Edison "westinghoused" an elephant. The 1906? Nobel prize for physics was to be shared between Edison and Tesla (who westinghouse employed and took most of the credit) but Tesla refused to share it with Edison a mere inventor and if I may say so a thief of intellectual property.
Most teachers will help you out if you show the commitment. If you have personal issues or their style is not to your liking then a tutor can be really helpful. Necessary no:helpful yes.
Since you where not their to hear the teachers comments, how can be sure that he ridiculed you? Just because classmates said that he did does not mean this actually happened.
Your protocol should be
1. talk to the teachers involved. (remember that he/she has invested a lot of time and energy...
Since you are most likely to get an ATAR above 90 and want to do civil then why not consider the RTA cadetship through wollongong, they pay you about 20k a year to do the cadetship, my roommate did this and in 4th year worked for a private construction company at $35hr. Most unis require that...