Gold to book my flight, got my friends holiday house, her rellos are doing a shop a day before we come and we don't have to buy food schweet! just got to buy, alcohol
$2 for one or 3 for $5, money is going towards the childrens hospital, for the wii raffle i sold 51 tickets in a four hour shift, and in last nights shift i sold 26 in four hours
I'm guessing by your completion of your HSC, your either 18 or 19. Experience is always a good thing and well try out at local shops, like corner shops milk bars, newsagencys, igas. They are a good starting ground same as mcdonalds.
so try everywhere thats willing to give you a chance :)
Ugh I don't wanna go to work!
just went up there to get ice-cream, my boss believes Its possible I can just work from 1pm on tuesdays, um no reasons:
1. I have study
2. I don't have my licence just yet
3. I have better things to do!
ugh work tomorrow!
17:00-21:00 yuck!!
anyway our groceries 2IC is married to woolworths haha :p
he had the weekend off and today he worked 05:00-20:30 CRAZY BOY!
one customer said they could imagine me in management. HELL TO THE NO I'm leaving woolworths behind me as soon as i get a full time job
Nearly finished yewwww! :jump:
I hope to have it finished by next friday! as my trials start the following monday, my topic is "R-E-S-P-E-C-T: an insightful look into the changing attitudes of generation Y and baby boomer" worst topic! wish I COULD do something more interesting, that wasn't so...
yes I noticed that, I laughed at the fail component of that, I was watching it my groceries 2IC, it was replaying in the lunchroom and where like, haha fucking idiot the register is secured..ooh we laughed about that for a while last week