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Budget 2014 (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 1, 2013
Never said I was against forward defence policy nor that defence in general is not important. Simply the INCREASE in spending does not seem necessary when it is not a particularly pressing issue and the government seems to want to do anything it can to reach a surplus.

Yes the state governments look after healthcare but it’s the federal government that gives them the money in the first place. It’s clear what the federal government is trying to do – underfund health and hospitals so the states plead for more money as a result the government will increase GST claiming it was their only option and wasn’t their fault. As I’ve said before $7 isn’t that much but the cost is effectively a tax (albeit very small) for visiting the doctor when it doesn’t seem to be needed (unless there is something more subtle going on). Health cards generally have limited cover for dentists/specialists PHI will be needed by more people.

Employment should be largely the responsibility of the individual but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t get support. It’s those that are young that need this support the most. Instead the government is offering a $10,000 incentive for future employers to take on unemployed people under 50. Obviously they want people over 50 to stay in the workforce but it’s not like they need extra help with selling themselves when they should well and truly be at the peak of their careers with the most experience, skills and qualifications on offer. Going overseas for work? That’s what we want all the intelligent people taking their skills elsewhere, sorry no jobs Australia’s full.

Carbon Tax
The carbon tax was mostly on businesses, the fuel excise is mostly on individuals. All Abbot has done is shift the costs from businesses to consumers. The carbon tax was never a good idea and was ineffective both economically and environmentally, it would not reduce average global temperatures and because no one else is doing it we put ourselves at a competitive disadvantage. Pollutants of the agricultural industry? Are you talking about pesticides? Because pesticides=/=greenhouse gases (and more specifically carbon). But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were talking about enteric fermentation from livestock. The methane they release is significant but I doubt many of the pollies have even heard about it or know what methane is. Do you have something against ag though? It’s an important industry subjected to massive fluctuations.


bow peasants
Aug 1, 2013
not near u coz u aint hot enough

We have to make our military commitments to our allies, namely the US. Were investing in defence because people keep forgetting the last time Australia relied on someone else for its defence (UK), they had to scale back after the fall of singapore leaving us VERY vulnerable. I'd rather us have a forward defence policy and neutralize threats before they even threaten us, at home and abroad.


who do you think provides healthcare facilities? It's not the federal government. It's the state government's responsibility in the first place. You really think those who are on low-income won't get the support they need? as I said before, low income health cards ALLOW YOU to get your specialist, dentists, optomotrists fees BILLED to the government. $7 dollars isn't really that much for health care. Are you really going to bitch about what effectively is half a labour hour on minimum wage for healthcare? Ever heard of a moral hazard? Since your spending someone else money on healthcare, you don't feel the effect of the costs.


Welcome to life. Nothing is ever easy and you do realize Australia is one of the least productive country in the world right? You really don't think people have any job mobility at all? Nobody said work at maccas for the rest of your life. Stop being so proud and work entry level jobs even if they're shit. If you take a degree because of a career path, you shouldn't be in uni in the first place. Universities are places of education and learning, not to churn out employment skills.

I'm currently at uni and I'm working part time. Once I'm finished I'd move onto a full time salary. Jobs already lined up and most people in university don't take the time to get job offers BEFORE they graduate. You don't graduate and sit and wait for a job. You should have done it before hand. Not getting your dream job? Boo hoo me neither, go work at retail or hospitality, they pay decent enough for you to hold over into your career path. Or stop looking at Australia, there's plenty of jobs overseas if you're willing to look for them.

Carbon Tax

I'm surprised no hippie left wing environmentalist have praised Tony Abbot for the fuel excise. It's the same shit as a carbon tax but even more effective as it directly targets fuel consumption. And you guys do realize the carbon tax was so ineffective that companies were getting tax benefits for the pollution they produced. It's funny because people don't realize how much pollutants the agricultural industry uses but nobody is going to bitch at farmers.

My only objection is the fuel excise - all it will do is raise the average fuel price by approximately one cent (i googled it :p), which will not have any profound effects on consumptions and thus carbon emissions. However, it most likely will be better than the carbon tax - which did not succeed in discouraging environmentally damaging behaviours by making firms bear the costs of their negative externalities.
Otherwise, I agree
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Active Member
May 10, 2012
Uni Grad
seriously, who the hell voted for that lizard


Nov 7, 2013
People don't get economics and the implications of decisions on the future
Obviously not, they get their opinion fed through them through mainstream media. If there was a double dissolution now I doubt the Coalitions chances now.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
omg australia's gonna go to shit because abbott fucking dickhead PM why cant we be like some euro countries with FREEEEEEEEE EVERYTHING. COZ ID LOVE TO PAY HALF OF MY INCOME IN TAXES.


2nd best place in the world to be born in yet people moan and bitch.

we have it so lucky here we've become a generation that can't do anything without sucking on the governments tit. If you have one ounce of economic understanding you would know gov spending = reallocation of resources. they just take people's money and spend it elsewhere, they don't necessarily expand the economic pie.


Nov 6, 2013
Getting prescription for vaccine = $7
Coming back to the practice with vaccine = $7

Invest money in future medical research. Only the wealthier will be able to afford any future breakthrough medicines.

Butcher to get back to surplus? Wtf?
Labour had a solid plan to get back to surplus without screwing over almost everybody.

Also surplus isn't the be all end all of life. Too many idiots got sucked into the hype.
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
Getting prescription for vaccine = $7
Coming back to the practice with vaccine = $7
I got a vaccine last week, i made an appointment and got the vaccine at that appointment.

oh but i paid more than $14 for it, but its fine since I don't waste my money on stupid shit I don't need

Labour had a solid plan to get back to surplus without screwing over almost everybody.


Nov 6, 2013
Getting prescription for vaccine = $7
Coming back to the practice with vaccine = $7
I got a vaccine last week, i made an appointment and got the vaccine at that appointment.

oh but i paid more than $14 for it, but its fine since I don't waste my money on stupid shit I don't need

Congratulations on financial stability. Share the love with the rest of us.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
if you're seriously that poor then you're going to qualify for a healthcare card anyway


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Getting prescription for vaccine = $7
Coming back to the practice with vaccine = $7

Invest money in future medical research. Only the wealthier will be able to afford any future breakthrough medicines.

Butcher to get back to surplus? Wtf?
Labour had a solid plan to get back to surplus without screwing over almost everybody.

Also surplus isn't the be all end all of life. Too many idiots got sucked into the hype.
Yeah because a $7 GP fee is really going to break people's bank accounts. woe is me missing out on 2 cups of coffee. If you're really facing "hardship" over a $7 GP fee you have something really fucked with your finances and you should sort your shit out. If your desperately poor and on social benefits, you aren't paying for shit anyway and you get a health concession card. THIS. EFFECTS. NO ONE REALISTICALLY. lolstrayans, bitch and moan about how "tough it is" for families when on a 100k+ income. top. lel.

I'd rather us have a surplus economy and try to pay back our debt instead of passing down the debt onto the next government and not be in a position like the rest of Europe, Japan and USA.


Jan 29, 2013
Penrith, NSW
Yeah because a $7 GP fee is really going to break people's bank accounts. woe is me missing out on 2 cups of coffee. If you're really facing "hardship" over a $7 GP fee you have something really fucked with your finances and you should sort your shit out. If your desperately poor and on social benefits, you aren't paying for shit anyway and you get a health concession card. THIS. EFFECTS. NO ONE REALISTICALLY. lolstrayans, bitch and moan about how "tough it is" for families when on a 100k+ income. top. lel.

I'd rather us have a surplus economy and try to pay back our debt instead of passing down the debt onto the next government and not be in a position like the rest of Europe, Japan and USA.
It's people like you that make me realise the ignorance of much of the Australian population.
They keep telling us to get jobs. Well I’d like them to show me the jobs. I’ve been looking all year for a 2nd and even 3rd job with absolutely no luck and know other people in the same boat. You know it’d be nice to move away for Uni next year with some money. I’m sure they’d also like me to work every minute I’m not in class just to have enough money to pay rent and bills because being on student benefits while I study full time would be way too entitled of me.
For some, the $7 GP fee is the difference between eating dinner one night or going to the doctor for an illness. And it's not about their finances being "fucked"; many families genuinely face hardship through no fault of their own (e.g. Low or no income because of the lack of jobs at the moment due to low business confidence) What about those people who have to constantly see a doctor for an illness that they can't control? Even if they qualify for a health concession card, they still have to pay up to $70 for visits. Add that to the costs of medication and the fees keep increasing.
So to you I say "Fuck you". It's all well and good to criticise those who criticise a budget that harshly affects them. As long as it doesn't affect you hey?
How the budget will affect me' - a guide from a hard working Liberal supporter
1. It doesn’t
2. I don’t know what everyone is complaining about
3. Everyone who is complaining must be a dole bludger/wastes income unnecessarily
Let’s get over this perpetuation that surplus’ are a MUST for any country to prosper and sustainably grow because it’s not! A government should always aim to facilitate steady growth and raise our standard of living, that DOES NOT directly correlate with a surplus. Yeah, from an economic standpoint, cutting may be good, but Australia isn’t just an economy, it’s a society and we as a society need things like well funded health, and education, like good infrastructure, security and a clean future! - it’s not always about a ‘bottom line’.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Jun 8, 2012
Yeah because a $7 GP fee is really going to break people's bank accounts. woe is me missing out on 2 cups of coffee. If you're really facing "hardship" over a $7 GP fee you have something really fucked with your finances and you should sort your shit out. If your desperately poor and on social benefits, you aren't paying for shit anyway and you get a health concession card. THIS. EFFECTS. NO ONE REALISTICALLY. lolstrayans, bitch and moan about how "tough it is" for families when on a 100k+ income. top. lel.

I'd rather us have a surplus economy and try to pay back our debt instead of passing down the debt onto the next government and not be in a position like the rest of Europe, Japan and USA.
the gp copayment is stupid because that extra 7 bucks gives people less incentive to visit the gp to get their problems sorted

compliance is a massive issue in the health system and we need to promote people seeing their doctor for their health issues rather than not coming cos they don't think it's worth 7 bucks because a lot of the time they come back later with more serious issues that could have been prevented and end up costing the system a lot more time and money, but most importantly, costing them their good health


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
the gp copayment is stupid because that extra 7 bucks gives people less incentive to visit the gp to get their problems sorted
lmao australians are a bunch of fucking retards


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Yeah and what happens to our economy if we continue to run a huge deficit? Do you really want us to end up like the rest of OECD countries shitting themselves and going almost to defaulting on their loans and beg the IMF for money? What do you think happens to countries that goes to the IMF for loans? Say bye bye to every government program in existence.

There are jobs out there. Plenty. It's just the jobs that people are too proud to do or uni kids doing degrees that won't lead to a career pathway and cry about not getting a job.

Australia's still the 2nd BEST PLACE TO BE BORN IN and yet people think Armageddon is going to come because of a budget cut. The cuts AREN'T even that bad yet people make it out to be the end of the world.

You do realize if you guy welfare and have tax cuts instead, you'd have a better run economy. It's all about EXPANDING the resource pie. What would you want? You get $500 and person B get's $500 or you get $600 and Person B gets $800

Yeah I'm sure a $7 GP fee is really going to make people starve. Lol. Just. Stop. I lived in Taiwan where the avg salary is 1k aussie a month, GP fees are around $15 even with universal healthcare. Yet it is one of THE BEST healthcare system in the world.

If you have a serious continuing illness, I highly doubt you just drop by to your GP to get a prescription. You do realize there's something called hospitals that won't charge fees for serious conditions right?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
the gp copayment is stupid because that extra 7 bucks gives people less incentive to visit the gp to get their problems sorted

compliance is a massive issue in the health system and we need to promote people seeing their doctor for their health issues rather than not coming cos they don't think it's worth 7 bucks because a lot of the time they come back later with more serious issues that could have been prevented and end up costing the system a lot more time and money, but most importantly, costing them their good health
If 7 dollars really prevents you from going to your doctor, I'd let natural selection take it's place. GPs are not there to assess major medical emergency. I'm surprised nobody bitches about the 125 dollar ambulance fee if you don't have cover. but omg people will dieeeeeeeee.

You know what I hate about GP's here? Waiting at least 1 hour before seeing a doctor. That's what really deters me from a GP.

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