i'm generally ignorant towards politics as it seems like more of a nationwide drama fest than actual like shit being done but i have a few thoughts:
1. radicals on both sides are bad. from what i know, radical political beliefs are completely intolerant of any other beliefs and often propose really really dumb changes
2. the people at usyd/unsw preaching socialism are the people that benefit the most from capitalism n are privileged asf & are just posers

3. most people are probably not fully to one side or the other unlike the us, where politics is part of your identity — similar to how gender is a spectrum
4. continuing pt 1 & linking to pt 3, i think this is obvious, but social media has served to further normalise radical beliefs and has caused little bubbles of beliefs to pop up
5. there is a decent lack of critical thinking done during politics; most people adopt political beliefs from people they've known growing up
6. oftentimes politics leads to short term positives but long time detriments (due to nature of voting and contemporary issues etc.)
anyways this might/could be a misinformed rant as i'm acutely aware that i have ditched the angry sad politics for #sillyness so gn