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  • hey there
    what books would you recommend; i like the Beats' and a cult classic here and there, in addition to Eugenides. i'm looking to expand my literary horizons, ha
    well i already liked them...nah just local bands like abandon all hope and alice through the windshield glass
    yep, that song is amazing.
    give collision of fate, futile tears, and mocking modesty another listen, them, along with sting of remorse, are my favourite tracks on the album.
    coolies :)
    i really like most of the songs, wounded angels isnt that good imo, and among wolves isnt as good as the rest, neither is failure of all human emotions.
    first song is awesome and heavy and very headbangworthy, ahah.
    second song is extremely awesome musically.
    futile tears and mocking modesty and the instrumental are my favourites in the album.

    i love their music, and the acoustic bits, how they sometimes have acoustic playing in the background.
    and vocals is a bit odd i have to say, they should release this album without vocals, it'll be so awesome lol.
    Hey, thanks heaps for the advice :) i'm just really jealous haha. well im starting as a drama major this year and i read in the textbook that theres a production on just for first year students so i'll audition ! first thing i'll ever have to audition for haha :)
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