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  • hah nooo mine do!
    my english teacher was awesome last year :D she writes books!!
    ummm it was crap & boring & took too much time haha. & i didnt think it would count to my UAI cos i was doing 12 units so yeah...it seemed a little pointless
    aww thankyou :D hehe!

    haha! didn't u set ur alarm?

    but why jog that early on a school day?! ur gonna feel horrible during the day

    why are you doing this??? =S

    more discussion? sure! do ur talking =)

    yesssss spiders are creepy things! i don't know what u find so appealing about them!

    well i hope u find something nice very soon!!
    haha yeah well they are the ones that see me stress!!
    yes HOLIDAYS!!!! =)
    20%. thats the same as my biology one. & 2 of my half yearlys were were 20% lol. its pretty big yeah!
    ummm my teachers didnt change except english cos my teacher left :( but no they generally stay the same!!
    haha i know! YAYYYYY NO EXTENSION!!! its so hard to express how happy i am hahaha!
    make that 5am for tomorrow and 4:30 for Monday.. 9:12 pm bedtime very, very soon! :) :shy: :spin:
    oopps! i was referring to the subject that u received 100% in which was physics and english! must have misread which subject u were talking about in ur posts. WOW!!! 100%%%%%!!! NO WAY!! TOTAL BRILLIANCE! :DD can't get ANY better than that for sure!!! WELL DONE!!

    as for maths 4th isn't bad at all! but don't worry u have plenty of time to improve.

    yes yes, very happy with my assessment marks :)
    haha yes well id never heard of it before my bio teacher mentioned it at parent teacher interviews. then my cafs teacher mentioned it so yeahhh there you go haha.
    umm yes excited about the holidays!! have a bio assignment to do. its pretty big too so yeah :( oh wells...
    yess i have some very dedicated teachers!! which have come at the perfect time :D
    ahhh yep 1 day. 2u maths isnt too hard so yay!!! still jumping for joy i dropped extension :D
    burning out haha. i got given some advice from 2 of my teachers on the exact same day about burning out. it was the first day i ever heard the term. i was talking to our school counsellor & she said everyone has an optimum level. once you reach that level studying becomes ineffective so you have to be careful not to do too much otherwise you may as well have done nothing.

    my teachers? they are all very good!! my biology & cafs teachers are by far the best! would do anything to see their students succeed! give up ALOT of their own time - lunch, after school etc.... & are very good teachers as well!
    oohhhhh congrats dux on ur excellent maths results!! =D

    hope ur very happy with them :)

    nice way to start year 11 maths!!
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