading through your post+ keeping language G-rated).