Recent content by blfmyd

  1. B

    Subjects clash Help!!

    Hi I was just enrolled in my subjects for first year, when I sorted my timetable I did not have that much space to choose activities (periods) so that there was an unsolvable clash between two activities. How can I resolve this? Btw my course is B of Forensic biology in biomedical science...
  2. B

    Need Help !!!!

    I successfully accepted an offer form UTS but I found a mistake about my name I made when I applied uac. My name is AB C form (AB is supposed to be my whole given name and C is my family name). But I just found that I put A into first given name spot and B into other given name spot so that...
  3. B

    Start being stressed after trial

    I've just finished my trial exam and already got almost all the marks back, it was much harder than any test I've done in my school and I kind of underestimate it. So it was bad relative to my previous assessment in every subject. I'm just being worried about my ATAR and still very confused...