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  • yeh good luck man. Hope it all works out. Try your best to get into medicine. Don't do law man. I do it at macquarie uni with applied finance and in all honesty, it is fucking shit and wayyy too competitive. Hard to get good marks and for jobs, its like 100+ people applying for like only 1 job. So its way to intense. Medicine is on a league of its own though. I would of loved if I could go back in time and study my ass off and get into medicine.
    C'mon, I challenge you to Dota. You know what, I'm gonna join the DOTAFUCKEDMYLIFE Army and challenge everyone there :D
    (Maybe I should reinstall warcraft first lolol)
    Some guy that went to Fort Street, I knew him online on previous forums. I thought it was you since, the person Victor used Fortify and Aplus and his Forum names.
    awesome man. Haven't heard of the school though. What you planning on doing once you finish School hopefully. What do you want to do at uni?
    Really Good luck man hope you ace them. Yeh Uni exams went well I think. What school do you go to and what subjects you doing?
    hehe, yea I know ^_^. The signature makes no real sense in the first place... just the dx makes it more realistic.
    haha yeh man banned again for no reason. Going to try and not get banned this time? Whats been happening man? Hows year 12 going? Studying hard? Need help?
    sorry for the lagged reply :(

    much much better, no more sick!
    yourself? any recovery happened thus far?
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