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  • thanks...its good to know that someone out there cares...even if i dont know them that well...so yehh means a lot to me...

    i might give it a go...we'll see
    ahaha....i wish i had my L's yet....

    again...dad's fault...

    *sigh* wow my life is absolute shit that's been shat on and thrown into a sewer of shit.... :|...ESPECIALLY right now :S
    mmm...no doubt...but they're things i would feel much more comfortable learning off a boyfriend or at least close guy mate... lol
    hahaha....nahh i just like more dangerous machinery :p

    check out my thread...i posted it in our convo... vvv

    i know ey ? LOL...

    bahaha....well i could say pedos are fine if they know how to teach *sarcasm*
    i never said i was bad at the sewing machine...i just hate it compared to the circular saw :) LOL...

    oh and i'm not that smart :|

    i'll link you to it in a sec :)

    hahaha....well then you're very lucky...i doubt i will get my results back for at least 2-3 weeks...and then i'll be waiting like a month for other subjects....

    bahaha....trying to say i know better ? no....avoiding a pedophile teacher who cant teach for shit ? yes :)
    SOR2 is re...studies of religion :p

    yeah i do go to a catholic school...but i do more than is required too :p

    :O you think i'm going to make a dress?!?! ... nup....you are wrong...very wrong...i am much better with computers and machinery than i am with a sewing machine....trust me on that one...

    i'm gonna make a low self esteem combat kit....more detail on my thread if you want to check it out...

    wow....smart arse :p
    BAHAHA! ... hmmm

    i just finished my half yearlies today....no idea when we're getting our results back...our teachers are pretty slack in marking them quickly....

    yep...story of my life too....that's why i dropped business studies and picked up dtech after the third lesson...i couldnt stand having NOTHING that i liked!
    re = religion...

    and i'm not really doing subjects i enjoy :S only dtech basicly... yeahh that sounds about right....so many of the subjects that i wanted to do at my school either got too full before i could get to them or didnt run at all! :( it sucked

    but yeahh...so many people choosing the sciences and histories...i was just like BLEH! i hate both of them :|

    so what subjects do you do ?
    baha...yeahh well ;)

    LOL...alrightt...i forgive youuu :p ahaha

    Adv English, Gen Maths, Economics, Geography, Design Technology and SOR2....and the only 2 i really enjoy are dtech and re...
    yeahh...its like triply as bad as other girls schools at my school....and yeah we do, but my school's only redeeming aspect is that we can take whoever we want to formal...it doesnt have to be from the boys school....

    BAHA! ...STALKER! :p...but yeah...you kinda learn to deal with shit... :D
    ahh to you....to me its hell...and all the bitchiness does not help....

    how did you "pick me" for an all girls girl ?
    bahahhaa....this is true...

    i still dont know what "SMASH" is supposed to imply but eh...if they wanna tell me they will :|

    i'm from sydney too...but i'm kinda towards parra...
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