at least you get our shoddy attempts at creating past papers and model essays. god its shit. yeahh im only worried about CAFS, everything else i can just wing it. ill probably start studying soon :S if im bothered.
LOL! me study...HAR HAR HAR! your joking right. I'm non-UAI (or should i say non-ATAR ) so i could come out with a FAIL for everything and still get my HSC...
your so lucky that the Board Of Studies (Department Of Education, whatevs) isn't treating you guys like lab rats. its horrible. they should give us all an ATAR or 99.95 because they're screwing us around so much.
lol. thanks. I'm so glad its the weekend. I seriously can't wait till school is over. 15 weeks wont go by fast enough as sad as that sounds. OMFG I ONLY HAVE LIKE 7 WEEKS TILL MY FIRST HSC EXAM! Holy CRAP!
im rockin' it out in engineering.
if you are doing general maths i advise against it.
but it doesnt hurt to do a science k?
be a good girl and keep your science subjects.
sorri didnt reply and wasnt on msn cause i was trying to work hard will talk sometime on w/e if i have time - have work to do on sat and am skiing on sun